In a libertarian society, with no zoning...

In a libertarian society, with no zoning, how would the free market prevent people from building homes and businesses in flood zones?

Oh wait, it wouldn't be able too

>build in flood zone
>nothing of value lost

Just don't live in a fucking flood zone

High rewards (buying land for little) convey high risks.

Water Moccasins live in flood zones
Don't tread on Snek

Most of Houston is a flood zone

How did zoning make anything different

Half my hometown is a flood zone, but gerries built dykes so we stand a chance

Let me tell you how you don't prevent people from building homes in flood zones:

Socializing the costs when the flood comes.

So don't build a city there. Fucking retarded Gulf-dwellers.

Doing absolutely nothing is better what the government currently does which is encourage people to build in flood zones by subsidizing flood and hurricane insurance with your tax dollars

Or you just build your city on stilts and don't have it as skyscrapers.

how's that my problem as long as the sellers don't lie about the risks

> I'm free to build whenever I want
> Let's build in a flood zone

Ya, no.

Rational people can always choose to buy free market flood insurance when the risk of not doing so exceeds the costs of doing so.

So what we have is a situation where the free market rewards rational K-selected actors while punishing the irrational r-selected plebs. Pure social eugenics.

Invisible hand wins again.

indeed; it would let retarded niggers with no forethought drown, as the free market intended to.

glad to see that the cucked statist nightmare we do live in did get it right this time though. even bureocrats cant be wrong 100% of the time.

Then don't live there?

>How did zoning make anything different
People and developers demanded to be allowed to build in those areas.
Some cities enforce the zoning. Most cave to pressure.

>Let me tell you how you don't prevent people from building homes in flood zones:
Or you make a social investment in infrastructure and build a system to handle the flooding. Pic related it's how Tokyo avoids flooding.

>Rational people can always choose to buy free market flood insurance when the risk of not doing so exceeds the costs of doing so.
You can't buy flood insurance that's not mandated or backed by the government. The risk and cost of flooding makes flood insurance unprofitable. They won't sell it to people that live in areas that have a chance of flooding unless mandated by law.

>tfw you live in NC peidmont
>Ash from Yellowstone gets stuck in the mountains to the west
>Floodwaters from the east can't get this high

It's really is that simple.

What are the insurance premiums like in flood-prone areas?

>how would the free market prevent people from building homes and businesses in flood zones?
Do you want your house to be flooded? No? DON'T BUILD IN A FLOODZONE MORON!

Then be ready for a flood.

>build entire city in flood zone
>it floods
>ask federal government for gibs
>the population moves somewhere

Problem solved.

Hello ComfortEagle

>Most cave to pressure.
So it's inefficient. Tough. Cause and effect.

>You can't buy flood insurance that's not mandated or backed by the government. The risk and cost of flooding makes flood insurance unprofitable. They won't sell it to people that live in areas that have a chance of flooding unless mandated by law.
So? I don't see a problem.

Right, because libertarianism and Anarcho-Capitalism is the end all and be all, theres no flaws in those ideologies.

Why would a libertarian society prevent this?
It's called flood insurance.
Now there is a problem when the government intervenes to distort the insurance market that is a separate problem and a typical one of government distortion.

Also what about
>muh tornado zones
>muh volcanoes
>muh fault lines
>muh monsoons
>muh blizzards
>muh hurricanes/typhoons
>muh tsunamis
>muh permafrost
>muh heat stroke
>muh frostbite

Most of the world's population deals with one or more of these issues