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Hitler did nothing wrong

The who is he?

Is he saying Hitler was right all along? Pretty bold for a Jew.

he literally was

maybe fascists wouldn't gain power if you leftists retards didn't chimp out all the time

its literally true tho

the only reason the nazi party rose was because of red terror


This. You're more likely to drown if you fight against the waves.

that's because the passively violent alt centrist either ignored a literal communist revolution or encouraged it.

Can't find the tweet. Where is it

First step on the path to redpilling lmao

Yes and the reason why he could make that argument, was because the violent thugs, named Antifaschistische Aktion were beating people in the streets.

And people just wanted law and order, hence the brown shirts.

So keep it up, retards.


Ah yes, the German revolution.

The world's least discussed significant political event.

That's exactly what he did. I even learned that in school. I doubt it's taught nowadays though because commies dindu nuffin and if the teacher teaches otherwise, he will probably get a visit by the local peaceful Antifa to have a peaceful talk with him.

citation needed
know Hilter spoke out about Bolshevism

also ignorant quotes around violent leftists


You are aware that this revolution failed with many of the people in charge of it being executed - and that the Nazis did not get into power until over a decade after this right?

What revolution?

Never heard of it.

He's right. If we don't abolish freedom of speech and violently attack all opposition to communist ideology, Hitler will rise from the dead and bring about the Holocaust again. If 500 kids shouting "nigger" in a park isn't proof of this I don't know what is.

Damn I guess Hitler was right after all.

15+ years is a long time. That would be like America blaming the current political divide on 9-11.

The left dragged the pendulum waaaay over, momentum will guarantee a right resurgence.

People tend not to forget about armed insurrections overnight.

> debating 'murcans on national socialism
It's pointless, go do something productive.

I'm sorry, was Communism not violent leftism?

he literally was.

(((Sherman))) isn't wrong.
Hitler's legal rise to power (gaining seats in the Reichstag) was for the most part because average Germans were afraid of Communism spreading to their country. The more damage the Commies did in Germany, the more power the NSDAP gained.

Liberals, Commies, etc, will eventually bring the hammer on themselves.

Und ihr habt doch gesiegt

9/11 was done by the same people fighting for power

Except a lot of the current divide does have its roots in the early 00's and that event still has influence today, so your argument is moot.

You guys should read more of his speeches and books and spend less time reading tweets.

>you realize things don't matter because they are in the past, right?

typical commie bullshit.

It's about accurately relaying the political climate of Weimer Germany. You think after the 1918 revolution was put down communist sentiment just disappeared out of Germany? Do you think that communist sentiment disappeared out of the Jewish community? Do you think this might have played a major role in the later persecution of Jews?

He's forgeting the part where the violent leftists were destroying Germany...

How does that change the fact leftists are violent?

Seems to be a real strawman argument.
>muh Hitler

Hitler also drank water and breathed air holy shit this comparing everything to Hitler needs to stop, it is a mark of low intelligence and no arguments.

The Rotfrontkämpferbund Vs Sturmabteilung propelled those that would go into the creation of the Nazi party and do it on invite. There's a reason why the Nazi's were sticking the Rotfrontkämpferbund straight into the concentration camps before Jewish people.

People were right about how awful the Rotfrontkämpferbund were as they would later prove with their parts played in East Germany and Spain. What people failed to recognize was the "Enemy of my enemy is my friend." Just wasn't true.

maybe it would be in your best interest to NOT provoke the Nazis, then

he killed off commies, as they were a threat from his Est (Read: Bolshevism). The fact that a few Jews "MIGHT" have been caught up in the widely cast net; is irrelevant. Lots of commies died; and the Zionist (AshkeNAZI) end of the Jew spectrum wanted it that way. Israel was established to give Lefty Jews and their ilk a place to fuck off to; and they chose death. FUCK 'EM!

Get back to me when neo-nazis start the second holocaust and then I'll think your violence against them is justified. Until then STFU.

i'm curious about what (((they))) accused the 1930's Nazis of being. What I mean is: in 2017, calling anyone a Nazi is supposed to win/end the argument, it's the ultimate insult. But the Nazis of 1930 hadn't actually DONE anything yet, so why were they so hated? Were 1930's Nazis accused of being Crusaders?

Has anyone noticed how you never hear about this on TV or in news bits?

Could it possibly be because a group that was pretty much exclusively and overtly Jewish tried to violently overthrow a European power to bring in communism?

Funded, safehoused and then tactically deployed by Jews when Russia was weakest from WWI

i remember watching History Channel documentaries about WW2, and they *NEVER* explained the events prior to WW2, as if one day millions of Germans just suddenly became blood-thirsty anti-semites overnight, for no reason at all.

Good, now are you feeling sleepy?
It's late user, go to bed.

>You are aware that this revolution failed with many of the people in charge of it being executed - and that the Nazis did not get into power until over a decade after this right?
And? They succeeded in Russia, killed millions and then planned on spreading it globally from there. The communist threat was very real.

>past events dont affect things decades later
Is that why the left still spergs about Hitler?

No, they were praised for bringing socialism to Germany. The so called jewish media celebrated the guy back then.

>hurr Hitler is bad
>duurr he came to power because he was reacting to violent leftists
>doooor uhhh huuuurr that means we should be okay with violent leftists in the modern day against a far right is a good thing ahhhh hurrrr *head rocks back and forward*
It's stupidity distilled into its purest form. How do these things have the ability to anything?

And all of americas slave owners have been dead for 100 years, so why is slavery still a big deal in america?

>Hitler rose because of the violent left
>the left keeps on being violent anyway
really gets my noggin a joggin

>Hitler took power because of a brief, failed revolution 20 years earlier

>if you stand up to violent leftists you are literally hitler

it being brief doesnt make it any less influential when it makes people aware of the very real threat that was communism

Reactionaries by definition REACT.
I mean it's right there in the fucking name, why are we pretending no one knows this?

>the nazis had a militarised protection squad just to hassle Jewish children and pretend leftists were violent!

they literally believe this.


So when will leftists take responsibility for creating Hitler and everything that happened to the Jews? Do they want this to happen again?


there were over two million people involved.

>implying this event didn't fuel Hitler's entry into politics in 1919
>implying leftist ideology coupled with the disgusting debasement of german culture under the Weimar republic didn't force the volk to act
>implying you aren't jewish

>and they Nazis never figuered out the were just following (((their))) plan all along.

They never can think ahead or understand cause and effect.


someone post the trump tweet about how his twitter is so powerful he has made his enemies say the truth

(((Gabriel Sherman)))
I thought Jews could process irony? How is it not ironic that the very group that gave rise to Hitler is going to keep driving the USA to the right?

They have this narrative but it's not working, but instead of retiring to retool they just keep doubling down.


Over 150 years actually.

really makes you think

...maybe because the communists literally set fire to the reichstag and were killing people in the streets?

Yeah that's THE POINT THEY SHOULD GET instead they fucking don't because they pretend they aren't violent at all and someone was just making that up as an excuse to be violent.. literally the exact same thing they do.

That's how it seems always. If you ask leftists the same question, posed the same way, they can't give a good explanation either other than that Hitler/Nazi's somehow magically brainwashed everyone at once.

Now the CNN narrative is they are standing up to violent white supremacists.
Same thing.
Only this time instead of a one man leader, they have a network of liberal elite establishment.

The Nazi party was equivalent to what Sweden is today... The only difference is that the swedes learned from the Nazis and dont want to segregate and control Jewish populations.

Even the "right" in Europe is the left in the US. The 25 points of Nazism clearly state that bernie is advocating for everything the Nazis did minus the bit about the jews.

Bernie is such a Nazi, he wants a living wage, national healthcare and free college.... Not to even mention state run utilities and factories. Im sure Bernies first act as persident would have been to take control of dodge and start putting out americas version of the nazi mobile otherwise known as voltswagen...

So he admits that Hitler was the fault of leftist

And if I were to put myself in the shoes of someone who wants as much destruction in the modern world as possible, I'd pretend to be the good guy, beat up another bad guy so everyone loves me, use their trust to increase my power and influence and then stab them in the back as soon as they're not needed anymore.

They can make as many Hitler references as they want, everyone knows about Hitler and nobody would fall for another Nationalist Socialist ideology.
The kinda thing I described though? Nobody even bats an eye.

He has a point, Antifa does seem like they want history to repeat

yes kill all the socialists. we dont need them anymore, their ideas obviously lead to millions of dead.

Who's Hitler?

>comparing World War 1 to 9-11

The rootless international clique that conducts it's business one day in Vienna, the next in Paris and the next in Berlin.

When I saw his jewish face and the blue checkmark his opinion could only be instantly discarded.


hard to win a war against a countries own people unless you nuke them. For some reason The UK and the EU put all these rules into place saying we should do thing that need to be done to win wars.

It is almost like they dont know how to win them.

hitler had a street army of 2 million men. The army only numbered 100,000.

antifa fucked up big time attacking that free speech rally in Berkeley.

Media reporting the rally was completely peaceful until they showed up, essentially excoriating them. Hitting at the cops for letting them just walk through with weapons after disarming the crowd.

Funny that's the only time they feel good about engaging.

Or the fact people were fucking dead bodies and dead animals or children in the Weimar Republic in Berlin

Maybe if the Sparticists hadn't set up machine gun nests in public streets and the KPD hadn't literally organized a paramilitary force to attack suspected fascists, Hitler wouldn't have been able to use it as a persuasive argument.

Hitler was right

>Leftists so violent and vile people would run to the arms of a dictator to get rid of them
>Somehow this guy thinks that's a good thing about leftists.

antifa ignores history, otherwise they wouldn't be socialists...