we consider our cause/causes noble, whether it's electing Trump or looking out for our own race. But Sup Forums is the bad guy of the internet for some reason
Are we the villains?
what is this thread about. we ARE kingz
my question is are we the bad guys? Most people seem to think so
And of course, as we know, the opinion of the majority of the mass is the best gauge of right and wrong.
>Are we the villains?
Only if we lose.
I suppose so. But being an outcast isn't fun, even if you're right
It's really not. It's just that the prevailing wisdom is entirely wrong. Look up lysenkoism.
No, I don't think we're the villains, but I can see why people that grew up with movies and television certainly think we are.
HOWEVER, yes, we're not perfect. There are people on our side that are total trash as well. Some might even consider me total trash.
It's complicated, but I think a better hope lies on our side which is why I'm here. The satanic baby-killing Jews are defo evil. For those that don't believe in it... it's true. For those that know it's true, but are forgetting, remember.
when they hate us we are on the right way
That's why we have to redpill more people, so we can come out of the shadows. Drop redpills in facebook and on youtube comments sections.
In all seriousness though, no, we are not the bad guys.
We're not murders and rapists and thieves.
We're not bad guys that legit scare people and need to be removed.
No. We're The Heels.
We're the antogonists. We're the shit disturbers.
A principle in storytelling, do you know what makes an antagonist great? When they're perfectly made to counter act the weakness and flaws of the bprotagonist. Think Jokers choas to Batmans order.
The heel is the one you love to hate. He's the one that ultimately makes the whole show worth it.
And in todays society, the heel is cool.
When good=sheep, when good=status quo, then yes, you're bad, as Washington was the baddie for her majesty's subjects.
I really do believe we are on the brink of something huge. It will definitely be an uphill battle though
sorry this was the answer to this post
>other side are these guys
>good guy vs. bad guy narratives
I'd rather be the bad guy standing up for the values that have made the West the best place to live in human history than a "good guy" trying to tear it all down.
We're fucking past good and evil now cunt.
This is survival and our peoples right to exist.
You best believe the cunts that orchestrated this fun little psyop and all the central banks are going down hard for this.
Of course we are the bad guys they want our land, food, money, power and genetics and we are trying to rise up and say no...
All sides see themselves as the holy warrior.
I shitpost anonymously on a message board. yeah, I'm real awful.
>"looking out for our race"
>actually supporting the most Jewish president to ever take the White House
Can anyone but r/t_d fags really be this stupid?
Maybe stop caring what others think so much. Your self worth should not be based off of other people validating your existence in constant affirmation that you hold the correct views. Get a grip, and figure out what you stand for.
I'm not quite sure what we are, OP. We're just the boogeyman. The big bad scary internet people that no one understands. We're not underdogs though. Underdogs are the ones who have a fairly large following. We're just a fringe group that's much smaller than we appear. And as depressing as it sounds, we'll probably be forgotten by history.
Nothing is only black or white. When you gonna learn it Sup Forums, for the fuck sake?
Romans were the bad guys. Nazis were the bad guys. The USA is the bad guy. Sup Forums is the bad guys. White people are always the bad guys.
Because in real life, the real Villains win. The Jews will be stomped out beneath our boots.
OP is clearly faggot.
>most jewish president
>forgetting about FDR, LBJ, or even George W. Bush
In an evil society the villain is the good guy.
Waltz is so handsome, no homo..
>Sup Forums is the bad guy of the internet for some reason
Welcome to 2006, faggot.