Other urls found in this thread:

Almost as bad as Old Mexico

Sup Forums is becoming shit, you faggots are slipping thanks to all the shills.

Old news, it's already over, the shooter is in custody.

My home town is on 4 chan woot woot.

Surely not the religion of "peace."


My bad, faggot

Why do you think we left for 8pol


Dark skinned Caucasian

A fucking white male!

This sadly is the faster place and sometimes hit things that infinity never touches upon.

Sounds like another crazy white boy to me.

dude looks like that mixed white/asian guy that couldn't get any girls

That's the problem with Mexican, you eat some and an hour later six people are dead

WRONG, dude looks asian of some kind, based on build and jawline. Could be fillipino due to the military base and large flip community

ding ding ding.

looks like a native american or mexican

He's fucking Asian you twats. Look at the hair color and cheek bones.

Ayy, I can shit this now
ARRESTED put SAGE in option to let thread die

I'm thinking Native American

Just a regular day in Burgerland.

Don't talk shit about our Gentleman Supreme w/ Fries & Milkshake.

Cherokee or Comanche. Screencap this.

>shooting in a library
I hope he used a suppressor

>2nd Amendment at it's finest

lol 'Murica

This. For a bunch of racist fucks you guys sure don't know much about minorities.

looks like a filthy navajo




I lold at this

Is she human?!?!?!?!?!!!!!



>I can't even read

100% asian? could be another elliot rodger

Not mexican. Does not look spic.
T. Am spic.

We still need to Doxxxxxx the shooter though.

But I *DID* say he was asian you cucks.


Looks asian or possibly navajo tbqh

is this really the guy?

>wasn't white

Well I'm sure this will get tons of coverage.

you need to delet this.

Fucking dog eaters always ashamed of their slantness.

it's going to be a native amerinigger for sure


native amerinigger


Another case of Tiny asian penis Syndrome(TapS) leading to Tiny asian penis Rage (TapR)

What's that?

earlier I did a search for the library shooting. Why 12 hours?

>6 kills
>virgin standard uniform
The spirit of the supreme gentlemen lives on

>implying Asians exist in fucking NM
He's a native or a spic

I guess Sup Forums was right about hapas being homocidal

Fucking this. Sup Forums is nothing but a bunch of low IQ mongrels now though, what do you expect?

literally has virgin posture


I'm dying, but I'm unconvinced that jawline is a hapa.

I think it's more navajo.

inb4 sam hyde jokes

It's an active shooter drill and nothing more. They do thousands of these things every year.

she has nice looking feet, would to have those cute pale toes wrapped around my big black dick

All this dog eaters in damage control. Look at his haircut and his face, the glasses are just the cherry on top.

I didn't see "new" in OP subject and was legitimately wondering why this needed a thread

>be american
>get shot

She's got asian hair and I have light green/brown eyes coz dad has blue eyes. I think there is a filter or photoshop enhancing the green in her eyes.
I'm Hapa.

Part and parcel.

It took me a second to figure out this woman wasn't floating

Oh fuck not again, Rodgers 2.0. It's not shit enough being a half asian half white guy. Not my fault my dad liked white pussy. Shit.

probably a spic shooter, so if only there was a beheading then it would be Mexico Mexico


Will they tie him to alt right and try to say he is a white nationalist?

5 bucks msm will say it's a copy cat of charsville

Let me guess: this guy was on anti-depressants.


no he is from the UK

Hard to tell man, Asians have a flat face and sharp jawline, Hapas are in between, can't really tell without facial features. I'm going with 100% Asian for $1000.

I hate how we don't even keep the score anymore.

We just talk about his race.

SAVE THIS, also there are others.

If he's mixed, yes. If full on asian idk that could be tricky.
Thats a possibility. I just don't get it, this shit is hurting our already shit rep.

>not asian

I hope he brought his silencer

Could it be "Eurasian Writer"/"Eurasian Tiger"

I made fun of his penis so much he started a blog that he would kill him self in two weeks. He talked about half asian porn stars so much his blog got millions of search hits and views and he built an empire of shame

Descended from Siberians so still shamefully tiny asian penis

Why a library though? Our country is getting too crazy

The librarian told him to "sshhh" one to many times


Urban, turban, or racist suburban?

he got suspended for fighting, maybe he went after the nogs that got off Scott free from their tussle?

Suspended from school? He just said fuck it right after that?

well i know who we can rule out

He thought lonely nerdy girls who hang out there were desperate enough to accept his tiny asian penis. Or he was mad the homeless who hangout there got more pussy then him

I can't stop looking at that picture. That is either the worst photoshop ever or the best timed photo ever. WTF What is wrong with it?! He shot a blow up doll?

not all hapas are supreme gentlemen
the female hapas fate is to be sextoys (not for supreme gentlemen, though)

>The newspaper reported that air ambulances had been dispatched and at least one victim was taken to Clovis Municipal Airport for transport to Lubbock, Texas.

why would they do this?


that face reminds me of De Niros mulatto retarded child


>that woman in the middle
Looks fake to me

God damn immigrants! Go back across the Bearing Straight! Clovis Genocide is Real! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

this, whites were here first

>Why do you think we left for 8pol

Why didn't you stay gone?
You weren't missed.

>fish mouth bitch

Nothing of value lost.

Is that the suspect in on right pic?

Why are the asshole cops so slow to announce the identity of shooters in these situations