This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, Objectivism, Anti-Communism, Right-Wing Populism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.

>Recommended Reading list
>Discord & Book Club: /Tucrr4X

>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard)
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe)

>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads


Would be better without "how 'bout you."

Also, no period at the end.

Could we just buy waifus?



fuck commies and nazis


Made some OC last night, plz rate

i mean, it's cute and all, but if someone can't figure this out on their own, it's clear they're beyond hope.

this image would be 100% better if it was just

>hippity hoppity
>get the fuck off my property

but of course libertarians are retards

why are egoists so retarded


Where my Hoppean niggas?

Fuck democracy, am I right

This thread has been really cancerous so far.

can we get some /lrg/ meme dumping going on. My brother is a fucking commie


>will shoot a man for climbing his fence, walls are racist

I encounter this problem the other day while on a Molymeme video and I recognise that freedom is the ultimate value that needs to uphold first.

How will the criminal justice system work with the processing of criminals? Will there be the existence of courts if any? Can anyone explain the privatized police force?



Filthy National !Socialist! checking in.


meant to

Fucking kek

Do AnCaps have a plan on how to get to their utopia? All I ever hear is arguments of how things would work in such a society.

F-fuck you, anarcho-capitalism w-works!

The only way is a VERY violent covenant.

The state has so much violence inherent in its capacity to enslave the peasants, we'd have to pool together in a way that includes every member willing to shoot, nuke and torture over the slightest transgression of the NAP.

This in order to threaten aggressors into backing off.

Once a social order has been established, the violence can cool off a bit and DRO's could form to create more economical and ethical solutions to aggressors. Still though... A state actor aggressing on the covenant members is to be responded with extreme violence.

Can a limited government constitutionalist who secretly desires an open, unregulated McNuclear arms market post in your thread?

sometimes I think you are right. It pisses me off that my kids were born into enslavement.

Unfortunately people only respect the threat of force. It is the only way we can be left alone.

Wouldn't striving for an ever shrinking government be a better way of eventually possibly achieving AnCap society?

>born into enslavement
i actually believe the libertarian philosophy, but have to keep it under wraps because of ignorant cunts like you.

Do people expect private military firms to really have the discipline and cohesiveness to repel an invasion from an enemy force? Will these private military firms only bother protecting private property of those who paid them before this invasion? If so, how would that be possible if the enemy force uses a carpet bombing-like strategy? If not, what incentive would I have to pay the private military firms to begin with?

Youre all just a bunch of monarchists that want to hit the reset button

Why are there so many statists floating around the board nowadays? Are people looking to socialism/national socialism because they are dissatisfied with republican governments?

because you havent been here long enough to know what this is actually about

LOLbertarian delusion.

You don't understand what the state inherently is. You don't understand what self-defense truly means and you don't understand the political folly of democracy.

Here you go:
USA & whole planet besides North Korea and China for 90 years. Now can you finally start producing positive results or will you continue to suck on Zion Jesus penis and create debt?

Dumb centrist normies try to get political because of the stronger right-left diivide as of late.

Is that Lauren Southern?

>Do people expect private military firms to really have the discipline and cohesiveness to repel an invasion from an enemy force?
Potentially, mercenaries in medieval Italy were a match for any conventional armies of the time. However more to the point war between major western countries is looking increasingly obsolete as illustrated by the fact that no major western nations have engaged in open warfare since 1945. Beyond that the best defence is convincing the invader that an invasion would cost more than it could ever be worth, and the best way to do that is to have such an armed society that an invasion would be like Vietnam and Afghanistan on steroids.

If every adult male owned a stinger, a LAW, and an FAL that would still be well over 50 million armed men. Let these armed men form into their own independent militias.

The sexiest ;)

hell yeah

You don't seem to understand how to bring about your goals in in a realistic way. It sounds like you do not have a plan that doesn't violate your own principles.

Curious as to what Sup Forums things about the fact that Hitler, Bernie Sanders and Trump have all been classified as Populists. What are some Populist ideas that could pull left leaning normies towards a more right leaning point of view? I have a few ideas of my own but I would enjoy having some diverse ideas on this subject. Seems to me like Populism is a thread that could create a more unified political system in the future and its already happening in parts of Europe. Im a right winger of course but I think a lot of leftist populists share similar points of view and could easily be swayed towards the right. With the left becoming more radicalized it makes sense to push as many normies away from that as quickly as possible. Your thoughts?

damn, she looks so much better with black hair.


I've noticed a sort of cultural problem in the libertarian right. We glorify strength and agression while advocatiny a weak to non-existent state and a society based on the NAP. So now there's a bunch of ancaps who think Nazis are cool...

>So now there's a bunch of ancaps who think Nazis are cool...
confused posers

It can probably pull them to a more right leaning POV (after all there has been documented overlap between bernie and trump supporters) , but it doesn't look like this current form of populism will bring them to right libertarianism.

Both left and right populists know that there is a small group of people controlling everything. Make it more a race thing than a class thing. Also, don't forget that communism and socialism kill jobs, while capitalism let's them prosper.


How did you get a picture of me!
