European =/= White

After spending months of autistically examining and comparing hundreds of pictures of peoples from every single European country I've come to the conclusion that all of Southern Europe isn't white.

Many Spaniards, Greeks and Italians have near-eastern facial features and hair color besides skin tone. Excluding the obvious eye coloration Southern Europeans are wholly near-eastern in appearance for the most part.

I've made a demarcation line of white european and brown Europe, brown referring to the region and country where most of the people don't look stereotypical white or European.

Friendly reminder, being white doesn't mean you're european and vice versa, the white race in my view originated from Central Asia and Europe has always been brown and middle-eastern since people began migrating there from Anatollia.

It was only till the steppe people of Central Asia that migrated during the Bronze Age did Europe, more specifically Northern Europe became white.

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This is irrelevant but should be known.

This is the Hajnal Line.

Everything West of the Hajnal line and not in those exterior pockets are what I would call the West or true Western people. And West = White

Conclusion: white people haven't contributed as much to civilizations.
Roman Empire = Italian people
Greeks = beginning of western culture

You've included a lot of brown people in line is better and more accurate with thousands of hours spent on examing every single European ethnicity.

Irrelevant subject.

If the Irish weren't White then why were they allowed into the US en masse when they had White immigration policies?

Romanians are White, they didn't evolve on the Western side of the Hajnal line. Learn to HBD and breeding patterns ffs



Areas with high human achievement

All West of the Hajnal line.