Reparations for slavery

Its time for white people to pay up.

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I plan to leave my house to black family when I not joking .
We need to pay reparations

What do black people feel about white people who aren't anglo and basically off white. Free pass? Wuz we kangz too?


every white person needs an IRA

Individual Reparations Account

But they were sold by black kangdomz to whitey... They wuz kangz, and the kangz sold defeated warriors at high profit margins to Europeans. Blame your own kind, fags. It's not like black people were hunted and slaved by white people, they were hunted by black KANGZ.

Im a potatonigger and I want a free house and potatoes for life.

What about, giving some money and sending niggers back to Africa? Would it be ok for reparations?


Reperations is a meme. It can never happen. The reason is people can't be held responsible for crimes committed by people they aren't related to long before they were born. Even if they could, who pays who? Every black person gets money? Even a black who moved here from Jamaica in 1980? Does a white wife have to pay her black husband? How much money does a half black kid get? How can you prove your ancestors were slaves? How can a white person prove he is 1/12 black and become a recipient instead of one who has to pay? Nothing about it makes sense and whoever discusses it seriously is a mental midget looking for gibs. Be happy you aren't in Africa. Decendants of slaves are the luckiest negreos alive.

my stolen lawn mower is reperations.
The fact that I can't go anywhere in my 60% nigger town without niggers unnecessarily impeding some aspect of life is reparations enough. Just glad I live in a red state where I'm afforded the necessary tools to defend my life and property if need be.

what, we can't pay it in fried chicken?

We have literally given the blacks enough through gibs and aid...and y'all still can't do a damn thing.

This shit ain't going to help you

>Following independence, many of the major slave holders became prominent political leaders in both the multiparty democracy period and the military dictatorship (1974 until 1991), and so the problem of slavery was largely ignored. In 2003, with pressure from the anti-slavery organization Timidria, Niger passed the first law in Western Africa that criminalized slavery as a specific crime. Despite this, slavery persists throughout the different ethnic groups in the country, women are particularly vulnerable, and a 2002 census confirmed the existence of 43,000 slaves and estimated that the total population could be over 870,000 people.

Niger had slavery until 2003. How is this my fault? They slaved themselves, and sold their own people to the highest bidder. Black people kill themselves on america, if they could, they would sell their black enemies to others whites today as well, just to make a quick buck.

I'll repay you by givin' yo wife a night she won't be forgettin' any time soon

How about a one way ticket to Africa, to make up for stealing you. You'll be home!

We have a hurricane, Norks, that thing in Arizona; and you use an article from the Guardian?


Do niggers not know that they had more clothing, shelter and food during the slave days as they do right now?!?! Hell, they even knew who their father was back then more so than now.

Asking for reparations from white people is the same if some parasite in your body, that is already feeding on your tissues and fluids, would ask you to be fed.


lol go suck a dick.

>Think to myself "Wow, this is a poorly written pile of shit that's about 8th grade tier arguing for gibs for blacks"

>Look at author of this article, sure enough it's a dumb looking nigger.



if you really cared you'd give it up now, but we all know a leftists generosity ends with their words and would never do anything truly sacrificial and altruistic for another poor oppressed human who is most likely a victim of oppression by the shared race of the liberal who cant be inconvenienced. A liberals narcissism will always outweigh the needs of the oppressed.

One time payment only. How much do you want

let's corral and nuke the niggers. they don't deserve to exist.

this pepe is most devious.

The country paid its debt to the institution of slavery. We tore the country apart and 700,000 people died for it. The debt has been paid in full.

What both sides of my family didn't live in the US until the 1900s?

Can we pay these reparations from the reparations our white European ancestors were owed when they were first enslaved by blacks and Muslims 400 years before America even existed?

more welfare??? FAK OFF CUNT

How about this. We give money to black people to denounce their citizenship from Europe and America and then we call it even. They can live like the Kangz they always wanted.


Do nogs ever do anything other than ask for gibs

that filename

Free one way ticket to africa plus 10 years of average negro per capita is subsaharan africa.



Those aren't companies, they're fucking brands. Leftists are retarded.

I'm Jewish and think it would be degenerate of me to ask Egyptians, Germany, and pretty much all other countries who persecuted other jews, for reparations. Gtfo, no one living enslaved you and therefore no one living owes you anything faggot. I'm not going to hate someone just because their grandfather was a nazi.

I'm fine with this as long as it's done honestly and shows how the profiteers were overwhelmingly jewish and charges them accordingly
my family never owned slaves. unfortunately.

Well in fairness you guys also had it coming by subverting every nation you snuck into.

Nigs were just in their home village burning dung in their mud huts to cook their flavorless dough for a few years until they died from dysentery.

I've paid my reparations to billionaire scum. For some reason.
If you want it then get it from them.


People who were never slaves want money from people who never owned slaves.

Good luck.

I'll entertain your meming for just this once. So what about the Asians? Do they not get reparations because they made it for themselves? Even if you want to bring up that Jewish meme, you're still kind of proving my point. We don't need reparations because we came into a country and became the richest demographic.

Also nigs sold themselves to other nigs, so they also had it coming I guess

besides, those who ask for reparations don't understand how estates work.

The reparations would be to the SLAVE himself/herself.

That means that there would be a fixed amount for each slave, to be divided up among all of their legal decedents.

So, after this many generations, you might have each black person getting $100.

But then too... only if they can prove they are the heir of a slave. Being black alone isn't proof.

Amistad movie

>you can have your gibparations
>down the hall and to the left
>clearly marked zyklon chamber
>gibs are right at the end of the hall there, nigg.. i mean african american.
>activate gas
>tfw nigs can't read

500 dollars for citizenship

thats a poisioning the well fallacy
im sure any slave decendant can verify and

it's amazing that the arab world used (and still use) more slaves than western powers yet is a total shit hole.

it almost as if the wealth of the european nations dons't come from raping africa but from the moral values of western civilization.

Fuck off, cuck.
proper mud hut

this is so funny, those kids look confused, HAHAHAAA

Where's my Irish reparations?

How about niggers pay me for the irish slaves they had. How about niggers pay your selves for the enslaving yourselves. Lets not forget the first slave owner in the US was black. Stop selling your own as slaves and there wont be any.

Niggers owe White people reparations for Detroit,Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis, Atlanta, St. Louis, New Orleans, Ferguson,
Compton,Birmingham, Oakland, New York,
East Palo Alto, and thousand of cities built by white people that nigger have destroyed.
Niggers owe reparations to thousands of police forces who must use extensive resources to keep niggers remotely civilized.
Niggers owe millions of taxpayers reparations for the welfare thievery they perpetrate on a daily basis.
Nigger owe hospitals billions in reparations
for never having to pay their own medical bills.
Nigger fathers owe billions in reparations for never paying to support their own offspring.
Niggers owe million to courts for making false claims of racism to cash in on whitey.
Pay your 200 traffic tickets.

Liam Hogan wrote a book saying it never happened. That is the ONLY source everyone who says it didn't happen quotes. I guess we need just one black man to say black slavery didn't happen, and poof, if didn't happen.

Wasnt the whole basis of his argument that they where call indentured servants and not slaves?

How many blacks will have to pay reparations for owning slaves?

No nigs don't need reparations because being on welfare in america with 25% white DNA makes them the world's biggest winners of the ghetto lottery and literal KANGZ compared to 75 IQ all black subsaharan tier niggers.

Point is jews provoke the responses they get by constantly moving into countries and destabilizing them on purpose. Niggers were not even technologically capable of finding other races much less smart enough to fuck with them significantly.

Jews get crushed by whites for defensive reasons but that's not what happened to nigs.

Actually if there was some actual feasible way to help niggers I would support it. Problem is we've already tried everything and they're hopeless.

Fucking all their women and making them less niggerish genetically could kind of work, but have you seen their women? Yikes.

>This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards.

>Genocide of over 80% of the natives of the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries paved the way for the enslavement of millions of African people and the conquest of the world by European powers.
Well yeah, disease did a number to the natives. Nobody really understood how disease spread though. Yes, this encouraged slaves to be brought from Africa instead of being "locally sourced", but only because they sold slaves cheaper by the dozens than the established Arab and Ottoman slave markets.

>Blames Britain for the global exploitation of darker peoples
U WOT? Blaming the nation that banned the slave trade first and set its dominant navy to enforce that ban on the high seas and other nations' ships?

>Colonialism left Africa, Asia and the Caribbean underdeveloped
Left out South America you shit, or are Iberians not white enough to shame? Oh and how's your poster boy Haiti doing? Haven't they been independent for what, almost two centuries now?

>It would not be prohibitively complicated to work out the debts owed by the western powers, or the companies that enriched themselves off exploitation.
>African Americans are owed anywhere between $5.9tn and $14.2tn
Outrageous. Money won't buy respect. Which one was it you wanted again? Never mind the blood of my ancestors doesn't seem to be worth the bondage of yours. Never mind the global history of slavery (who owes whom how much ad infinitum). Never mind the glorification of the pimp, enslaver of the vulnerable.

>Real reparatory justice would allow the developing world to build strong economies that could eradicate global poverty
How much fucking foreign aid goes to Africa and the fuck does it do for them? It doesn't build industry. It doesn't resolve their trade deficits (locals not growing food since it can't compete at market with foreign-grown food).

At least the author acknowledges the warlords and bureaucrats siphon off such money, but just hand-waves this problem as something that will solve itself.

They can have reparations when they force the descendants of their own African brothers who captured and sold them off to pay them.

>implying blacks won't spend it all
let me invest in watermelon and kfc before paying up

My bloodline will thrive off my work and yours will falter, if you even continue yours.



Totally, and when do I get my reparations check for when my grandparents were denied access to alcohol during the prohibition years? What? You don't get it? If one class of people gets reparations when the constitution flip-flops on an issue, than any other class of people is also entitled to the same reparation when the constitution flip-flops on them. What? Where is this policy enumerated in the constitution? I don't know, but I'm sure it is in there somewhere if so many ignorant people know about it and harp on this issue non-stop.

It was his attempt, but it boiled down to, the Irish were "willing" so they couldn't be slaves. There was no recorded proof they were slaves. My response is, then tell me why my 14x Great Grandmother was on a "Slave Registry" in Barbados? Why there is a clipping saying she was a runaway SLAVE? I'm just glad he death is recorded in some Church book saying she died back in Ireland. She escaped and made it. At least I can shut down a few dindus with proof I'm descended from slaves, not many, but a few.

as soon as they go after the relatives of Anthony Johnson
as in NEVER

let's help them out, seems like a worthy goal, no?
>forfeit foreign "aid" for 2 years
>forfeit gibs at home
>get to go home to Mother Afrika and be KANGZ!

> it almost as if the wealth of the european nations dons't come from raping africa but from the moral values of western civilization.
Kind of on your side here but: You can't just make that statement without having some good arguments to back it up.

ty based kike

nope we're just white with a year round tan or mexican if we know spanish

It was less than that. Even when counting all the freed blacks who owned slaves it was barely 1%

Since Blacks and Muslims in Africa sold the slaves to Jewish slave traders...

dude, just look at the starting conditions of the 40-50's Europe was bankrupted and destroyed after the war, Africa and the middle east were getting Independence and no longer had their resources taken by Europe.

and yet 70 years after that European countries are at the top of life standards while the African nations are pretty much the same.
the middle eastern countries are still social shit cover with gold from petrol money (or simply just shit) that no one wants to get near to.
among those regions the nations that did embraced western values like south africa and israel (are not perfect but) are the top of the regional countries that people want to migrant to.

It's not the moral values of these countries. South Africa is lucky enough to have a large white population, but they're squeezing them out too.

Not until the Jews pay everyone for starting WW2 with their German boycott. Something something wealth equality.