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I have a couple of honest questions for you guys.
>1) How is next leader of a NatSoc society chosen?
>2) How economically similar is modern-day People's Republic of China compared to ideal NatSoc?
Look at the catalouge almost every thread has 10 relpies or less. (((they))) are dumping everything into our ocean of piss. It's like nu-Sup Forums moved in permanetly.
It seems like every other poster is a shill. How many of these fucks are there? This is worse than it's ever been.
>if I don't like the topic its a slide thread
fuck off nupol
Popularity/merit inside of the party if I recall correctly, also designation from the former leader
I don't know much about modern day china
Nice try shill your shitpost tactics are so obvious it's giving me a hernia. What a joke. You think throwing on the nazi flag is going to help you blend in YOurE aN El3t3 H4cK0R
Honestly post-Syria I just only come here for /nsg/.
I get it, conflict makes us stronger, and war for war's own sake is good. I've read Nietzsche too, and I would be calling this slave morality if we were living 100 years ago. But we're not.
There are fewer young whites now than ever. It'll be harder than ever to replace them once they start going to war. Human life may have been cheap in prior generations - and that is what it was in the greatest of societies - but right now individual white lives are among the most precious and rarest commodities that we have. Spending them en masse for temporally-constrained goals invites untold disaster.
I honestly think he's talking about the other threads famalam. And no offense but there are a lot of shit threads in today's Sup Forums.
>Popularity/merit inside of the party if I recall correctly
Can you be more specific? I know it's a similar deal with other systems, but I how do party members choose who the leader is? Or do you suppose it would depend on the specific Nation/party?
A friendly reminder that the ideal National Socialist is fit, both physically and mentally. I would encourage everyone here to lift, as well as train for endurance. I would also encourage everyone to broaden your horizons; perhaps learn a new language, or play an instrument.
The sticky has great info on getting strong and lean, as well as good nutrition advice.
Learn a language for free, including German.
As National Socialists, we have to represent what's best for our race, both in ideology and in ability.
Hitler wrote that it would probably be an indirect system - like an elected senate would elect the next fuhrer.
Ultimately, that's a blank we'll get to fill in ourselves.
It would depend since fascism has an inherent personality cult. but as this user said we could figure it out according to our own nations
Bump of Truth!
how are we supposed to feel about tatted girls?
>As National Socialists, we have to represent what's best for our race, both in ideology and in ability.
You have no idea how much I agree with you
Disgusted. Tats are gross. I've never met someone with a tattoo that didn't have that trademark bad smell.
this one is a particular degenerate
tats are degenerate and degeneracy should be purged from society
>I would be calling this slave morality if we were living 100 years ago. But we're not.
100 years ago we were 10x more of a distinct civilization and race. 100 years ago every nation of the west was at least 90% Aryan. It's tempting to follow the liberal impulse, and assume that there is some disconnection from the past circumstances or laws of nature because "today we have cellphones and interent", etc. Very little has changed about our problems or circumstances: reading Mein Kampf or the writing of Rockwell and that becomes instantly apparent -- we're living in the same problems, facing the same cancer, only we've spent 80 more years rotting in the opium den of our race's demise. We're 80 years into the illness, but its the same illness.
>I honestly think he's talking about the other thread
No, as you can see here: he's angry that /nsg/ exists because he thinks it's "a shareblue leftypol false flag to make people think we're leftist notsees". Typical nupol pleb.
the same way you feel about any degenerate.
Fuck off shareblue
alright, well that answers that
I don't have a problem with tattoos on men, but I generally don't appreciate them on women. They're more of a traditional masculine thing.
>Hands stained with the blood of communists
Eww. Wear gloves. That's a good way to catch AIDS or hepatitis.
Is Uruguay the whitest country in South America?
A democracy? That surprises me.
I'll grant that we're facing the same problems. I still remember those chills the first time I read White power by Rockwell, because it was the exact same.
But one thing has changed - our practical circumstances. Unlike in Rockwell's day, the baby boomers are too old for combat. Hell, even their children are too old for combat. This generation is the smallest white one yet, both as a percentage and as an absolute - and as an absolute it is frighteningly small. Today we face even more threats - our enemies have become even more accepted, and any institution we once had a stake in has been undermined to no end.
In the face of that, and the relative rarity of white youths, I just don't think it's socially optimal to glorify "heroic deaths" in the way that we used to. It'll probably just lead to more lone wolf-style terror attacks like what we saw with dylan storm roof, and more people trying to imitate the Muslim attacks. It just won't be productive.
Who said it would be democracy? We could exclude some peoples from voting based on education level. Or more likely weight their votes - such that the highly educated and wealthy men has 5 votes, a member of the military or civil services has 2 or 3, and so on.
Ultimately we could try to weight it so that each class of society sees a roughly equal stake in the electorate regardless of their variable sizes - no dictatorship of the proles.
(pls rate political framework)
Democracy is good when the people are physically strong, mentally awake. and morally straight.
>a member of the military or civil services has 2 or 3
Oh and in order to vote you would have to be a member of the national socialist party, which would come with a good bit of education on civics and party doctrine.
I place heavy emphasis on becoming strong. Especially since strength is such a large principle of NatSoc, it only makes sense for those who believe in it to be strong themselves. The strength of our race cannot just be our resolve. We must have strength of body and mind. It will also improve how we are perceived by those outside of our movement. A group of high achieving individuals practicing National Socialism will look much better than those who are lazy.
>This generation is the smallest white one yet, both as a percentage and as an absolute
Smaller than the Weimar generation? That's the sharp downward dip in this graph around 1915:
yes and no, we are actually one of the most homogeneous societies since we have occupied the same land for 200 years. We are not white in the way you understand being white/european, since we have the spanish siesta, the italian pasta, but the native mate and some african music as a popular cultural expression. Over all to answer your question, Montevideo could be considered white from a racial point of view, but there is a 20% of the population with native ascendance. That means, we look white have a whitish culture and a society modeled in european values, still I wouldn't consider us a "white" country in the sense you do
This also ties in to another question I have:
>How does a NatSoc government protect itself from corruption?
I'm not sure if this post is clear, didn't wanted to give a meme answer
Interesting; none of the fascist societies outlasted their first leader. I guess you'd use your cultural norm: sure sounds like Hitler was re-hashing the old electoral system from the Holy Roman Empire.
Makes enough sense.
Fake and gay
Sieg Heil
>How does a NatSoc government protect itself from corruption?
With cadre of elite fanatical adherents to the state philosophy charged with internal security.
You could retain the same democratic institutions but restrict citizenship similar to the founding of the US.
Not sure where the white birth rate is right now - pretty sure it's been below 2 for a good while now, unlike that brief spike.
Ultimately, the answer is that we don't know, as the Third Reich wasn't around long enough for such problems to arise.
There are several things we'd be likely to do. One can ensure a strong cultural prejudice against it using the party structure and the education systems, which can do wonders when under total control. But there's only so much you can do there.
Ultimately, the American FBI has been doing well for the past few decades, and largely no thanks to legislative activity. We might find that the answer is to create a strong, independent police force. They might become corrupt on their own though - but the FBI hasn't been corrupt in a long while - but the FBI never had the independence we nazis might give to them - etc, etc.
Ultimately, we can't know what the solution to a problem is until we see the exact shape of it. And we don't know what exact form corruption or attempted corruption may take in a NatSoc America.
unfortunately corruption is inherent to all forms of goverment, but with a strong nationalistic education, plus placing emphasis on the greater good of the people, corrupted officials will be less common. making an example out of them would work too
>be liberal
>be sympathetic to the causes of minorities but have enough of my own personal shit to deal with to be active in their causes. bills to pay, etc.
>be told over and over that I'm racist, ____phobic, and I should feel guilty for everything my ancestors did, even though I didn't do anything personally
>be told I'm not allowed to be proud of my race
>be told I'm racist but you can't be racist against white people because reasons.
>voice my agreement with them but it doesn't help and they just make me feel worse
>they don't stop making me feel as bad as possible
>slowly start to realize I don't like hating myself because I have enough problems in my own life.
>slowly start to realize that they have made me forget that white people have been instrumental in almost all advances in all fields
>slowly start to realize why nations with majority white people are the only nations where diversity is pushed.
>slowly start to become nationalistic because of how they treated me
>mfw I've become exactly what they always told me I was even though I was once sympathetic.
Strong leadership and a loyal following. Corruption should be equated to treason, and punished as such
Everyone's knee-jerk reaction to large government is the idea of an all-powerful, selfish, ruler who will expend the resources of his country for his own pleasure. Would there be any checks/ balances in a NatSoc government to oust such a leader?
We've all been below replacement rates for several decades now, as the leftist hegemony throughout our institutions spread since the birth of the boomers. The only other times comparable to today are the immediate post WWI period where every Western nation experienced a drop in fertility rate post-war.
anti communism is what america needs
these god damn marxists and fucking "democratic socialists" are some of the most cucked up fucks alive
they give this country a bad name
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
I never said this thread was shit I posted here because it's a regular thread on Sup Forums
>fake picture
>hit piece
"Checks and balances" notoriously don't work in democracies, characterized as they are by extensive networks of patronage and massive bureaucracies with armies of lawyers managing loopholes for wealthy oligarchics That being said, in the German system the judiciary could veto the line of succession of the executive -- obviously natsoc is not dogmatic about any particular legal framework, and each nation or race practicing such a system should make a system that best reflects their tradition of laws and values. Though it takes an overall pessimistic view of democracy, limited democracy need not be seen as degenerate.
>German Law and Legislation:
Ideally, yes. We would have several institutions - the party, the legislature, the courts, the military - that could act as that. But it would be more likely that they would act as the "board of directors" to the leader's CEO, to use a corporate analogy. Setting the long-term agenda, but not quabbling over minutae - they let the leader lead.
Of course, the abuses of ceos are very well-known, there are books on the topic. But sometimes, the system can be made to work.
Ultimately, the trick is to balance division of power, to prevent abuses, with unification of power, to allow for its efficient and effective exercising. That is probably so great of a task that if you were to solve it, they would invent a nobel prize for political science just to give it to you.
Ultimately, I'll have to give you another somewhat wishy-washy answer - we don't know what exact form it'll take. Institutions would have to be somewhat skeptical of a leader's directives (certainly they must rebel if he blatantly uses a nation's resources for vacations and mansions!), but also trusting enough to allow him to lead. They would have to hold fast to their own charges, but also be flexible for the sake of the nation as a whole. What form will that take? God only knows.
Also thanks for the cute grills.
ah, my bad then.
based tombler
>Viktor Suvarov - Who started the 2nd World War?
>Hitler's War - the Allies caused the war
>Stalin's plans to invade Europe, proving Hitler's invasion of Russia was preemptive:
>See also: "The Chief Culprit" by Victor Suvarov in the ebooks archive:
web search it
Those iq stats are quite fake, it has been a known fact for quite some time
I'm still looking into this, but in ancient europe, tribes would often choose their king, who was always at the mercy of the assembly of free men. He would make decisions, but the free men would have final say if they disapproved.
The thing is that being a free man back then meant quite a bit of responsibility for and investment into one's tribe. Being an outlaw or exile back then was terrible, and if one was exiled due to a murder, the victim and his family had a free pass to kill the exile during his time out of the tribe's protection.
Ultimately, the culture and law have to rest with the people to some extent. Even Aristotle's advice of enshrining the law in a constitution isn't foolproof (and he and his fellow Greeks understood that). It requires a people willing to live by the philosophy set out.
If your people is sick and dying in virtue and spirit, then there must be a movement to sway them back to the proper path.
Let the conversations be in public and in good faith, so that the people can know exactly why they should live the way that they do. The only problem with this is that many people are too stupid to grasp this principle and want to seek easy comfort even if it is a fiction.
It's a really tough issue and part of the problem is that we live in such huge units now that you can't just have many tribes do whatever they want and let natural selection weed out degeneracy.
The ancient greeks dealt with this issue by promoting freedom of thought as long as it was within the cultural and moral bounds of the state. Socrates' philosophy actually comes to the conclusion that the morals and laws of athens are indeed good, but the fact that he questioned them left him open for politicians whom he embarrassed publicly to use his death as a way to relieve pressure after athens lost against sparta.
This is a bit of a disorganized, insufficient response, but I hope it means something to you.
If you don't already you should be using 'controlled opposition' because that just means a higher dedication to the race. We have to remember to make this one time to advance our race work because if we don't we might not have many years until we can try again. If we don't get this we have several generations of race mixing before our progenitors figure it out. I think it's a direct path but after recent events it's been brought to our attention how many enemies above we have. We can't jack this up.
I appreciate the well-thought-out responses. My biggest gripe with NatSoc is that I can never find good answers to some of these basic questions. Would anyone recommend any good books on the topic? Maybe some kind of NatSoc 101 that's less to do with praising/ damning the system and more to do with actually explaining how it would work?
On some level, every question you ask is uinque, and hasn't been asked before. It's never really easy to find answers to questions that you yourself haven't asked.
On the flip side, there are some books that try to provide NatSoc answers to an American context (This Time the World and White Power fukken read them), but most of those are written by NatSoc idealogues and praise the system to an extent. National socialism is pretty hard to be neutral on!
Side note on your image, is RWBY any good? Heard good things, but still hard to believe some assholes in texas (Mean that in the most charitable possible way) could make a good animu.
Nazi sozi
if you can tolerate the cringe barrage of s1, it's good.
Cringe as in bad writing or cringe as in second-hand embarrassment getting out of control (which has made me skip like half the content of the animus I watch)?
pic related, the original nobility was a class of men who devoted their lives to martial perfection, the mastery of cultural forms, and the search for philosophical truth (this last bit was emphasized sometimes more, sometimes less by individuals, more, especially, if they were to lead their people). Only people who did this were nobility. The best man of this sort in the eyes of the tribe would be king, and they would replace him shortly (possibly killing him in the process if he committed some crime against the people) if he faltered (leaving room for old, very wise kings, who were quite valued, as one might suspect).
I think that there are many parallels with the old model of free men around their king and the national socialist model, which tries to bring back selective pressures for health physical, mental, and spiritual.
Well, I didn't consume any nazi theory before I got into it. Reading history and philosophy (specifically The Republic and Politics, moving from a theory of perfection that Plato acknowledges as not existing in our world to a more grounded vision in Politics). Germania, "the most dangerous book in the world", is great. Looking into the reasons as to WHY ancient historians wrote what they did, WHY they structured their entertainment, religion, and culture as a whole the way they did, is critical. I salute people who can rattle off philosophers who influenced the rise of national socialism and understand them (I'd like to some day), but lots of reflection of what I have learned of the world has brought me to where I am now.
Old stories like Beowulf, the Iliad, the list goes on and on.
I would like to start by saying that I'm well aware of the evils of Jewry and that the holocaust never happened. I don't agree with everything Hitler did but he was a great man that genuinely cared for his people.
I just can't see NatSoc becoming a thing. It's not because of the nationalism. I'm fine with that. Its because of the Socialism and centralization of power. Not everyone in power is going to be like Hitler who loved his people. Time has also proven that Socialism is shit.
In order for anything to work you have to fix the culture. I get that the nationalism component is a way to solve that issue but I feel like Objectivism is a stronger and more coherent philosophy.
Buy first do the basics:
get people to understand that all forms of faggotry are mental illness. Segregate prostitutes and drug addicts to red light districts while teaching people that these things harm the individual rather than help.
Teach people critical thinking skills and allow them to see things from different sides not just NatSoc. People have a right to decide for themselves whether NatSoc is right or a more non-authoritarian ideology is better.
Echo chambers degrade the mind but a little leaven leavens the whole lump. There has to be a balance.
Although I'm more awake than others I doubt that I'd ever work with a NatSoc simply because they'd hate me because of my mixed heritage. My family is Cuban. 80+% European. 1/8 filipino and tiny bit Jewish (supposedly never been tested).
I'm also a conservative Christian. I can't see myself associating with people that worship Thor.
I think that the only way to get shit done is to worth together. Jews Muslims and faggots are America's greatest enemy.
Socialism is a Jewish idea. Free market capitalism is a superior system.
mostly just bad voice acting, bad animation. it honestly got better when the show creator died, as bad as that sounds.
>Maybe some kind of NatSoc 101
"Hitler's Revolution' by Tedor to understand the rise and intentions of the movement, 'Race in the 3rd Reich' by Hutton to dispel myths about Natsoc racialism, 'Mussolini's Intellectuals' to understand NS/Facism and the 3rd Position in general, works by Suvarov (Chief Culrpit) and Gerd Schulze-Ronhoff (War with Many Fathers) to understand what led to the war, what Hitler did to avoid it, why he switched to an aggressive stance after years of failed diplomacy, and other obscured-but-provable facts of history. Then finally, rely on the Holocaust Handbooks series to understand the Holohoax:
>Holocaust forensics handbooks series
>Harold Covington: Common questions and answers
>Germar Rudolf exposes Auschwitz's Curated Lies
>The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
I'm related to Konstantin Rokossovsky and Putin might be taken away from this term. Maybe I'll get to put muh nose into some archives and get some light on soap shoah industry
>It's not because of the nationalism. I'm fine with that. Its because of the Socialism and centralization of power. Not everyone in power is going to be like Hitler who loved his people. Time has also proven that Socialism is shit.
In Natsoc, "socialism" = "nationalism". Do the work to learn about the philosophy, stop just repeating misinformation.
i dont know how you imagine a natsoc society but from what i have seen for natsoc to work we would need political correctness.
Ultimately the thing about "dude just deny them access to the educational system, media, and they'll all die off lmao" is that they'll do everything within their power to develop a counterculture, and a way of getting around your blocks on them. Sure you can fight back, and maybe even win your culture war - but within our way of doing things, no such culture war arises in the first place.
And as far as centralization is concerned? So long as it's centralized around a clique and not an individual, it should work. China will likely provide a good model for this.
cyka no
by my babuska it's like bloody sunday all over again
I came to the thread to learn. Why would "Socialism" be in the name if you're not redistributing wealth?
"Nationalizing" an industry is extremely socialist an leads to poor standards due to no market competition.
I mean, didn't Nazi Germany have extremely high taxes to prop up all these nationalized businesses? didn't they have a massive welfare state? How are Nazis NOT socialists in the economic sense of the word?
I'm going to have to reply to this multiple times because you've made so many errors
Please only reply when I am done thanks
>nationalized businesses
pic related, you are wrong, hitler privatized most stuff
The other thing to weigh is the risk of corruption and failure in an NS state and in a modern western democracy. The founding fathers had a radical vision for this country, again more in line with the ancient model of armed, morally upright free men being able to stand up for their people (stop me if bias is blinding me to a contrary truth, haha) and would be appalled at what the country has become.
Eventually you start weighing the long-term impact (generations, even hundreds of years out) of the systems, but lose sight of the fact that individual institutions themselves may rise and fall, but the truth remains the truth.
see and see pic related, an attempt to somehow BTFO nazis that completely backfires when you read the title.
And this is how almost all societies worked for almost all of human history. The Greeks? Incredibly devout, incredibly focused on keeping their morals enforced and taught to their children. The US originally only allowed people to come in who were free white people of good moral character and oh yes the constitution was written for a society of people (and THEIR posterity) who had very specific ideas of what was allowable in society. Right or wrong, that's how the world seems to work. If you think we should drop that model (I am in favor of a relatively relaxed version at the moment), do explain.
Adolf Hitler 1933: We Want Nothing But Peace!
Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal to Reason
Adolf Hitler: Man of Peace?
Adolf Hitler: Response to Churchill's Push for War
Adolf Hitler's Struggle for Peace
Adolf Hitler Wanted Peace and an Alliance with England
Hitler's Appeal for Peace and Call to Reason to Prevent World War II in 1939
What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939
How World War II Came About
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars
>why would socialism be in the name
pic related.
Socialism is honestly a meme word at this point, just like conservative. Every single person on the planet has a different definition.
For us, it largely refers to keynesian spending and social coordination - the latter referring to job assistance programs and the production of subsidies.
Our socialism is not of the nordics or the soviets.
Anyways that actually took less images than I thought it would. But also you're probably wrong about taxes but it's 2 am and I can't be assed to find the relevant image, pardon my french.
After his death, somehow, in less than 10 minutes unifromless cucks came into the house and started to take away random personal belongings, notebooks, photographs, searching all over for several hours and then left with his stuff and working table. They didn't give back those things ever since. Best thing we have related to the war from him are watches from Britain, Germany and other small souvenirs. We used to think that everybody who fought in the war was heroic and all, but looking at Russia now many of former "Soviet aristocracy" understand that the Red army should have use those rifles against those in the Kremlin
>Why would "Socialism" be in the name if you're not redistributing wealth?
Because historically "socialism" was a word used by many different and often contradictory philosophies; because the Marxist-Leninist Left won the war and defeated all rivals, you get taught that "socialism" means Marxist Socialism, that there is only one-dimension on the political spectrums, ie, "the authoritarian statist left, and the freedumb anti-statist right". This is why if you don't read books written by the people behind these movements in history, you become like the proles in Orwell's 1984. Natsocs literally invented the term "privatize", read the pastebin.
i think you might have misunderstood me. i am in favor of political correctness.
卐 - BOOKS (2)
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>Collection of Waffen SS and Military ebooks (in progress)
Pamphlets published in English by the NSDAP explaining aspects of the German system.
>Social Welfare in Germany:
>German Youth in a Changing World:
>German Economic Policy:
>German Law and Legislation:
>German Education Today:
>German Labour Service:
>The New Order - Collateral Reading
>Tomislav Sunic - Art in the Third Reich: 1933-1945
>The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man's Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh
>Arthur Bryant - Unfinished Victory (1940)
>Prominent British historian writes a fairly objective prehistory of WWII
>William Joyce – Twilight Over England
>Twilight Over England compared the evils of Jewish-dominated capitalist Britain with the successes of National Socialist Germany.
>Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932, Eckart-Verlag
>Arthur Pillans Laurie - The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany
>a view of National-Socialist Germany by a Scottish scholar inside Hitler's Third Reich.
>Leon Degrelle - Campaign in Russia: the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front
Saved that shit. Funny that they didn't even know he was fired.
卐 - BOOKS (1)
>Oswald Spengler - Prussianism and Socialism
>Alfred Rosenberg's Criticism of Spengler
>Karl Marx - A Critique of the German Ideology
>Martin Heidegger - Ponderings Books II–VI
>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (English)
Ford: nationalactionlondon.files.wordpress.com
Stalag: endchan.xyz
Kindle: my.mixtape.moe
EPUB: my.mixtape.moe
>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Deutsch)
>Adolf Hitler - The Words of Adolf Hitler
>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany
>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers' Party And Its General Conceptions
>Gottfried Feder - Das Programm der NSDAP (Deutsch)
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation
>James Mason - 'Siege'
>ORIGINAL National Socialist speeches and essays (archives)
It would appear that I incorrectly assumed your stance :^)
Nevertheless, anyone who wants to talk about such topics should feel free to jump in. This has been yet another most excellent NSG.
Usual leftypol shit. Can't meme, can't argue without being dishonest. At least they help us to do more research and think through our ideas.
>the MEFO bill "fraud" meme
That image is bullshit. You can only push that Austrian Lolberg lie about the Natsocs if you rely on the ignorance of most people about Keyneseanism: there is never "debt free" in any economy, there is either "shrinking debt as a % of GDP", ie, the nominalization of debt into meaningless proportions compared to the economy, or their is a contraction of GDP until debt becomes crippling. Natsoc represented the former, but most people don't have the IQ for economics, so lolbergs have an edge with that kind of misinformation. We can't rely on people to be smart enough to understand "debt to GDP" ratios.
As if I needed more proof that I know nothing about economics.
Can you explain how it works in the US system? We seem to definitely be building debt all the time but our economy grows.
What happened between 31and 32?
Why did the ratio decrease so much?
GDP growth is slower than it's ever been and the fed knows it's all based on another bubble, which is why it dragged its feet on raising the interest rates so much.
Further, a good deal of our debt is owed to our government itself. The government pays departments too much but departments don't want to pay them back so their budget isn't reduced. Where do they invest it? In the most stable possible place - federal bonds. It's really fuckin' stupid.
Ok here's a rundown on the "debt driving war machine" meme:
>Shill meme - "Germany had to go to war to deal with its crushing debts"
>As you can see from i.4cdn.org
Shill reply:
>You can have a high GDP and a high national debt at the same time. They are two separate things.
Again, debt as a percent of GDP is significant, especially in a Keynsean framework: if GDP grows such that debt is a tiny percentage, the debt is meaningless. Either way, it can't be a motive for war while the GDP is growing, and the debt as percent of GDP is low / shrinking. This is because deficit spending is positively correlated with GDP. Its a purely theoretical / speculative argument that their economy would have collapsed without war spending, since there's no empirical data (the country was destroyed).
>inb4 "German war machine required constant war"
Their GDP was growing regardless of whether they were actually at war or not, because a military industrial complex (military spending) doesn't require actual war. The US and many other nations today take advantage of this, and spend of their military despite not "being at war".
>inb4 "German military spending was unsustainable"
>German GDP in Billions of Dollars:
>1938 - 351
>1939 - 384
>1940 - 387
>1941 - 412
>1942 - 417
>1943 - 426
>1944 - 437
>1945 - 310
As far as millitary spending, Germany barely broke the US threshold of 40% of GDP, the entire duration of the war, and spent LESS THAN THEIR RIVALS in preparation building up to war:
>CHART 9 - spending as percent of Germany GDP:
>1935: 8%
>1936: 13%
>1937: 13%
>1938: 17%
>1939: 23%
Natsoc came to power.
Wow, thank you for the information. It's high time that I went to bed. I'll be sure to check for more posts later.
Also, inb4 the "natsocs didn't really achieve full employment, because they cheated by removing Jews and women from the workforce" meme:
>jews were less than 1% of the population of Germany at 500,000 so meaningless to "remove" them
>women in the workforce only dropped by 10% during the 12 years of NSDAP rule, and went up slightly toward the end as more men were sent to the front
inb4 "MEFO bulls were fraudulent" meme:
>what is fraudulent about them, as lolbergs claim, is that the terms of the Treaty of Versaille prohibited the issuance of certain types of bonds, so Schact creating "private companies" to issue government bonds from was fraud
>bonds are not themselves fraudulent, governments use them all the time
>the terms of the Treaty of Versaille were white genocide against the Germans