How do we fix college, Sup Forums?

How do we fix college, Sup Forums?

No federally backed loans, feds provide grants only
No affirmative action
No required diversity/art courses for all majors

>bait thread

Colleges are irrelevant now. We have the internet.

Tell that to your employer
>Self taught: wikipedia, Sup Forums, school of life

Mass boycotts. This major problem could be solved in 364 days, but this is America. Too many groups to work as a cohesive unit.

Hopefully this is fixed next life as I'm already 35 and I'm far too old to start attending school now, unless I willingly want to face age bias/discrimination.

have the right apply for jobs and take over the tenure.

>sort yourself out user

Cut all the fundings on non-STEM fields except economics/business (those people are probably the only sane people among non-STEM)

The last is half right

No harm in some solid humanities classes to round out a person

We should team up with Scientologists to overthrow the socialist/commie universities nationwide. Forcibly remove the board members and presidents and let local members of the community convert buildings into privately owned gyms, foods courts, office space, and apartment housing. Scientologist are extremely anti-university and psychiatry they would be a hell of an army crazy enough to follow through with assisting our coup.


Get rid of their accreditation monopolies. Force schools to focus on creating education with practical results. Not in debt ebt collectors.

why does a useless degree like womyn's studies cost the SAME AMOUNT IN TUITION as a business or stem degree?

it's like a prius costing the same as a porsche. makes absolutely no sense. it's like the only business model that gets away with flagrantly ignoring ROI.

>having an employer

spotted the cuck

>it's like the only business model that gets away with flagrantly ignoring ROI.

A college campus is like a communist bubble. Without the capitalism that funds it, everything would fail. It's the most elaborate scam of all time.

well second only to organized religion.

get rid of the kikes run it all.

What is this, an image for ants?


>Scaled course prices based on projected future industry strength.
>Politics, Protest and Soliciting banned on campus.
>Minimum 10 years real world experience required for professors.
>No affirmative action

college is a time sink and waste of money....newsflash: it always has's where you paid to send young men who didn't know what they wanted to do with their lives....monasteries were the first colleges....literally, just a place to ship a young man off to so he can study forever in NEET bliss....then, rich families paid monasteries to teach their young men something, anything- but only for a few years, he's got to produce likes getting money so they make it a normal part of the, it gives the church control over who is given a certificate that says they studied and who isn' the church controls who can become an accountant or lawyer, just by accepting them into school....over the years, more and more agencies use this institution to control who can be called a professional and what type of professional he is....apprenticeships died as the major form of education....hell, med schools were literally invented to make it so fewer doctors were trained/educated...
face it, college is and has always been a waste of time and money...Good Will Hunting was right, you can get the same education from reading the books yourself....or you can pay some jerk $100K to tell you what chapters of the books to read on what days and test you to make sure you retained what you the end of the day, the idiot shelling out the dough gets the job though, even if he paid someone else to do all the college work for him...because he has a piece of paper that says he's educated....

Easy, just make them click the "I'm not a robot" captcha checkbox and most of them won't get in

>but employers are the job creators
Why are free enterprise cucks such cucks?

>Stop paying for it with taxpayer money
>Parents stop spending their life savings so kids can shriek about offensive Halloween costumes
>Colleges respond by tailoring their offerings to parents who actually want their kids to get jobs and be useful members of society
>Gender Studies profs back to sucking off drifters at the Port Authority