What if reincarnation and karma are real and all of you reincarnate as Africans or any other third world nationality? KEK
What if reincarnation and karma are real and all of you reincarnate as Africans or any other third world nationality...
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Being a nigger would be the easiest thing ever, a free ride to harvard, I could run out their and do nuffin and white liberals and jews would break their own necks trying to defend me as a gud boi.
Good luck getting to Harvard when you're born in Central Africa and you barely have food to survive.
If I reincarnate as a nigger then I'm just gonna kill myself. Anything else would me alright.
>implying im not a nigger already cx
You make the incorrect assumption that non-whites have souls.
Well, in that case, head my nigger ass up to Germany or Sweden, those faggots will pay for everything.
The son of God was a middle eastern.
Well reincarnation is linked to evolution, and blacks are inferior intellectually it's unlikely. Maybe it's like a punishment if you misuse your white priviledge.
Who said anything about Christ