Was unite the right a false flag to make us look like Nazis?
It was supposed to be raising some serious issues and bringing together the right wing, but it ended up being some stormcuck Nazi rally.
Feels like this was all arranged to make the right look bad.
Joseph Sullivan
Nazi flag guy was a fed A lot of the people were bussed in like NSM and the KKK and those guys are also probably informants.
David Jones
I don'tknow a single alt-right member who has engaged in anything public. Pretty sure the public shit show is just for media.
Cameron Adams
Everythings a false flag. Nothing ever happens
William Sanchez
Literal Nazis were involved you retard. The Nazism didn't make anyone look bad, the crying Cantwell did.
Dylan Morales
No, they are your assholes who ruined it for you. Like those WTO protests in 1999, not all of them were violent people. But the assholes was what hurt them.
Tyler Murphy
as stupid as this sounds i fucking believe it
Michael Sanders
>tie movement to most hated ideology in history >spawn counter protests across the country >get multiple confederate monuments torn down >didn't make anyone look bad
Josiah Diaz
>It is not Germany that will turn Bolshevist but Bolshevism that will become a sort of National Socialism. Besides, there is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it…. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communist always will. -- Adolf Hitler
Sebastian Cooper
someone have that screencap of those craigslist ads hiring (((actors))) to play protestors on both sides?