Over 100 thousand people were there that day

Why aren't there other pictures of Nazi flags? It's just this one guy over and over and over. The media over-hyping it, and the alt-right freaking out about it are both bizarre. Did everyone lose perspective?

Other urls found in this thread:


because he was placed there just like antifa, only it totally backfired on the msm and tptb because antifa are fucking retards who attack anyone and everyone and throw piss bottles at people. ironically normies are more disgusted by piss bottles than they are by nazis


literally one guy walking around with a flag that has creases throughout like he just over nighted the thing from amazon and took it out of the bag.
the people with the confederate flags are also looking at him like he doesn't belong there.

same reason they kept taking photos of this dude. Literal nobody gets lots of attention for some reason

tell us his name buddy

agent provocateur
opposition plant
clueless retard

pick any one it's probably true

someone dox him already bet he a spook

That's a fucking fed.

bump. anyone know who the one guy is?

Who is he?


Oh shit. I glow in the dark. Someone help.

more suprising is that why hasen't he been doxxed yet by the Alt left&MSM . really makes
me feel that he is just a paid protestor

It's called false flag for a reason, user.

Even if he was outed as a spook the damage would still be done since everyone else is standing there tacitly approving of him being there.

Not only is it one guy, it's one guy out of a hundred million white guys, the very definition of statistical insignificance.
Stay off the roads if you travel on foot.

Holy shit this is major conspiracy territory.

It was a agent provocateur. The same guys in a photo at the womens march I think? Im sure somebodys saved the image but yea hes a paid protestors probably working for soros or the like.

Would be hilarious getting the left to dox one of their own.

Do we have anything on him yet? When is the last time he was seen during the rally? Was he seen leaving? Because we already have reports from witnesses on scene that BLM, Antifa, and The Supposed KKK and Nazi fag rolled up on the same bus. You have an opening...and i'll help.

The only guy with an actual nazi flag isn't doxxed, unlike a lot of the others who were there? That's beyond suspicious. You'd think he'd be target #1.

It's about time Sup Forums set their sights on him.

This actually made me think. Not even activating my almonds.

In the very first image there's a woman holding the nsm flag, you would know this if you weren't a fucking larping faggot though OP.






Im ready bro...just need 1-2 leads. Someone bring me 1-2 personal identifyers (Name, Location, Car/Bus he came in, Social Media Acct etc; His age is obviously late 40's - late 50's. That's one down. We need videos of the bus arrivals to see if he gets off the Soros/DC paid protesters bus's.

He was a paid plant. His flag was just unfolded for the first time for the rally too

>the nsm flag
I clearly said "swastika", because the nsm flag is mostly stars and stripes and sometime a rune no one recognizes. The conversation nationally is over swastikas, learn to fucking read brainlet.

Of course, he's a paid provocateur. He should have had his ass kicked by the right-wingers. You lose the PR war when you let assholes like this hang out on your side.

>implying faggots running around as nsm aren't brain dead enough to bring a fucking swastika
Please, also
>muh 100 thousand people
There was an estimated 700 at the torch rally and 4500 were expected to show up the next day if I remember correctly. The vast majority of people showing up were leftists.
Honest Question for you, do you think Cantwell is a plant to due to that Vice interview, or just an incompetent dumb fuck?

Was she holding a fucking swastika?
Is the thread about how there's only one faggot out of thousands whose picture is spammed nationally?
Are you trying too hard to force some kind of tu quoque so you can call me "retard" and pretend you're superior?
Were you too retarded to pull that off?
Is your damage control failing now too?
Should you just shut the fuck up and be a faggot in another thread?
Will you?
>no, you're going to keep doing damage control because that's how fucking retarded you really are

Guys on the ground there with groups that aren't white trash reported more than one Swastika there. You're surprised the kike media is being dishonest? There was probably a couple around. Was this guy a plant? Who knows, it really doesn't matter. This is going to be a constant tactic used in the future even if this guy was just a retard. Here, have an interview right after C-ville. This is just going to be an issue we're going to have to learn to eat.


This guy was at Charlottesville and another rally recently in SC. Wearing the exact same clothes. I don't think he's been doxxed yet.

Re-read the OP, genius. Why is this guy the picture the MSM has spammed nationally? Where are the "counteless others" your "friends" say they saw? Here's your (you)


was in Cville. Basically nobody wanted to be the guy to go tell him to put it away. Even Dr Duke wasnt happy.

>Why is this guy the picture the MSM has spammed nationally?
Why the fuck do you think? If they didn't have him, they'd interview the nsm/twp and use pic related as the graphic in on the new with "NAZIS IN CHAROLETTESVILLE" as the fucking header. I didn't say countless others, I said they reported definitely more than one.

Interesting, in Greenville there was a woman there who was ALSO at Charlottesville. pic related

In OP's pic she is bottom row, 2nd from right

Here's more flags that some kike says are from Cville

What does green shirts' shirt say?

HH... This threads been done weeks back.. At the time of Charlottesville.
I dint have a link, but I lurked in the thread over a coupla hours... Maybe someone has the link.. Rather than go over the same stuff again. ?

This type of Tactic worked real well before the days of internet and when all of printed and tv media was under control, but today these people don't try hard enough to pass it as reality, a hardcore nazi with a brand new cheap flag?! LOL!


>muh nazi haircut

>because he was placed there

this. if there's nothing to be outraged about, the legacy media & friends will just take care of that themselves.
they have decided that the right is their sworn enemy so any positive or even just neutral reporting about them is out of the window a priori

yeah this bothers my almonds

/ourguy/ in Greenville. I think he has a crew of 4 including him. 3 guys, 1 woman.

He has a lengthy talk with law enforcement at 3:55

The stupid fucks there should have knocked him down and burned his flag. He single handedly destroyed any moral high ground the right might have had with his brand new, freshly unpackaged Nazi flag.

>that head forward posture

>creases throughout
look closer at some of the confederate flags
they have them too

Anyone identify him yet?

>muh moral high ground
How retarded are you? You can't use moral high ground against people with not morals. Moralfag.

yep he lost his job and his kids got beat up at school


>He single handedly destroyed any moral high ground
The irony being he wasn't required to "destroy the high ground", since the MSM plays stock footage of rallies from as far back as 20 years ago, or from Daniel Radcliffe movies, if we don't show up with the imagery they want. All of you complaining right now were gullible and naive enough to think the media would treat you fairly if you just presented a nice, clean, manicured image. Well, welcome to reality kiddos. There was one guy there with a "bad think flag", and there always will be "one rando there with a bad think flag" -- the fucking MSM would pay for it even if the FBI didn't. Wake the fuck up.

This is the shirt he wears

Shut up and clean those toilet Piotr.

because the swastika is enough to make normies hate the right

>standing there
freedom of speech, you retard. or should everyone have been punching the nazi to show their disapproval?

Now that is what I call a false flag

>...lose perspective

This whole thing is based on hysteria. Both sides are fucking stupid, they have no idea what it is they're fighting for.



>Both sides are fucking stupid

lol so doxx him then faggot

you don't have to type a space between words

>Both sides are stupid
You can be retarded and be different from the other retards, retard.



It's the centrist faggots who keep claiming we are the same. Go tell them.

I'm baffled by this, so no one among the marchers there had relatives that were ww2 veterans? they were all fine with someone brandishing an enemy flag? Not one person stopped this guy and said "why are you holding a nazi flag? dont you know how bad this will make us look?" out of all the people marching that day it never occurred to any of them to confront him?

>getting this fucking triggered
You fags are the bigger cancer. Try visiting more than one board, don't just live on Sup Forums 24/7.

pic related

that's fucking stupid, the nazi's specifically hitler, destroyed european nationalism forever. everything happening in europe right now and everything in the west, can be traced to his stupidity, white identity and ethno-nationalism will NEVER flourish under that banner.

like autists and downies?

>Hitler destroyed European nationalism forever by resisting the destruction of European nationalism forever by the international Jewish cabal
Cucks like you get the rope too

honestly believing that there are only 2 possible Political views, left right and center.
You do realize that those are not an actual scale but the position they take in congress right?
Centrist do have firmly hold beliefs.
What you do is generalization in order to push ALL you political views based on some strong arguments.
Centrists try to do what is right no matter if its politically right/left.

>have the worlds greatest armed forces until around 41-42
>ignore his generals and lead them to blunder after blunder
>throw his forces into the fire of his own ego
>would rather lose the war as long as it was done his way then win it by letting others prosecute the war properly
>"he's our guy!!! heil hitler guys lol"

I dont know if you're mentally disabled or a shill.

>beat him up and take his stuff if you don't like it

t. Antifa

It was an fbi agent we've gone through this before

>honestly believing that two extremely opposite views are actually identical because they're both "extreme" is actually what center-cucks argue
fixed that for you friendo

>deny the context that your own nation "cucked European nationalism by dying for Jews" so hard that you pretend Hitler actually fought against nationalism and cucked Europe by dying for jews
That's how fucking pathetic faggots like you are. You're the same scum that fought for the kikes against European nationalism you cunt
>if you don't cuck like me you're mentally disabled or a shill
Cucks only understand cucking, so it makes sense you think this way.

>cuck cuck cuck

fascinating, tell us more

>If you fight against the Jews the Jews win
Actually argued this, twice ITT
>tell us more
You're doing fine on your own, Professor Cuck.

When your side fought against the one guy who fought to ovrthrow Jewish tyranny in the international banks and communism, you can't turn around later and blame that guy because he didn't defeat you. You fought for Jewish tyranny, so its your fault that you have it now. How do you idiots convince yourselves otherwise? It's like the proles in 1984, you're that brainwashed and sheepish.

>ving that two extremely opposite views are actually identical because they're both "extreme" is actually what center-cucks argue
>fixed that for you friendo

Stop taking things literally just because it serves your cause to act deliberately stupid you are embarrassing yourself if you don't even have that much thought in your head. I feel ashamed of being associated with you.

>this amount of damage control over obvious points
One side is the polar opposite of the other in every way; don't argue they're both the same "because they're both opposed to something" unless you want people to think you're in idiot with no critical thinking skills and pathological urge to deny actual conflict exists in the world. I swear that's what explains most of you idiots, you're a generation of pathological pussies with conflict avoidance issues.

>unless you want people to think you're in idiot with no critical thinking skills and pathological urge to deny actual conflict exists in the world. I swear that's what explains most of you idiots, you're a generation of pathological pussies with conflict avoidance issues.
I think you nailed it. It definitely explains what we are seeing in Germany. Sometimes it seems like all of the good guys died fighting the Soviets.

Very interesting.
It could be also that there was just a guy with this flag so photographers took just him.

Remember: in leftyfags propaganda there's no RIGHT-wing protests, there are only violent KKK and NAZIS, that's what they tell to people

American Spring

Under Obama the US government decided to make it legal to fund neo-nazis in Ukraine. They'd lost control in the US. Now they have control again.

dumb my bumb in your womb