Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan

Give me the rundown. Ourguy or bluepilled? Sometimes he says some stuff I agree with, other times he is fucking retarded. What's his deal?

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Run yourself down you fucking faggot

He's retarded.

Him and his multiple boyfriends are content being raging faggots.

He's smart enough to realise that there's a lot of bullshit in the modern world but he'sturns around and fucks himself because his answer to it is a whole lot of dudebro pseudo-science and loldrugs.

Think for yourself you faggot. Just because someone hates SJWs doesn't mean they're necessarily a WN.

well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds

nwo shill who spews forth the illumaniti talking points. they call him a 'GateKeeper'


Joe Rogan is funny

Take your basic hollywood blue pilled celebrity. Next take him off the hollywood plantation and give him a podcast where he is allowed to question shit.

It's like he's trying to break his conditioning but reverts back to it

>joe tells eddie to make a post about himself

I'm not saying the Earth is flat. I'm just saying we don't know what the fuck it is.


lately all he does is just agree with whatever his guest is saying, regardless if left or right

He's a classical liberal. Hates feminism, stupid shit/etc.

He fucking always takes Israel's side. Always.

bluepilled as fuck posing as neutral

Joe is 100% aware but a) wants to keep his job and b) wants to keep his friends and c) doesn't want to get V&

He's retarded but also a good interviewer.
Unlike most people here I don't have to agree with someone's views one hundred percent to appreciate their output, so long as they aren't a complete fuck about it.

>hates feminism
I don't get that from him. I just think he hates extremists of any kind.


absolute weedtard

Complete bluepilled, lazy fucking faggot.

hes a solid guy. A tad naive maybe and open to pretty much anything due to loldrugs spiritscience.
Hes on the right track tho.

He doesn't have many strong convictions on anything outside of weed or combat sports and just defaults to a stoner quasi-lolberg "just let people do what they want bro" attitude about everything.
Problem is the podcast evolved from him and brian redban(whom he threw under the bus) talking shit about OG kush and conspiracy theories, telling entertaining anecdotes about hollywood degeneracy into this...whatever the fuck you want to call it.
The success of the podcast has exposed his bullshit because he now panders to the reddit crowd instead of the psychedelic enthusiast bohemian types that used to form his core fanbase. His old-guard fans from pre-podcast days, people that just like drugs and stand-up comedy, bailed on him long ago for being a phony fuck.


He's bluepilled.
Watch when he trashed Alex Jones to some virtue signaling liberal faggot.

Extremist is a subjective term.

Being against affirmative action is extremist.

He's slightly dumb on some issues but Eddie Bravo makes him look like Sir Issac Newton

He's alright but dumb. He thinks in bromides

hahahaha kek'd

can't tell if this is fanfiction or an actual transcript. too good.

Make sure it is a /quickrundown/

He has a shaved head. Obviously a white-supremacist neo-nazi.

Quick rundown:

>no real opinions
>total shitlib
>thinks that greasy blob of diabetes joey diaz is the funniest comedian of all time

Any questions?

> Why doesn't everyone share every worldview I hold to a T

He talks about a lot of things that sound like nonsense but he is at least honest when it comes to bullshit (like quiropractors, flat earth, ayy lmaos) just listen to the Alex Jones episode, he confronts Alex on his bullshit and makes him come up with sources and shit

I like the rogan


He'd fuck your ass up

some people are smart
some people are dumb

others have simply taken to many hits on the head my friend

Who is that woman?


>Married to a jew
>Two jewish kids

>ourguys or bluepilled?
Who gives a shit?
If you like his gay little show, watch it.
Think for yourself for once, you insectoid faggot.

acts like a liberal around liberals

acts like a skeptic around skeptic

acts like a feminist around feminists


Gas huffing chimp. Started smoking weed when he was 35 years because he's literally retarded. Not being ironic, sustained kicks to the head has fried his brain. He's basically insane.

I dont wanna catch a kick like that on my ribs desu.
that looked strong and fluid as hell.
Some pseudo famous LA comedy lady i think, no idea who exactly and who cares.


Joe Rogan is a great generalist. He has a very well rounded and sensible opinion on many topics, but doesn't get a whole lot deeper into anything specific. Sometimes his opinions reach a sensible conclusion, and he stops the thinking there so on more complex issues he ends up being wrong.

One thing I like about Joe is he's good at forming opinions about things on a bipartisan level, he cuts through some bullshit on the left, and he cuts through some bullshit on the right too.

With that said, he definitely leans left - he's one of the few respectable liberals left.

Holy fuck though when he starts going on about drugs i just tune out because it gets all anecdotal and gay



what's that from? I'm really curious

twin peaks

getting blue pilled by the day. His tweet yesterday about the NYT "a newspaper he reads often" really pissed me off. Seriously, how can you become so bluepilled.

Just watch his argument with Crowder over weed.

It's just cringy

That's about it.

Man that was great, user. Saving the quote.

Joe rogan is very unintelligent
He doesn't have a clue how to speak or argue in a cohesive manner. The closest he can get to a good argument is marijuana and other drugs besides alcohol because it's the only thing he believes in strongly.
He's a huge meathead too. I'm glad he knows generally when he's outmatched intellectually on his podcasts for the most part or else i'd probably never listen to him.

he is anthropomorphized "duuude... what if, like, the colors I see... are different than the colors, like... you see.."
total pseud

Related to the topic:

Eddie Bravo is so cool, he could chill out with Stormfags.

He is a redpilled pussy cuck

Eddie bravo is borderline schitzo

>why do I strawman


what episode is this?

Fuckin you don't know shit

Good stuff

Spot on.

good post.

Look joe, I understand you like weed and you will defend it unti, the day you die, I just don't think it's for everyo-



Made it big on TV? Sucked Jewish cock for the blackmail camera...PERIOD.

He never goes too far and he makes pro Jew World Order propaganda.

PS - Major pseudo-intellectual douche too.


He's a pothead.
Potheads can only be trusted to say stupid shit from time to time.

kek he went full retard, Crowder isn't someone you want to go full retard with


I think jbp might burn out the Rogan audience with his repeated appearances where he just says the same shit over and over.

doubt it, rogan has hosted the brian redban guy tons of times even though he's a complete idiot


jamie screenshot that

The Peter Schiff episode was pretty good. I think Joe has some good fundamental belies (for example stagnation without struggle, can't get something for nothing) etc. He usually keeps to those beliefs, and only shifts the political stuff so he can listen to his guest as much as possible

2 videos out of rogans top 10 viewed are with JBP IIRC

t. butthurt rothschild

he goes with the flow

He could be redpilled but chooses to cuck for his audience and advertising shekels. He's a sellout.


you tell me. could barely make it to 3 mins on this one.

He's a sponge. He'll be a mid-line between whatever the popular opinion is, and the person sitting across the table.

If you sat Anglin in front of the man, he'd advocate killing of maybe 50% of Jews. The next day, when Shlomo's on the show, he'll agree to killing off half of whites.

He's a radical centrist extremist.

yep right wing country figthing faggots and mudslims. go watch some cuck porn fatty

This. He partially agrees with literally everybody he talks to.

so it will be just another podcast complaining about sjw, really tired of it

the last one only was good when they moved away from the sjw topic

>yep rit wig contry fiting fagots andmusdims.
weakest diss I've ever seen. Try a bit harder Poleman.

He took too many drugs and broke the fourth wall. He is interacting directly with the story.

he's a turd for the jews.

Are you saying he's trying yo find COMMON GROUND? WHAT AN OUTRAGE!

After you a watch a few podcasts, it's just hard for you to take him seriously. He doesn't really have any convictions. He just smokes pot and gets into dudebro conversations.


i understand hes trying not to get into arguments or whatever

its just very irritating to see him talk shit about something then turn around and praise it in two different podcasts

Rogan's the man. He can kick steel beams in half, he has a hot wife, he's not a wage slave, he hunts his own meat, he has multiple stand-up specials, he's bald, and billions of people listen to him getting high with his friends.
Living the life.

he's alex jones tier. listen to him with a grain of salt.

reminder to plug in your fear factor alarm clocks