Based Rapper?

Is it possible to be based and still listen to/write hip-hop?

In the 90s, I was basically brought up on the genre so I can naturally relate to the accents and cadences. With that said, I'm definitely not a fan of the cultural degeneracy and bullshit that 95% of rappers go on with.

I've always been good with words and like how I can tell a story with such directness and not sound like I'm some sort of poetry reciting gay cunt.

So what's the verdict Sup Forums, can we still be friends or na?

Also not an abo

Other urls found in this thread:

No rap sucks ya pinhead

Is Immortal Technique the most redpilled man of all time?

Immortal Technique is an overrated commie spic with no skills

>>So what's the verdict Sup Forums, can we still be friends or na?
Not with a wigger, go fuck yourself, cocksucker

Tupac and a few others knew what was up before they pushed them to irrelevancy. 90% of them are dead though.


Waiting here for you to name a single white, redpilled rapper

Rucka Rucka Ali

That's the thing, you wouldn't know if they were red pilled or not. Stories can be personal and don't require political/social undertones. That said, I can't name many red pilled artists in general

Yeah his heart to heart felt stuff was okay. But he was way too blue pilled from his childhood though

hip hop can be redpilled

Big L... I haven't listened to him since years. He was great.

I still listen to A Tribe Called Quest, idgaf if that makes me a race traitor.

Yes. I'm working on an album right now, and it is going to be one of the best in years. I'm not kidding. I'll post more in the future, but I don't like bringing politics into music. Also, Eminem, Big L, and MF Doom being some of my favorites, I use a fictional "villain" persona and may be too degenerate for some of Sup Forums

I don't think there's anything wrong with picking and choosing what you like in a culture or even with ideologies. People often pigeon hole themselves going along with what the majority of a movement thinks is the norm. Ultimately they are the cucks

Also obligatory.

stage name so i can ride your coattails if you make it?

"turning fruits into vegetables"


>born black
take this L
Still have to finish the production on the album and all of the copyright. If you produce anything I'm willing to collab.
Here. Its more legit now.
redpilled in some regards at least

Rap fucking sucks, it honest-to-god gives me a sense of dread whenever I'm unfortunate enough to ever hear it. Truly only for niggers, subhumans and degenerates.

Are you aware that the faggot is muslim?

that nigga got shot.
and what good did he do? nothing for his family, nothing for his hood, he only lived for instant gratification. sure he was good with multi syllables and he was funny but fuck him

Based Stille Willem
Kyteman's Orchestra is also really comfy

Aesop Rock. Slug. Eyedea. The list goes on.


Most of it's shit, but there are a few unsigned rappers not with (((major))) labels that are good. K-Rino is pretty good, has whole albums about government corruption and other redpilled shit

Aesop is a jew

Rapper Steen

Mah nigga

Rap is for niggers.

A non trivial amount of major east coast hip hop from the 90s was created by 5percenter space kangs. They hate the white devil but are less antagonistic to jews since jews give them thier record contracts. I grew up on this music as well. It will leave a deep seated distrust in white people inside you if you allow it. You goddam devils. Arm Leg Leg Arm Head born culture cipher. Gain the knowledge so you can know the ledge.

L was a beast mate. His tracks were basically cartoon sketches of a super villian's lifestyle. It was too over the top to be taken seriously.

>what good did he do

What did you ever do faggot?

if it's anything like 90s shit, feel free to my emu friend. if it has even a second of autotune in it tho, it's time to stop.

No it isn't and quit saying fucking "based" take that shit back with you to td you based faggot

No you need to wean yourself off that shit.

His name's (((bavitz))) but I'm pretty sure he's a Catholic raised atheist with an eastern European name.

you posted Big L, the rapper who wrote a track about how a "racist" taxi driver didn't stop for him, so he caught up and shot the taxi driver to death

does it get more dindu?

the only good hiphop album is paul's boutique and that's not because their white
the sample tracks are awesome

Shit music for shit people. Only listen to authentic European music with roots at least two centuries old.

so.. if people know about them, they're shit?
shiiieet you're so punk rock

do you have working ears?..

it shouldn't be possible to enjoy it beyond some beats

they do have european roots
the blues is set up to stanzas and arrangements of old hymns

>stomp white cops till they life stops

It's only comical when Big L says it

You have no idea what you're talking about if you think rap or "the blues" has European roots. At least if you're addicted to the musical equivalent of being assraped by niggers be honest with yourself about it.

raps pretty average the best rap is full thug nigger gun rap like chief keef and lil boosie don't mind some dj screw too

ps what do you write you fucking worstman

Don't let politics interfere with your interpretation of art

Why though objectively? If what I write is non niggerish, and akin to spoken word contextually, and all I'm 'appropriating' from the culture is phrasing and rhythm accents, why would I not indugle if it's the best way I can express myself.

Fuck that, that stuff is boring. I try to listen to classical on the radio sometimes & it puts me to sleep. Just listen to white rock dudes & get away from the niggers.

do you think the blues comes from africa?
where in africa did it come from? i'm not denying they put their own thing into it, but a lot of the basic set up for them (pick a bale o cotton a day type shit) was from the songs taught in the churches
as for the heavy syncopation in jazz, i dont think that's a european thing

Just the whole concept of rap is negroid. They aren't even notes, it's talking. It's a bunch of niggers bragging about how they're cooler than all the other ones, it's crap. You've been raised with it so you will probably continue to kind of like for a while but wean off of it. I used to listen to that shit too. Went to the shows & everything. All that 'underground' shit back in the early 00's. Guess what all that shit is anti-white as fuck and it sucks.

It can be, link related.

Blues originated with American slaves and their various songs. Like other aspects of American black culture they have been influenced by white culture, but the basic creative work to found a new genre is all theirs. Blues is not European, nor is it white - so into the trash it goes.

If you can't appreciate the results of centuries of musical traditions (not just classical hits on the radio) then there is something wrong with you, probably caused by all your "white rock dudes". Figure out which kind of Europeans your ancestors were and listen to their traditional folk tunes, it'll be like chemotherapy for your degenerate music tastes.

Yes, but most media is anti-white and regressively left in it's nature, but you probably still watch most Hollywood movies, no?

Also user, I was born in the 80s so think I would've well and truly weaned myself off it by now. Don't get me wrong, I'm a tech house head, love classical, rock, some pop, etc, but hip-hop for me provides the platform to tell stories in a format I wouldnt be able to if I haven't discovered it

>I've always been good with words and like how I can tell a story with such directness and not sound like I'm some sort of poetry reciting gay cunt.
you sound like a huge faggot. fuck off.

Rap can't be redpil....
I still listen to oldschool rap like big L because they actually had good lyrics and good flow even if they only rapped about being the niggest : fucking the most bitches, killing the most nigga and selling the most drugs
Of course people who listen to rap like it was a model to base your life on are fucking retarded

blackpill rap

You better listen to L rhyme
'Cause bein' street struck'll get you nothin' but a bullet or jail time
So pay attention when L rhyme
'Cause bein' street struck'll get you nothin' but a bullet or jail time


America the beautiful. Homeboy Sandman.

What you're describing is the dumbed-down shitty version of rap that shouldn't even be considered hiphop.

I agree the braggadocios nigger shit is stupid, especially this new mumble rap/trap garbage

Real rap actually requires talent and is all about timing, cadence, delivery and a wide variety of grammatical knowledge

Skip hop is a forced meme, no one likes it. Try another genre, it'll always fail because it's a psy op to push degeneracy and it was never that popular. Triple j pushes it cos abc is zionist/globalist, MTV the same.

Good luck with music, but honestly white rappers are kinda like cool Indians..

Tracks I'm known to roast until the microphone is ghost
Props I own the most, I'm leavin' niggas comatose
Front and get your brain pinched
Big L will have your whole gang lynched
I started smokin' dust and been insane since
Nobody rap like that anymore, they use the cheapest rhyme with short as fuck verse on a retarded trap soundtrack
Yo Jan's getting triggered

Rap only really works in the context of struggle and tribal violence.
So you can have:
1. degenerate rap - niggers portray themselves as victims of the system, which lets them not give a fuck and go full degenerate
2. rebellious rap - same as above, except they want to have some morality (think Dead Prez, Wu-tang to an extent... I'm an oldfag)

All that underground "peaceful" conscious rap is boring low energy Jeb Bush-tier crap that nobody wants to hear. Sad but true.
Same for all that artsy obscure stuff or something that tries to be too clever with the lyrics. It doesn't work, it might get a few nerds excited, but that's that.

So following that, it's way easier for ghetto niggers to do rap, because they have the victim excuse and they can keep the message simple.
But so nowadays white nationalists could do rap too and it would seem pretty genuine, but you wouldn't get any mainstream success and some dumb nigger might literally shoot you.

>those brutal words hurt my skin


We can agree that politically conscious and spiritual peaceful rap is garbage


>rip/degen but brilliant artist

many faces of oliver heart was woke. no bitches, blunts, 40s. all beautifully crafted introspection and empowerment

Big L = GOAT

Anyone who clicked this without knowing pic just to say "rap sux lol white power" is a fucking virgin

also lifesavas first album, spirit in stone i think, was a positive album. had some anti abortion and black people need to be strong for themselves and stop playing victims message

Aesop Rock is listenable. If you're into word porn that is. No stupid gangster nigger shit.

What's the scenario??

this is the objectively correct opinion

This is the only good rapper that I listen,but his still a Jew.

Very few redpilled rappers, although there's several self-improvement rappers I listen to on the way to my desk job to get hype, and I think back to when I was poor as hell growing up and wanted nothing more than to succeed. My top 5 no order:

Large Professor
One Be Lo
Mos Def
Masta Ace

It's easy to consume.
It's the classical music for millenials.
That and club bangers.

What can you expect from degenerates thought ? Definetly nothing else.

You wouldn't let a nigger into your house, why would you let their culture into your brain? I'm tired of you alt-light Proud Boy faggots trying to justify loving subhuman culture. Have some fucking dignity.

You sound like the most generic contrarian faggot out there.

If you like this shitty music at least embrace it and don't be such a bitch

>best jew rapper

I'd challenge anyone here to say their favourite artist/songs werent degenerate in some way shape or form.
It's entertainment innit

>lil ugly mane

>these are the kind if people you share a board with

Fkn emucide can't come soon enougt.

this song is better

Rap died in the early 2000s

Same. Tribe is seriously the greatest. I'll get down to De La Soul sometimes too.
Simply said, shit is bangin

He's fucking great, fight me.
inb4 people start posting 18th century folk music

There is no music there, why did you even link this.

>I've always been good with words and like how I can tell a story with such directness and not sound like I'm some sort of poetry reciting gay cunt.

I read this sentence in Ali G's voice

>albums about government corruption and other redpilled shit
"Redpilled" if you're still in high school, maybe.
It's all baby tier social critique (the men at the top are evil...). Real redpills get removed from Youtube/iTunes...

Yeah, ultimately all music is kinda animalistic and panders to our basic instincts. At least this is true for pop music (rap, rock, dance, ...).
Classical music is a bit different, but that's why it's not as accessible.

What about Polish rap about immigrants with jewish beat?


Fuck up you shit cunt. Clearly I'm not talking about dat nigga shit. Not every black person is a nigga and when you align yourself with every 'alt right' viewpoint jusg because of 'muh ideology' you become the nigga

Ya fillin' meh

What about Cage??

>Not every black person is a nigga
You must be exhausted from all the mental gymnastics you go through to convince yourself you're not a bluepilled mega pozzed BBC addict

dylan ross
>heavy pagan themes
>from based ohio
>talks a lot about his scottish ancestry
>is actually based in the rap sense of the word unlike