Could anyone explain to me why jews dont count as white?

Could anyone explain to me why jews dont count as white?

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because they're semites not european

Because they're jews


>Could anyone explain to me why jews dont count as white?
Skin color does not equal heritage. They look white, but have made every effort to separate themselves from us.

White is European. Jews are originally brown and became somewhat more white through rape and degeneracy, but they are not European.
They hate all Europeans.

and why is that?

They are white when it's convenient. Jews shit test like women. They are like timelords of the double standard. They are an oppressed minority when it suits them.

they dont consider themselves white

i would only call someone like gilad atzmon white

Jews are originally from the middle east, after migrating more north, especially to they become more light skin, I would guess probably through miscegenation. That are the ashkenazi jews. If you look up sephardic jews, they are more brownish, e.g. Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela.
I would not list them white, because of the reasons just given and because througout history they made huge atempts to weaken and harm gentile sociaties and they succeeded especially in the west (North America and western Europe)

Because whites only existed in Europe originally. That is why.
Tell me where else whites have lived?
Jews lived in the Middle East and like all Middle Easterners the have Arab features.
It changes nothing if one jew fucked a white and their offspring became more lighter in skin tone, they still hate everything about Europeans.

If you are really Jewish- then you have probably said or heard someone say "I'm not really white- I'm Jewish". And we've heard it too. And we're calling y'all on it. Italians and Greeks can be pretty dark- but they never (rarely- some Slavs do too) dent being white. But Jews who look white deny it- so there is your answer. We say you are not white- because you say you are not white

when we talk about white we talk about the white European races the so called Aryan or Indo-European races
jews so not belong to our racial group, they might appear to have a white skin because they've lived in European climate for centuries but they aren't part of our racial group

Jews that have European blood, many of them, are white.


>brown skin
>brown eyes
>curly hair

Still their jewishness is more prevalent, they would stand more to their tribe than to the nation were they live or were born.
Best example is your country

>brown eyes
>curly hair
well, it's wavy, half check
Fucking check

Am I a fucking joo?

demons are not human to begin with

Do you belong to a group with strong cultural identity that would do anything to help someone else in the group?

It's every man for himself where I'm from.

HURR Can Sum1 Explain wto me why blacks arent white??

Blacks are the original israelis

Why don't you ask a jew

Jesus wept and from a Leaf as well. Quality.