Do you faggots know what guy you are? You're that guy at social gatherings that has to constantly interject or one man up when someone says something.
Person: "Hey Tom, did you hear about the North Korean missile that flew over Japan. Crazy right?"
You: "That's just a Jewish psyop to bring north Korea into the one world order. North Korea is not part of the Jewish banking system, and the jews want to.... blah blah blah".
Gabriel Bell
Jokes on you, that would require me to leave the house.
Ayden Rogers
You do it to your mom.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Wait, don't blah blah blah, finish that thought. I am curious.
Sebastian Sanchez
>op makes up archetypes
Josiah Wilson
Nice try Schlomo
Tyler Stewart
I can't be that guy. If I were to talk politics in a social setting I would not be popular anymore.
Leo Bennett
"Please, don't shut it down, keep telling me about the jews" "NICE TRY SHLOMO"
I should just post "don't kys" on this board every day.
Wyatt Gonzalez
Robert Hernandez
and you are that NPC that repeats the same 4 lines whenever someone speaks to you
>Sportsball >donal drumpf!! >the new adele sone omg >funny cat pictures on facebook lol