Do you have any normie friends aware of your full power level?

>be me, burger married to bong wife in Bongistan.
>working out in basement before family dinner.
>me autistically hitting the sieg heil pose in front of mirror 'mirin gains.
>see my wife's Greek grandfather staring behind on stairs.
> shit.
>"you like doing this Nazi thing?"
>"uhhhh yeah."
>laughs loud- "you're a funny boy. But Germans knew the truth of many things."
>end of night me and him outside having a fag and shit talking Turks and women.
>he thinks everyone else is alright.
>doesn't care I despise everything else.
>now when we go to see him he clicks boots and Roman salutes before giving me a hug.
> we laugh tell concerned people it's an in joke.

I liked this story, user. Greeks seem pretty cool.

A friend of mine had a scar under his nose that made him look as though he had a Hitler moustache. The Greek owner of a take away store affectionately started saying 'Heil Hitler' whenever we walked into his store, so I started saying 'Zito' back to him and singing the Golden Dawn anthem. He has a good sense of humour.

No, my closest friends are still pretty blue-pilled or they just don't know much at all. I'm convinced that will change, but not sure how or when.

Greek grandpas are God tier, however your story is bullshit because ww2 was very hard for that generation, unless he didn't live through that.

I just avoid racial stuff and talk like a civ nat when it comes up. I give both barrels short of naming them when it comes to degeneracy, Propaganda (both corporate and government), banking, pharma, etc.

I have a normie friend who got redpilled on Jews and it's nice to have someone to shoot the shit with IRL. Like no topic is taboo including holocaust denial.

He's normie as fuck though so it's getting more and more difficult to relate to him in general.

Yes. He doesn't care.

So many people here are on the brink of taking the full redpill, but then someone comes along and screams Nazi and suddenly the German Gulit Complex kicks in.

>having friends outside of the internet
it's like you want to spend money and waste time in order to socialize

>bong wife
>greek grandfather