Why are Ubisoft trying to #blackwash history?
Why are Ubisoft trying to #blackwash history?
Because they was kangz n shiet
>an argument using scientific standards in academia as evidence is hate speech
watch out for this, more and more people are conflating race/IQ/gender realism and its studies with what racism is traditionally defined as. this association keeps a lot of people away from reading factual, or at the very least legitimate scientific, information otherwise they'll think they're racists for reading the truth.
cos das racis mane
>Assassin's Creed
really, nigger?
I don't see which bit of it could be construed as racist in any way whatsoever
Your argument was incredibly civil
I don't fucking understand
I can't
I just can't
This is ridiculous.
you were banned by an hr whale
You should have linked to the actual paper so it's as legitimate as possible.
So they made egyptians black or something? I thought they only made them brown like it should be
because video games, like other forms of mainstream media, are (((their))) tools for programming the masses
it's self-evident
steam forums assassins creed origins is the
new freedom of speech site.
The characters in ACO aren't black you dumb nigger
>why do scorpions sting
because they are scorpions. same goes with Ubisoft
You are such a fucking retard.
>Egyptians were most closely related to Neolithic Levantine, Anatolian and European populations
Well yeah no shit, that's how they're portrayed in the game too. Did you even watch the trailer
Main character isn't black though.
You know the answer, or whatever. But you're here to inflate your ego.
In case you don't, I'll help you out. These cunts probably don't care about politics, they just go with trends. There might be a few activists over there, but the rest simply follow them because it's their job.
>You want me to code a nigger Egyptian? Sure, whatever as long as you give me shekels.
So, in general, they actually have no racial bias (in either way). But, here you come, going all "LOL NIGGERS WEREN'T KANGZ" and here they are just trying to make money. You come and stir shit up they don't want around their game. They probably calculated they would get less shit from doing nigger Egyptians than white Egyptians. That simple.
ancient egyptians were white
Hit by the curse of the pharaoh :^)
Don't question the KANGZ next time.
Exactly this
Plus our Western educations have us believed ancient Egypt was black because the wall paintings
look all I want from you is another settlers game, that doesn't look like it was made by retards.
Some of them yeah, more in the Ptolemaic dinasty but like any big city in those times its likely it population would be a cluster fuck of greeks, Romans, nubians, people from middle east , mercenaries from weird northern lands, etc
have you ever heard of something called sjw beta leftists, jews and niggerfaggots? they don't care about facts or reality being the unhinged genelets that they are thus the now infamous "WE"
Why are these cucks complaining now? If it isn't we wuz I don't see a problem with the race of egyptians in the game.
thats cause you are whity not kangz!
I just watched the trailer, where are all the black people? seems like fake news.
It's probably retards who think egyptians were blond and blue eyed or something I don't fucking know at this point this place is just a cesspool of shit, don't waste your time
This. Op is an autist.