They're kicking out white British whose parents were born in Australia now while they continue importing Africans and report news and ebonics on BBC. England is more cucked and pathetic than Germany and Brexit meant fucking NOTHING.


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Archived it for you archive.is/ydAFy

kill me

he was born here too

Henry, what the hell is going on.. Where are the great English patriots.. Where is the army? Where are the soccer thugs, where is the BNP, the rural folks, is there ANYONE who actually gives a damn about that island anymore? Where did the spine of your once greatest nation on God's earth go..?



Do you guys realize once your island falls there's no place on earth for the English people to escape to? Are most people there just resigned to extinction or too drugged up to care?

t b h im glad that there's still some standard for the immigration office. VISA overstayed; have to go home!

We tried to get UKIP or more right wing guys in power, but we have a controlled media and the libtards are still retarded. If it was up to us we'd have open borders for all white people who aren't bent left, but what do we know, we're just people who don't shit on our own culture for fun.

>ebonics on BBC