pretty hilarious, desu
pretty hilarious, desu
I can't believe you wasted time listening to it
I'd rather cut my own ears off and make a sandwich out of them than listen to their lies. I've read enough of the garbage they print to know it's a bigger waste of time than spending the day here.
Imagine if they tried to declare war on white males. You know they wish they could. Pressure the Cops to kill whitey or lose their jobs/pensions. Tell white men to pay most or all of their wages to the state. Shoot any remotely pro white person with no crime committed. The ban on pro white speech is beginning. Never underestimate Globalists and their Far Left shock troops.
the film network was real all along.
>Angela Nagle spent the better part of the past decade in the darkest corners of the internet
>Publishes a 136 page book
What a fucking waste of a life holy shit.
Connecting Sup Forums to Charlottesville it is like they don't even know this place is 90% Asian population
wow she like Donnie Brasco undercover