Muh races

>muh races
>humans are not all the same.

Explain why asians, black people, whites, indians, and natives can have the same blood type?

check mate nazis and drumpfsters.

(((Blood types)))

I don't buy it for a fucking second

Explain why everyone believes in race except for white people

Thank God you libtards are dumb as a box of hammers. If you had a brain to share you might become dangerous.

And take it back to your DUmpster.

Why don't blue birds mate with crows?

Explain why we could have viable offspring with Neanderthals, a group not considered to be human.

Explain why tigers and lions can create offspring?

>also schizo tinfoiler conspiracy tard

Oh, blood types is a fabrication of your fantasy jew controlled world sweetie?

Did you tell your mom about that when she gave you your chicken tendies?

Why do all other creatures have species?
But when it comes to humans, its called race?

More than just neanderthals survived.

Take your brain medicine

looks sweeties, were talking about the human race, not animals or some extincted race.

Come up with a better argument?

ill take it when you take yours you racists toothpaste

Is race defined by blood type now? That's just one of the 100s of definitions i have heard.

>different sparrow subspecies have noticeable physical differences yet maintain (essentially) constant internal functions and features with some minor variation
>they're all the same sparrow lmao

Because is not the same thing?

>Burger education

I am fairly certain that different "races" have varying frequencies of different bloodtypes. Race is not a particularly useful categorisation however.

O- is the only true white blood type. Everyone else is a nigger.

blood was developed before the final parts of the brain

Your right, I think you should show us how virtuous and intelligent you are by moving to Africa

This is so cringe... You couldn't even come up with something that would legitimately make people on the right want to die? Fucking lefties suck at the internet in every possible way.

>There are people in this thread who take OP seriously

How dumb are you people?

They injected me with tiger's blood, it's why I can run faster, jump higher, and grow these magnificent whiskers.

Explain why people keep begging for minority bone marrow donors if we are all the same? Why dont those racist minorities want white bone marrow?

>kekistan flag