
I smoke weed 4 times a week.
I feel great, I'm only a teenager, I'll only smoke once/week when school begins.
Tell me why it's degenerate.
Why do you guys care?

Smoke away faggot me too

If you smoke weed as a teenager, it lowers the maximum IQ you'll attain. Have fun being a retarded burnt out teenager your whole life.

People who smoke weed are subhuman scum.

You'll get it when you're older and you begin losing memory and having some growing anxiety

You are causing your body to fail and are making it in pain (a rapist can feel great), you are the scum of society that needs to be put down.

This. No better than a nigger.

lemme guess, it's for your glaucoma kek

as a lifelong smoker, I sincerely suggest that you wait until early 20s to smoke. I regret starting when I was a young teen. your brain isn't fully matured yet and it slows you down a lot more when you are young.
