Christian thread -- debating atheists edition

We Christians will officially debate all atheists and Muslims in this thread.

By the end of this thread, we will have even more Christians on this board.

Our claims:
>God is real according to pure logic and the Bible
>The Bible is the Word of God
>Jesus Christ died for YOUR sins (yes, YOU)

Other urls found in this thread:

Athiest here with my bible in hand. Ready to be turned catholic or something

>>God is real according to pure logic and the Bible
I'm not even an atheist but that is not a strong start.

How can you be a racist like most people on Sup Forums and a Christian at the same time?

>After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands (Rev 7:9)

>Athiest here
I still don't understand how anyone can be an atheist while looking at the world around them. We did not come from nothing. PERIOD.

I believe in god

I just don't think god is a very moral leader and his fetish for dualism is pointless. God's plan is literally using humans as currency and the creations have a right to disavow the creator.

Think about it, the god of this universe might not be the creator of reality. Our god could have been another mortal in another universe and we could be that mortal's creation.

It IS possible to kill god. If god ever damns me and you guys are okay with that and enjoy living like pampered pussies in heaven, then I have the right to collect the mystical magical gems and overtake heaven.

We Christians are not racists, but we believe that God made the different nations and divided mankind according to his will. We think that the Bible is anti-globalist and nationalistic.

>God is real according to pure logic

Fuck I was actually thinking that you might have something worthwhile to say, but you've got to be fucking retarded.

Don't make me bring out my inner fedora because I do not want to be making the case for fucking atheism.

That's where the Bible comes in handy, because the Bible says that God had a plan for us, and that we can inherit eternal life by believing in Jesus Christ.

We can't just hypothesize a scenario like that an impute it on God. Because if we believe the Bible we know that God is good.

>White Guy
>Attacking the basis for all Western Christendom
Doesn't add up senpai. I bet you consider your Marxist ideals to be "Red Pilled" too... smdh

Nor do i think that. I believe in the theory of evolution and that universe is nothing more then star dust and chemicals and gasses forming objects in space. Why is it hard to believe that "god" creating his universe was just him using the big bang as a method of creation?

I don't think you've seriously considered what I said.

Atheists contend that we came from literally nothing. It makes no sense whatsoever. It is physically impossible. The only explanation is God. Full stop. You have no logical argument against that.

>different heretical denominations arise within different nations
Stop. Jesus may tolerate it, but a quick look at the catechism and it becomes obvious that God does NOT want a bunch of heathen protestants or off-the-rails orthodox polluting his kingdom with their insane offshoots.

A monotheistic creator is self-evident just from observation.

Where did God come from?


I want to cum in her hair.

god is not real.

>literally been waiting days to have a conversation of the spiritual feeling behind mankind and its place in the cosmic universe
>instantly mocked

Middle eastern religions aren't white or western, get out of here cucks.

Also, "God is real because the bible is real, the bible makes sense because God is real!!!"

If someone claims to love Christ and reads the Bible and prays, then I have them as a Brother
t. Baptist

Okay, but the Bible says that we produce after our own kind, and macroevolution (families of animals literally crossing into other species and families) have never been observed. We've observed bacteria reproduce for thousands of generations, trying to force them to stop producing bacteria or moving across their own family -- it never happens. Never, ever, has an animal produced anything other than its own kind. Evolutionism is not a valid theory.

As far as the Big Bang, the idea that the entire mass of all things in the universe being condensed into a single dot of nothingness, and then all-of-a-sudden coming into existence for no apparent reason, is nonsense, utter Star Trek fiction.

The only logical explanation is that God created the universe, but I happen to believe that Big Bang was not God's method of creation.

but it doesn't apply to polytheistic creators because?

It is physically impossible for god to have come from nothing as well.

I'm a baptist, so I believe in the Bible.

God exists outside of space and time. He is omnipotent and omniscient.

Oi I wanted an answer, where did God come from?

So,where did God come from?

Christians are tools of the jews and are leading white races to extinction. Christians must be eliminated.

Atheist here, debate me into believing now.

>Cthulhu is real according to pure logic and the Necronomicon
>>The Necronomicon is the Word of Cthulhu
>>You will all die screaming when the dread lord returns (yes, YOU)

Really?So God can create a rock he can not lift?

Yeah, he exists outside of space and time, so he isn't affected by whatever laws of physics we adhere to today. Obviously.

Daily reminder that Christians are coalburners of the soul.

>>God is real according to pure logic
No, your imaginary friend is not real. "I think he's real and tgat means he is" is not logic, its just you declaring bullshit as fact.
>The Bible is the Word of God
Again, he isn't real, you retard.

I thought that was a tiny penis first glance.

I told you. He exists outside of space and time, he is not affected by whatever laws of physics that we adhere to. That's the only explanation for space and time coming into existence.

Free will can not exist without God. Yet we all have free will... strange how that is, huh?

Sure, I agree. But saying that the creator is the invisible man in the sky from your fairytale is just pure guessing.
Dont get me wrong, since there is no absolute proof you can belive whatever you want. I choose not to belive anything,.

fucking kill yourselves.

Why do you assume we do?

Do you realise how fucking crazy you sound? You can make the Bing Bang sound crazy, and you could well apply what you said about God being omnipotent and omniscient to the Bing Bang.
>There was nothing it seemed
>Then there was something and it became everything
But somehow, you made that already crazy-sounding idea even crazier by saying
>It was a guy
>That guy happens to be inconceivably powerful

Yes I know you told me, look at the post upload times.

The "first cause" argument says he has no beginning or end. There must be a first cause right?
Yet here we are.
Well then you must be fully aware of all the torture your Christian forefathers endured to build the institutions you now take for granted and seek to destroy.

How was your childhood faith lost apostate?

Yes, since he can do anything, he can do that. Then he can make himself able to lift that rock again, should he wish to.

Christians debating are like that annoying kid on the playground when you're young, "No you can't kill me I'm bulletproof! I'm also explosion proof! I just am!"

>real christians

Because without free will there is no basis for a legal system or the rule of law.

Doesn't mean they're going to Heaven though

>God exists outside of space and time
So, he's not real?

>muh no true Scotsman

This is why we larpagans hate you. Your pettiness has cost millions in European blood.

can we both agree that atheist and christniggers are equaly delusional?

neo-pagans are just as degenerate as modern christians,faggot

If he was not able to lift the rock,than that means he is not omnipotent.
>Dude only retards think something can be made out of nothing
>Btw God was made out of nothing,just trust me on that one!
Top fucking kek.


>you could well apply what you said about God being omnipotent and omniscient to the Bing Bang
Except there still is no physical explanation for how the Big Bang actually took place, since all heat and energy and matter of the universe could not have been piled up in a dot smaller than the singular quarks that make up that matter. If we assume that this was the case, that state of everything being inside a "dot" could not change without an outside force adding energy or adding something to the equation to force a change of circumstances. That's just simple thermodynamics.

Then we have the question of where this matter comes from, because according to the laws of physics, matter can not create itself.

>Have the internet.
>Free access to objective truth.
>Want to convert to some fairy tale religion.
Conformity is easy, right?

You are thinking that a chicken will lay an egg and it will hatch into a different creature. The level of gradation to evolution is much more small then that. And we are not single celled organisms that reproduce asexually. We have to breed. With bacteria, they copy their own dna over and over. Unless introduced to new stimulus, theres no need for change.

It is not fiction because you dont understand it.

What do you believe to be the truth to how the universe was created?

The "first cause argument" dictates a supreme being and creator, so suppose the example of a polytheistic god/s, one would have existed first and aused the other gods creation and then existence as we know it.

Ladies and gentlemen, The centrists of religion.

Yes he is. Just because something exists outside of our perception of space and time doesn't make it not real.

>Free will can not exist without God
No, you retard, free will can not exist if there is am omnipotent creator. If he made everything and jnows everything tgen we don't make decisions, we just do what he made us to do.

if yahweh or whatever is real, why isnt varg being punished? instead he lives with a white wife has white children makes blogs and table games and basically is a better person than the average christian/muslim/jew.

So maybe legal systems and rules of law have no basis?

I happen to believe in timelessness, so the same shit could literally be applied to the Big Bang, whereupon nothing became something. Beats creating an entire facade of some concoction of the human mind that we've made in OUR image.

>Except there still is no physical explanation for how the Big Bang actually took place

>what is red shift and blue shift

>Ladies and gentlemen, The centrists of religion.

agnostisim makes the most sense there are millions of gods how do you know you got the right one almost every riligeon has some form of hell too.
how can christfags/atheists even compete?


Thread theme

Free will is in direct opposition of law and order. You spout sickening babble

>mfw Catholic

Pls like me guys, I hate Muslims too

The Bible states that we all have free will

>God is real according to pure logic
im interested in hearing this argument.

One is to some degree backed by science and the other one is a completely made up fairytale. They are in no way equal.

Assuming Christianity is the right version of the worlds 4200 religions, which branch of Christianity is the right one?

If you are baptized wrong (sprinkling vs immersion) you are not even saved according to some branches of Christianity. Go to the wrong church and you are spinning your wheels, doing it wrong, and going to hell regardless.

Shouldn't OP wipe out all other branches of Christianity first to prove his flavor of god is the one true version? And then convert or exterminate all other faiths? Only then can he come around and prove his god is the true one (or at least had a better army) and pick a fight with the atheists.


> With bacteria, they copy their own dna over and over.
The theory of evolution states that we came from a primordial mix of molecules, so obviously that reproduction must have started somewhere and the "copying" must have turned into something else at some point. Scientists still have absolutely no idea how abiogenesis could have happened. The truth is that only God can create life.

>you dont understand it
Yes, I do. Even Big Bangers admit that they don't have an explanation for how the Big Bang was initiated or what happened before that, for matter to exist in the first place.

>What do you believe to be the truth to how the universe was created?
The Bible says God created the heaven and the earth and all living things, so far, that seems to conform with everything we know about reality. And God is still the most logical explanation to all things unseen. The Bible even says that. The proof of faith is the things unseen.


He knows what you're going to do but doesn't make you do it

Our God said that humans had created other gods before

>god is real because i say he is.
just like how santas real and the tooth fairy.

>One is to some degree backed by science and the other one is a completely made up fairytale. They are in no way equal.

both cant anwser one qeustion what created everything? and what created god?

both need to rely on some blind faith.

>he said based off nothing

Pic related, a neopagan.

>Conformity is easy, right?
Like blindly parroting what a million other retards say on the internet.

No, God gave us free will. Just because he knows everything doesn't mean he caused it. If I record a baseball match on TV and we watch it together the next day, I didn't cause the baseball match to play out the way it did just because I know everything that's gonna happen. God exists outside of time and can jump on the "timeline" to see whatever he wishes.

Milo Y. Fred Phelps. the entirety of numerous cults that have directly arisen from christianity over a millennia of bastardization and heresy.

jesus may be able to afford to love everyone regardless of their shit, but humans sure as fuck can't. if an old friend does something incredibly stupid that harms himself/others and shows no sign of stopping his incompetency, you are a fool to continue being an associate of his, and an even bigger idiot if you consider him to be a friend in any regard. those who would continue to call their religion "christianity" even as they deviate from the original position are among these.

>forgetting that no true scottsman only applies for arbitrary factors that cannot actually be controlled, such as race, nationality, etc.
ideology is NOT an arbitrary factor you don't control, it is a conscious choice. if i claim to be a white supremacist but actively have sex with niggerbitches, then i am, in fact, NOT a real white supremacist

Fine, then you tell me what's the point in punishing people from crimes or even enforcing "laws", if free will does not exist and people have no choice in their actions.

>everything in our reality must have a mover
>an initial mover must exist
>from where did the initial mover come?
>initial mover is outside the universe thus it can come from nothing
This argument doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
If there is some reality which allows for something to have no origin, why is it impossible that we live in this reality?
To put it simply, if you can assume God doesn't need an origin then you can also assume our universe doesn't need an origin.


pretty much this whole debate of my sky dady can beat your big bang is a exercise in sheer futility.

Red shift and blue shift "prove" the age of the universe, it didn't explain what happened before the Big Bang or how the Big Bang was initiated. Even Big Bangers admit this.

This is such a cute picture of Christ chan. Such deep blue eyes.

You don't have to be baptized at all to be saved but you should still do it


What? Source? The only things I've seen him write about religion are cursing the decline of Christianity.

If those speak objective truth then I'm on their side, if not then they're as bad as those who believe in religious nonsense.

No, law and order exist because we assume that people are free agents that are capable in their decision making and able to make rational choices.

>What is the Tower of Babel
>God's giving of the Land of Israel to the Jews
There is a fine line between being racist and, as OP said, believing that God made everyone to have their own homelands, their own countries and nations.

No, you've just created a strawman

So slave-masters who fucked their slaves but still believed they had a right to rule over them weren't still, at the core, white supremacists?

Do you have an alternative, Mr Englightened?

>You don't have to be baptized at all to be saved but you should still do it
According to just your local church. Your neighbor's version of Christianity says otherwise. Which of you is right?