I saw somewhere on twitter that the demographic of /pol was mostly asian dudes and white chicks. I love what Pol does to keep SJW and Commie fucks in check, but I want to see if what I already believe is true in the sense that Anti-"progressives" are more "divers" than those white shedevil banshees being all white savior and shit
So, I rarely use Sup Forums (I use Reddit) but
>Implying we have purpose
Lurk more faggot
Please return to reddit faggot.
You may want to immediately check yourself in to the nearest mental retardation facility.
Mostly white privileged men
Pol is white chicks
it would explain everything here
I thought everyone here was black nazis and shit. Am I on the wrong board?
Nah nigguh.
That's what I thought too. Come on pol, let's be diverse and hate muslims together!
>Not jews first then muslims.
>i use Reddit
Seems about right. The pic, not the comment.
Well, we do like to post bbc....
go back to plebbit
>white chicks
>I saw somewhere on twitter that the demographic of /pol was mostly asian dudes and white chicks
>mostly asian dudes and white chicks
That would be the paid shills, you can hardly go one thread on here without people screeching about "TWO SCOOPS", "RUSISANS DID NTOHING WORNG!", "HAIL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP".
Or some equally inane, inhumanly stupid, soundbyte.
We're literally distilled propaganda here, with some smaller percentage of the board either so mind obliterated they subsist on it like some drugged up, used, whore; their already tenuous grasp of reality lost years ago.
Or they're masochists who wade into these deeply ignorant waters in hope that some of these lost souls aren't so far gone as to be unrecoverable.
Picklewood. Itss likebthat episode of Rick and Morty where Rick is a pickle. A RICKLE. Hahahaa
"Thankfully, I am neither of those, unlike the rest of this board."
Oh no, I'm a masochist.
I fucking hate the time I spend on Sup Forums but keep coming back to it for some goddamn reason. I'm getting viscerally angry at all these recent posts about civil war for example, and am pretty sure this is a narrative being pushed by the shills, or at least I hope it is.
Otherwise the mind obliterated whores of this board are so far gone they've forgotten our country doesn't live in a fucking vacuum, and that countries in general live in a dog-eat-dog world. We have a fuck ton of foreign threats funding these shills and doing their damnedest to instigate as much civil strife as possible to cripple our country.
The worst thing is that our goddamn politicians are fucking aiding and abetting them.
>/pol was mostly asian dudes and white chicks
Lmao, pol is honestly mostly South Americans and white dudes, with the occasional Asian dude.
Contrary to popular belief, some women do browse Sup Forums.... But... Pic related...
Nah, the population density problem will solve itself either by biological means or sociological ones. Civil war is but one of the conclusions, with epidemics around there as well. Cities are unnaturally dense in people and it causes a number of psychological effects.
Fuck off back to pleddit asshole
What does "unnatural" mean exactly?
Because if we make an appeal to tradition, than traditionally humans lived nasty, brutish, and short lives that saw them dead by the time they were around 50.
I want our species to get their fucking act together so that we can collectively get our asses off this planet and become veritable gods amongst the stars.
You need to go back.
the mohamed should behead or stone the tumblrina desu
I imagine this is the exact person I reply to in every thread.
no you're just not liked I guess.
Guys pls I know Reddit is a shithole leftist cunt stash but it has good porn
>Letting any community culture dictate your own impressions on matters
Stop being such a brainlet and think for yourself instead of just taking everything you're told at face value.
mai waifu
one does not use Reddit
Reddit uses them
get gassed fagfag
lmfao it's the pussy ancap poster hahahahahahhah just kill yourself bro. Save yourself the pain of the oncoming civil war
>lmfao it's the pussy ancap poster hahahahahahhah just kill yourself bro. Save yourself the pain of the oncoming civil war
Ayy, look, it's a Russian shill.
I have to hand it to you, you guys have done a marvelous job of inciting more civil strife in our country than we've had in decades. But while our country is reeling I still have hope we'll get our act together before the decade is out.
And your oligarchical masters in Russia will still have their funds frozen by the Magnitsky Act, and Russia as a whole will continue to fade into the background as a corrupt shithole with worse living standards than China.
lul guess again bucko. I just find it hilarious you worry about this shit. I genuinely hope you're underage. Thanks for the (You) though, 10 more Putinbux for me!
>I just find it hilarious you worry about this shit
Yeah, why would any sane American be concerned about the civil unrest of his country?
But whatever, don't let me keep you occupied in this thread. I'm sure you have a ton of shilling to do today- you need to get people as hot and bothered about a civil war as possible, after all.
>Iv been with a good amount of black guys
times are tough in 60% land
My point is; it's out of your control. If it happens it happens, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. What does coming on Sup Forums crying like a little bitch do about it? I'll give you a hint skippy "nothing"
Jews never understand this place because they can't sell it.
Get it through you thick head OP, Sup Forums is white nazi and will always be white nazi.
>What does coming on Sup Forums crying like a little bitch do about it? I'll give you a hint skippy "nothing"
I already described the situation in my first post, you shill; It does as much as any idea thrown into an abyssal forum of incoherent thought.
I'm here pissing into the ocean of piss in the hopes that it'll inspire some ragged propaganda whore to wake the fuck up to being manipulated. We've got more than enough enemies without to be so fucking hung up on superficial shit, especially when some of the most vital institutions of our country are fucking -crumbling-.
While Trump is pushing as many reptilian brain buttons as possible, from NORTH KOREAN WAR to BEWARE THE XENO, he and his ilk are quietly chipping away at civil protections that benefit ALL of us regardless of our goddamn skin color.
Environmental protection, public education, public infrastructure and a litany of other government institutions can all get fucked apparently. Meanwhile his swamp gets a meter deeper every fucking month, his wallet getting that much fatter from either the taxpayer money he pockets from his properties or the private bribes from foreign interests.
But yes, let's focus on the NIGGER or the WETBACK. There is where the true heart of the problems facing our country lies.
Go back to where you're from.
>asian dudes and white chicks
i tink it funny when da black think dae white n sheit