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The solution is to set up another video sharing site that's better than YouTube.

Have YouTube go down the same road as MySpace.

Joy Villa will be the first queen of BitChute.

They can't to that to a POC, can they?

This is completely outrageous. The song if filled with inoffensive feel-good platitudes and truisms. It's like a right-wing "Fight Song". Is supporting Trump actually against YouTube now?

Better how? YouTube's become too well established.

What are the odds she's lying for views?

they can when that POC is spewing vitriolic internal racism and white nationalism and spreading hate throughout YouTube. She's been so misinformed by right wing propaganda that she doesn't even know she is promoting someone that hates her and wants to kill her people.

Good move by YouTube.

Perhaps hit'em with antitrust laws

pls be my waifu joy billa

Did Sup Forums take the lead again? Weird day desu

>This is completely outrageous
What's completely outrageous is the fact that it was allowed on YouTube in the first place. YouTube is not a place for your bigotry and hatred. Joy gets a pass because she is a person of color that is just misguided into thinking white nationalist presidents are in anyway a good thing. Lucky she isn't a white woman, I would personally dox her myself.

Better, by making employment to it a felony. Treason is a serious crime, no?

Do something like the brave browser did and give it anonymous economic incentive.

Couldn't agree more dude

Antitrust laws? Like what?

>Guaranteed replies

lol. Well played

Come back when you have some bait of substance.

>What are the odds she's lying for views?
Yeah maybe. I never heard of anyone getting a warning.

If only. A new service would need some bigger name in order to lure the audience from YouTube.

Geocities what?

You think the Media DNC Collusion is bad now and last election.
Wait till 2020 election!
They have three years to silence the right!

>white nationalist

AHAHAHAHA his just the first president in years who isn't a war monger or leftist fanatic

Love you.


How do we get this song number 1?

Also, she's onto something. How do we get the image of multi culti on our side? I'm not talking crossing boarders multi culti but wholesome conservative culti culti.



You schizophrenic?

This lady is an attention whore who makes mediocre music.

Why would youtube give someone an ultimatum to remove something from their website for them?

Also spam the likes!

Any other bongs think of the ceebeebies show with pocpocs whenever someone writes "POC"?

You don't, it's not even a good song.

Also remember her older video:

...and the shitstorm she caused half a year ago (pic related).

Post the picture where she is posing and you can see her white panties.

How is it "violating" YouTube """"" standards """""" when they have no standards to begin with?

if we can get every radio station playing this song nonstop it was be pleasantly satisfying.

all those FCKH8 AND FUCKTRUMP vids with kids swearing and being homos are OK along with elsa and spiderman scat videos, a lil bit of nudity powered by VEVO and 10000000 videos with the word KUSH , DEPRESSION or LEAN targeted to the youth,

if joy villa was singing about hillary this wouldnt be happening, this cant be denied even by the most fired up liberul.

"poc" is the new "nigger"

YouTube """""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""standards"""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""