Why do the Chinese hate doggos so much pol??
Why do the Chinese hate doggos so much pol??
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Asians literally have no souls
Fuck off Nazi
China did nothing wrong. They are an example of a prospering socialist nation. Mao Zeodong was a genius who turned China into a superpower and the Chinese into an industrious hard working loyal proletariat. Their government is far more stable and functioning than the pathetic neoliberal capitalist debt prison that is the United States.
nys, you commie fuck
I have yet to meet an empathetic Chinese person.
If we're a debt prison, then China is a full on Guantanamo Bay of debt.
They remind them of themselves.
Poor doggo ;(
Chinese are cruel insects.
>I have yet to meet an empathetic Chinese person.
This is my experience as well. In business they will also Jew you faster than a Jew unless your contracts are strict and within either a US or Hong Kong jurisdiction. They DO NOT have a high-trust society.
Source: Fucking Chinese company owes my small business a lot of money.
I'd genocide the Chinese if it were up to me. Every last one of them. Glass their fucking shit hole.
Why do the Americans hate pigs so much pol??
Because they are not kosher ; ^ )
The Chinese actually admire the Jews to the point of copying them, but they hate them like white people. They're prepping up to become a world superpower, and when they do, they'll get back at whiteys for century of humiliation.
asians enjoy suffering.
look at japanese porn. The female is squeeling and acting like she is in pain the whole time. This is what excites the japanese mind.
All the Chinese do is copy and steal. Read up on Art of War (Sun Tzu) in how the Chinese fight. They're conniving and deceitful like a coward Jew.
because dogs are fucking gay
No, first the jews, all of our resources must be used to stop them first
>human dies
Nobody gives a shit
>dog gets hurt the slightest bit
People shit their pants in rage
Dogs aren't humans.
because dogs are more pure than the most Aryan Bavarian
No conscience
that's horrible. poor little cat. can't decide who'se uploading this content. could be anons just trying to trigger each other or its sjws with orders from kikes to polarise social media against china.
The Chinese in Canada are inconsiderate, greedy cunts. They made business out of the housing market, creating the bubble that makes it hard for Canadians to own a property.
All they care about is money like a greedy Jew.
The Yellow Peril is REAL.
>orders from kikes to polarise social media against china.
Its probably some idiots who want to distract themselves and everyone from problems in their own countries. Like this Canadian whos country is rulled by faggots who allow to fuck dogs, but he is obsessed with dogs in China.
>Defending China
All this deflecting; must be a 50 center. fucking faggots.
its gruesome, but at least they are clubbing them unconcious. Animals in western slaughter houses are lucky if they get clubbed b4 slaughter. Slaughter is often easier if animal if left to bleed out while still alive The fact that you've blurred out the faces pretty much gives it away that this is top down subversion against china from kikes. I saw the unkiked version years ago with faces still showing.
Is the girl you love fucking with a Chinese neighbour who bought property there? That would explain the hatred. Instead of being manly and finding a new girl, you are diving into ressentiment.
You both should've been aborted.
hi shill.
>can't have anons replying with more than 3 words. Goyim are not supposed to rationalise the infomation they are fed, they should just react with emotions like dumb panicked animals