Why did Detroit decline the way it did? Why did the former fourth-largest city in the US experience white flight on the scale it did while Pittsburgh, for example, has also undergone a steep manufacturing decline and population loss yet remains majority white?
Why did Detroit decline the way it did...
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Because of Bill Clinton and NAFTA
Democrat takeover, collapsing industry, niggers breeding rampantly, Democrat fund pillaging, niggers, niggers, niggers,
>he posts rhetorically as he giggles
I live in the Detroit area. Here's what happened...
1. The creation of the suburb post-WW2 had people who could afford to move out do so. They did so for the larger lots and the "country" feel (compared with how the city is laid out)
2. The 1967 riot had anyone who could afford to move out do so.
3. In 1974, Coleman Young was elected, and he openly said it was time for white people to move out of "his" city, which they did.
From there it started a vicious cycle....
4. Less middle class people means less tax revenue.
5. Less tax revenue means decline in city services
6. Decline in city services make more people want to move out.
7. goto step 4, repeat for 2 generations.
So what are you left with now?
8. The city is filled with people living in shit houses who can't afford to move, to repair their homes, or pay much in taxes.
9 Total collapse in the tax revenue, so city services are choppy at best.
10. Major companies won't settle in areas where the roads are fixed, the snow isn't plowed, and none of the street lights work.
No, seriously, Detroit experienced an accelerated decline compared to most other major cities, even compared to other rust belt cities. It took longer for Cleveland and Milwaukee to decline to the depths they are at now, and Milwaukee even still has a 37% white populace, as of the 2010 census.
Detroit was also considered to be somewhat conservative compared to Boston, New York, and Chicago.
The Detroit riots were probably the start of the decline. AKA niggers rioting because they want gibs
Thanks for the input, but I'm still aghast at how it went from 1.5 million whites out of a total of 1.85 million "people" in 1950 to what it became a couple decades later. In no other city was the decline this sharp. Other cities with cramped housing, like many parts of Brooklyn and Philadelphia experienced losses to blacks but still have many areas that are white-majority.
It just seems too weird, even. Was home ownership high in Detroit or were a lot of these rented or gov/factory owned that allowed for faster displacement? And of course, what did you-know-hew have to do with it all?
Outsourcing of manufacturing jobs for the Motor City, combined with ghettos being caused by blue collar working class people practically evacuating from the hordes of niggers moving in thanks to section 8 housing, combined with a Democrat City council, it's shocking that Detroit hasn't burned to the ground.
Same thing happened in Muskegon, Grand Rapids, anything tied to WWII manufacture, once the automotive industry collapsed, the real backbone of the economy, (middle class whites) had to leave to stay employed leaving a 'Life After Peoplesque' landscape inhabited by niggers and the whites that couldn't leave
Keep in mind that during WW2 there was a population surge because of war production at Willow Run and other factories.
So there was a decline, but a lot of that were war jobs that disappeared when the war ended.
It looks like one of my cities skylines cities Japanese animes after I dezone all my housing section 8.
Because not even subhuman retard iq's would willingly move/live in Pennsylvania.
Keep in mind too...
neighborhoods in detroit were packed in pretty tight. Built with no garages, which had to be added later.
Very narrow lots with smaller homes.
Then post WW2 you had VA loans so people could borrow money to move out.
The suburbs were spacious by comparison.
pittsburgh is pretty comfy desu
Now I wonder if mid-20th century Detroit was a Zionist dysgenics experiment all along, especially in light of its WWII boom-and-bust.
Off topic.
Similar (though not quite on that scale) here with mining communities. Although they're still up here. Used to amaze me how a village with twelve streets in total had such a consistently good rugby team till you see how many people are crammed into those streets.
One word, niggers
Only Portland is worse for "hurr lets build our shit city completely arround mountains and leave the valleys empty".
Atleast they have a geographical excuse for their faggotry