We're winning.
We're winning
and look at the top comments
That's a nice thread you got there
antifa is short for anti first amendment
Antifa was created origionally by the Communist party of Germany in the 1920s-30's to intimidate their political opponents, it's a largely jewish lead organization and it seems the Democrats in their desperation have decided to replicate them.
Shit. So are we the good guys now?
Yes, the leader was at that time the brother of master Kabbalist Gershom Scholem.
It could only be hubris that they use the same logo today as the one that hung on the exterior of their german headquarters when the Gestapo btfo of them.
Finally the strong will rule the world!
No, but they're also the bad guys.
some of us here are the good guys. Sup Forums is not one person
Sup Forums is simply a board of peace
P-perhaps we can, we can meet the left in the m-middle?
have we started the fire?
Lol, we haven't done anything. They're self-destructing entirely on their own.
we've always been the good guys
Here's the important thing.
Will they stop calling Trump and his supporters Nazis now?
If they want to disavow Antifa with the left, then they should also stop calling Trump supporters Nazis.
Of course we are.
>the lying jew lies for a solid year straight
>almost tells the truth one time
>s-see goyim, it's not fair to call us propaganda!
You kike faggot shills are like internet lice. Someone invented a gas to deal with lice infestations once.
AntiFA stands for Anti-First Amendment
the knife rises
leftists have been slandering for many years. it didn't start with Trump. if you are a conservative they will call you "sexist" "racist" "bigot" etc. etc. etc.
the important thing is we're winning. Republicans have a near monopoly on government power, and the winds of change are blowing in our direction
war is coming soon. the left is about to be politically extinct. these are the same people calling for open borders and loose immigration. what happens after the next major terrorist attacks?
just a matter of time
Antifa was born out of Germany's (((communist party))). NatSoc rose as a response to the rise of communism.
The Communist Party and Hitler were both bankrolled by NWO-Jew-Zionists at the beginning. The NWO intended from the beginning to use anti-communist NatSoc as an acceleration for establishing Israel. They didn't care about leftist-Jews in Germany at the time so long as suffering would amount to a "greater cause" for eternal victimhood propaganda and a faster end game. The goal was to foster the conditions that would lead to another world war. It worked. Hitler began resisting NWO/Rothschilds and that marked the main turning point when world powers under NWO policy ramped up the war, pitting NWO-influenced Russia into a war that could not be won.
War is what the NWO relies on for fast policy. Controlling most of the global wealth and resources means they're the only ones in a position to rebuild and thus rebuild the remnants into submission of world authority. Europe's new laws reflect Jewish submission. Europeans can no longer criticize or really mention the (((ones who rule them))) or the NWO-funded (((leftists))) in a culture-media war who actively subvert their nations because they're pathologically opposed to white cultures and ironically seek the loss of diversity with monoculture (communism).
They believe World War 3 will bring about the final stage of the New World Order.
You didn't have to show me an article, I knew it when all the commie flags and dipshit anarcho-commies gave up and went into hiding and off Sup Forums in the past few days because they're about to be labeled domestic terrorists and outright killed in the street.
will we see the official alphabet shills starting to shill against antifa and communism and shit soon?
I detect meme potential in this sentence
Holy shit that stuff looks like road tar
it's delicious
>Walt longmire
Fucking love that show goddamn. That deputy is hot.
Always be skeptical when the media is on your side always.
They are playing an angle dont forget it EVER they are anti white anti european to the core.
Tastes like it too mate.
>innocent people
Top kek lad, stay afraid.
this 10^110010101010
dont they know that words........words can kill
what site is this?
Every kike deserves to be beaten to death with a hammer.
but when will ww3 finally come user? they sure are taking their time.
Sup Forums has always taken the contrarian view to society. The ideas on Sup Forums have always been the opposite to what society approves of. The fact that the topics on here are now about free speech, traditionalism, and respecting the people should tell you all you need to know about society as it exists today. Sup Forums became the good guy when society became the bad guy.
What are jews up to now?
do any of you motherfucking children know how the internet works?
link, moron.
>(((Peter Beinart)))
>talking about violent antifa communists
What's their angle?
The fools.
If you kill your enemies, they win.
No we're not winning. The elite only tolerated the far left as a means to fight against far right groups. Charlottesville killed the alt right or white nationalism so antifa is no longer useful
It's just damage control. They see they are pushing too hard and inadvertantly creating more fascists and are trying to ease off by giving us something to chew on that's not their pets.
found it
Damage control.
Too many minds have been awoken by the MSM's overt jewery so now they're trying to tone it down a little before things get out of hand.
Fake news
Now all we have to do is avoid people with tiki torches and Nazi flags chanting about Jews.
>Woohoo, people are finally realizing Hydra is evil!
>t. Cobra Agent
It looks like she's thinking
>I can't believe they fall for this shit
Agent Spencer has already been deployed.
It depends on whether communism and tactics like "environmentalism" succeeds in subverting the US into a globalism. WW3 "Soft" began against the US and Europe once Frankfurt (cultural) Marxism infected the educational system along with a drastic racial and cultural change in the US Immigration Act.
NWO-Zionism is preoccupied with destabilizing and reshaping the middle east for Greater Israel. The (((CIA))) toyed with nefarious strategies to take Syria back in the 1980s and only until the 2000s after 9/11 did they have a better excuse now that the NWO could simply fund jihadists/ISIS to help them both remove authority resisting globalism (Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad...) but soon after have the grounds for a (((US))) presence to combat ISIS. Trump was an unexpected wrench in the expedited plans under Clinton. It remains to be seen how well they'll wield him, destroy him, or wait for a better moment. Hard war will come once they lose grip on the soft war.
Look, I hate antifa as much as the next fag, but this seems bizarrely like a false flag attack.
>Cops maintaining a barrier around protesters
>Suddenly 100 Antifa members show up with their identities/appearance entirely concealed
>Cops just break cordon, the Antifa fags flow through and the cops close ranks again
>Antifa fags beat the shit out of protesters before retreating back to the cordon
>Cops open up ranks again and let them on through before closing up
It reads like a fucking military maneuver if you replace 'Antifa' with cavalry and 'Cops' with pike infantrymen.
you cant stop a good Nazi no homo
So what they are saying is Trump was right to condemn both sides?
That's because those Antifa members were alt-right agents controlled personally by Bannon.
Oh so the left (antifa) is not one of the most violent groups we have seen in a while
Get better at shilling buddy
(((They))) who control the (((media))), control the...
we always were, Nigel
any whites left in germany are dead meat
cap this
Killed in prison actually
Everyone could hop those barriers. Cops in communist cities are doing what they're ordered to do with communist thugs. They stood down for the most part. They can't predict future actions. They're not able to know who's guilty of crime when they all look the same which is the purpose of the black bloc.
TRUMP IS NEVER RIGHT! (he's actually right every time)
It's an acquired taste. I had lactose intolerance as a kid (it went away), but I still cannot eat cheese as it tastes and feels terrible. Vegemite is the same. if you've been exposed to it from birth: it tastes great. Not to mention everyone across the world that eats it for views on JewTube seems to spread it like it's peanut butter or jam(jelly). It's only supposed to be put on in small amounts.
>They can't predict future actions
There's no way cops can be this fucking stupid. Fuck, there's no way YOU could be this fucking stupid.
>Oh, there's a white pride protest going on and a bunch of antifa guys showed up with cudgels and shields.
>Let's let them through, I mean what's the worst that could happen?
Last I checked a lobotomy wasn't a fucking job requirement for being a cop.
*revisionism intensifies*
subversive parasites
No. We're not winning until an actual white ethno-state is formed.
>in the USA
The last guy gets it.
so we'll just have to put up with the authoritarian right or we could end up with an authoritarian right?
you just come out of a coma?
what a surprise the fucking kikes are behind it
What's stopping you? Oh yeah that's right, you want to force a white-ethno state upon everyone.
Sounds good, doesn't work.
>country slowly descending into chaos
>yes we're winning boys!!
hmm yes
You're the stupid one. I said cops standing down is intentional due to the communists who govern the city.
of course the right hasn't cultivate ignorant extremist for decades.
(((Communists in the US))): Antifa, DNC, and leftists who've been bringing communism into the US mainstream for 50 years starting with the educational system and radical liberation ideologies brought from the Frankfurt school of theory.
t. (((civic nationalist))) toothpaste cuck
>you want to force a white-ethno state upon everyone
Are you fucking retarded or something? Those who don't want to be part of it can stay out, use your fucking brain dude.
good troll or incredible bait 1/10 made me reply
leftists who've been bringing communism into the US mainstream for 50 years starting with the educational system
Those who don't want to be part of it can stay out.
Yes, communist theory should stay out. It is the antithesis of science and reality. Communism is the deadening of intelligence. It is the psychological prescription for subservience to global tyranny.
Literally anything you can stop by buying less condoms isn't a genocide.
>I said cops standing down is intentional due to the communists who govern the city.
What, as a form of protest? Let things get out of hand to create the worst optics possible because they hate "muh communist" leaders?