How can we make millenials and gen z men man up?
How can we make millenials and gen z men man up?
Get them to lift
Get them to read
Get them into the trades
Help them find girls who are not coal burning whores
Make marriage a decent option for men (ie remove no fault divorce-rape, make female infidelity leave her on the streets with nothing but what she brought into the marriage, etc).
It's all it'll take to reignite beta production in society.
the vast majority of guys who lift are beefy homosexuals
ug, i cant believe how ignorant you are.
World War 3
Human beings operate largely upon unconscious biases and impulses rationalized to the conscious mind. (Bicameralism)
Many of these are breeding directives which are primal which cause us to act in irrational and destructive ways. Society itself was structured to control these destructive impulses.
Many of the negative male urges are contained by law, or legal framework, or societal structure because society itself was created around suppressing men's more destructive urges. Because men had power.
However women whom were suppressed by cultural norms and legal frameworks and religion and all 3 of those control mechanism were destroyed in the last 3 generations. All of them.
Meaning what we have done is let loose the darkest portions of the female psyche to run loose upon society to dominate and control it even mandating its acceptance as law.
This of course has negative outcomes some of which are talked about, for example the book "the war on boys", but most go unchecked and unbalanced and they may ultimately prove to be fatal to the host societies.
>can't solve a problem no one even acknowledges
wtf I'm going my own way now
so she saying she has a 2yr old and shes pregnant?
>Not typical
>but I'm not typical
what the fuck is this shit these idiot females need to stop having children so early and focus on keeping their lives healthy and think about bettering their minds but most women simply fall back into the bullshit gender stereotypes and lowest common denominators that hold us all back so you really cant do much about it
"man up" and you post this 27 year old with a child like this is supposed to be normal, no. Since when has conformity without pressing forward stronger and with more endurance in definitions of human being ever been such a thing ? Forget you for asking people to do this, and forget women who conform to those standards.
The best we can do as men who progress the very definition of human being is simply salvage what's left to actually progress the human species, females that are actually worth it and leave the rest to deal with the potential chaos of tomorrow - oh well.
If you give these types of women your attention and time, you are perpetuating the behavior.
Women misbehave when men reward the misbehavior.
just don't get near the locker room, you'll have a surprise
But this bitch is completely typical.
>Have a child by another man
>Want someone else to take care of it
That is the most overdone stereotype ever.
Woman of course do not share the same hardwired biological impulses you have.
That's why they have no revulsion towards foreign men and no problem with infanticide. For a woman their primary goal is child fitness.
Which means stopping rape (unwanted men), abortion (killing unwanted babies), and open borders (bigger pool), legalized cuckoldry (actual and monetary via family law), supporting their illegitimate children via the state or stepfathers. (Welfare, entitlements, etc)
Guilt, sympathy, and female collectivism are used to push gynocentrism aided by the matriarchal Jews.
We are all hardwired wrong. And due to this faulty hardwiring we have become a gynocentric feminist matriarchal cultural Marxist shithole.
Lol what? Everyone knows that lifyers are faggots. Why else would you spend time around sweaty guys all day?
>Im not your typical girl
No shit. Your "Typical" girl uses condoms.
Someone let her know that she is totally worthless in the dating world.
She's saying that her circumstances are not typical but that that coincides with the fact that she is not typical.
This is a redpill absolutely refuses to accept.
redpill Sup Forums refuses to accept I mean
Stop fucking up society.
As a girl i can say this is mostly accurate. Its pretty fucking embarrassing that most women these are just basic bitches with princess complexes who all think they deserve a chad and dont care about what it takes to get one.
What happens to these thoughts when you, as a woman, pump your brain and body full of chemicals to stop periods?
Yeah dude, I think you're projecting because your sexuality has been repressed
Why are women so fucking stupid? Can't this bitch bother to proof read anything that she is putting down as a description of herself.
jobs jobs jobs.
start with jobs that give me and others something to do besides shitpost on the Internet eating red pills.
Anyone who says "I stay..." instead of "I live..." is a fucking retard and should be executed.
>not your typical girl
Hilarious that they really think saying shit like this makes them special.
>not typical
What did she mean by this?
every millennial male knew at least one sad broken down divorced old guy who they don't want to end up like, but soon it'll swing the other way, there will be a bunch of sad old single guys who will make the younger generation want to live for something more.
true and hopefully the problems have been solved or that number is going to be very few and be set on repeat
This fantasy will only happen when divorce laws are updated to protect men. It will only get worse until then.
/fit/ here
Lifting at looking at other men's muscles will eventually make you gay-ish, though you need to be a legit faggot to take the next step which is getting blown by a dude
well i'd saying having children would force them to grow up, but apparently i was harshly mistaken
>sad old single guys
I mean if thats the case there has to be roughly the same amount of sad old single women too because gender ratios are pretty even outside of say china or india.
>Not typical
Sadly, it's far too typical.
yes you are.that would only worsen the problem. it's not like 1800 America where you could just pack up and take everything you need west so you can actually find food,resources and wealth to support your family with.
any advice for getting into /fit/ and doing it.
From my observations around campus, i have come to there is an inverse correlation between muscle mass and grades.
Muscular guys appear to perform more poorly in academia and essentially appear less intelligent compared to their lesser muscular fellow students.
Had a friend ask to lick my abs, no homo tho.
they will men up as they experience neglect by their mothers and the loss of their fathers,
either they will shift into thuggery and crime or more hopefully reach for the redpill,that there is a high need for strong determined men,
so they may embrace being what they never or barely had, male rolemodels.
Did you ever proofread tits or fuckign fagagot
>I'm not your typical gurl :^)
Yeah, single mothers are a real hot commodity these days...
But I manned up
Gettin married soon
what about if instead of getting blown by a dude you instead are the one doing the blowing is it still gay?
But that is wrong too. You only need two words to not be gay.
Wow zomgs meatheads are often meatheads and nerds are nerds who would have imagined that you fuckinhg retard
divorce is the fucking problem divorce is degenerate-light, we will hit full degenerate when non-marrying dudes who fuck whatever moves get old and realize they have nothing to live for at all and become the "sad old divorced guy" of yesteryear.
I'd fuck her but I can't imagine anyone but the most desperate of men commiting to that. I'm betting it's different dads for each child. As someone who lives in L.A this bitch is pretty much like every ex I've had. My most recent ex has a black baby and taught it to call me daddy after 3 weeks of us hooking up and dating.
I just want a bitch who doesn't have kids but wants them. I don't even care if she's a slut, leftists or crazy. I just want a family. Every bitch I meet already has kids. I guess I should move to a new city.
Its mandatory social-interaction to engage in the "I'm not your typical girl"..
The alternative would involve a meta reflection of one self, which often becomes cynical rather quick.
Very few people can "pull it off", most will come off like a self-proclaimed intellectual or as a nihilistic drain to be around. how i'm coming across atm..
>Help them find girls who are not coal burning whores
yea good luck with that one
How hard is it for you, in South Africa, to find a woman who isn't a coal burner?
>recent ex has a black baby and taught it to call me daddy after 3 weeks
Jesus christ dude the fucking look that must have been on your face when "daddy" came out of that little niglet's mouth
wow thats such a fucked up thing to do to a kid.. very damaging thing to do to a kid for selfish manipulative reasons, bad mom ;/
>. My most recent ex has a black baby
>I'm not your typical girl:).
Mate women spend literally a minute at most making a dating profile. They don't need to put in any effort to get noticed by thirsty betas.
>I'm not your typical girl
I thought (hoped) that that was just a meme. Apparently it's a real thing that women say.
...the things leafs talk about
I'm confused. Are you suggesting the men need to change and be more receptive to gutter trash, spoiled woomminz like in the OP photo? Or we should change and not allow her case to repeat (remain in the relationship)?? I'm lost.
The problem is that beta gen z men are too productive, and ignore social skills, dating, etc in HS and College to instead focus on a career to provide for a future family. This would be fine, except women want to whore around during HS and college, and expect the betas who they either ignored or were too busy to settle for their used selves.
If all that were real, I wud agree.
Would Sup Forums marry a widow?
>and expect the betas who they either ignored or were too busy to settle for their used selves
But those guys are pressured relentlessly from all sides to give women attention. Feminists and traditionalists never give those guys a break.
South africa has no race mixers because black south africans kill you.
It means she is proud to be a whore
A widow without kids, maybe
>im not your typical girl
yes you are love, yes you are
maybe if i had kids already
I sympathize with this need for a family user. I recently met a very sexy girl who is much younger than me and like you thought any girl would do until she told me she thought she was pregnant. Everything changed after she told me. All of the red flags that i ignored in the quest for pussy started to fuck with me bad and thinking about dealing with this girl for 18 years led me to making the decision to sign away my rights if she had my kid. It was all just a scare but it really opened my eyes Hopefully i can find a decent, wholesome, sober and sane girl to start a family.
Give them an incentive.
nice job colonialist
Your post is the gayest thing on Sup Forums right now
impossible,might as well ask the toranjo foen bye bye haha
Translation: "I'm a whore, but that word is to harsh for me to use."
and, naturally, outside of Sup Forums is the place you go to lift
>knocked up
>skank dress
>already got a kid
>"I'm not like the other girls"
If the milk in your fridge goes bad would it be reasonable for me to bitch at you for dumping it out instead of drinking it? No. same with women