Fucking kikes at it again


>Demarcus, a friend of mine in his 20s, says he is attracted to women who are "cool and don't take bullshit and will fight for their convictions whatever that may be." He finds women like this to be more attractive in part because they inspire him. "It's not that deep but in regards to men liking 'nice' women, there are a lot of problematic implications with that." Demarcus likens the concept of a "nice woman" to the disgusting cliché of a "good girl."

>"I think the implications with 'nice' women under a patriarchal system sounds like an 'ideal' woman who does not challenge or agitate a status quo," Demarcus says. If women aren't "nice" then they're "labeled 'nasty' or 'mean' by not falling into a 'nice' category. It's limiting and dumb."

Other urls found in this thread:



Where is the archive jesus when you need him.


Seriously, what would he know about women?

>implying he won't fuck anything with hole

>patriarchal system
get the gas


>trust men who want a filthy women
>don't trust men who want order and purity

really made me think, I hope the liberals bleed to death


Each day that passes, makes me more sympathetic to the chinks. This journalist would be imprisoned and tortured if he posted this degeneracy there. Each day that it passes, I think the chinks are the righteous ones, they can't accept this filth infecting their nation.

She obviously made Demarcus up. Who the fuck gets inspired by women?


I don't trust nice women.
I like foul mouthed women that will call me out on my bullshit.

Chinks are neutral, but since everyone else is evil it makes them look better by comparison.


>By Diana Tourjee
written by a man pretending to be a woman

>disgusting cliché of a "good girl."
Mad roastie and future cougar detected.

>Diana Tourjee is a freelance writer in New York City. As a cultural critic, Diana addresses matters of gender in pop culture and politics.
Wtf? I love skanks now


Fuck off other archive is better

Doesn't Vice block them now?


>Diana Tourjee
come on now

Yeah, I tried archiving it with archive.is. It's blocked.

clever dindus who know how vacuous and easily impressed college liberal sluts are. i bet he wears a camouflage vest with black power patches on it and does anticolonialist slam poetry

Demarcus is her pimp

>women indoctrinated with garbage about how you're supposed to be a "strong independent womyn" who doesn't take shit from anyone.
>men find this completely
>strong independent womyn can't find a man who wants her
>starts reconsidering her stance
>men tell her that they really just want a kind and feminine lady to raise children
>media kikes find out about this

( ( ( V I C E ) ) )

>He finds women like this to be more attractive in part because they inspire him.
Odd, I've never found a man attractive at all no matter how much they inspire me. Perhaps he's full of shit.


>men don't like me
>this is problematic and stinks of criminality

perhaps he's not real

>Demarcus, a friend of mine in his 20s, says he is attracted to women who are "cool and don't take bullshit and will fight for their convictions whatever that may be."
typical nigger opportunist

>Jennifer is a self-described "raging bitch," whose husband loves her

Jesus christ

justifying being a bitch and virtue signalling at the same time by fucking blacks to promote feminism and fight the patriarchy

the absolute state of millenial women

I came here to post this.

Vice should no longer be considered trustworthy if even they don't believe their reporting is important/honest enough to archive. Report Vice threads.

>if you fuck demarcus it means you go against the grain
>if you fuck demarcus it means you are an inspiration
>if you fuck demarcus it means you aren't like those other girls
>if you fuck demarcus it means you are smart

i have a feeling this is just demarcus' shitty pickup angle for when a girl asks what types of girls he likes. also how is some random nigger's opinion even worthy of a damn article

>kikes at it again
>linking directly to the kike

i like women who shut up because they know they can't really do anything well.

wanna know how? JEEEEEWWWWWSSSSS

don't forget the author is really a man larping as a woman

>being inspired by a woman
grade A larp by this jewrnalist

this web does not have comment section

fucking kikes man, i cant even tell them to fuck off

I have never seen more pain than I see in the eyes of male feminists.

>New York
I don't care how close I am to it.

I want North Korea to attack there. I'd love to be rid of snobby Jews, bought out uptown whores, and college minorities who attempt to be holier than thou.

>Fuck Demarcus be a single mother the article


>scroll down all I see is pictures of niggers
Fucking (((Vice))) really is cancer I hope nobody believes a single word they're saying.

Oh fucking hell that's sad. Just kill him and put him out of his misery.


>attracted to women who "stronk independent womyn"

I literally stopped reading after Demarcus

...and they say Sup Forums is satire

Fuck. I cant find my sides!

What the fuck was that about? How is disgusting an appropriate adjective for describing a good girl? It doesn't even make sense

Women are a fucking joke

Jesus fuck lol I've seen some sad shit but this is the most pathetic thing Iv'e ever seen

>strong womyn
is this some /pol user subtly trolling? Srsly what does it take to land a job at Vice?



The only people who fall for this article are trans people and leftists that are ugly by default.

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