Why did you become a Nazi?

Why did you become a Nazi?

I became a Nazi because I needed somebody to blame for my own failures and pathetic social life. Nazism opened my eyes to show me that it is not my fault, but the fault of the people who have come to our country to only taint our blood and not contribute anything significant

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I became a nazi because I don't want to live as a minority in a nation of low iq shitflinging ooga boogas.

Nazis are gay lel
True Non Degenerate Nationalists are the best

you can complain against all that without being a nazi.
focus on anti-white racism, instead of a faterland or something. Always focus on your enemy, never talk about yourself. that is what the left is doing.

That's why I became a socialist. Plus, I'm too lazy to get off my rear and work so will import an army of slaves to do it for me.

>Why did you become a Nazi?

Why did you become a Shill?

sage slide thread

>heh, anyone worried bout wite people being a manority is stUpid

Yeah alt right are just like SJWs and the dems are the real racists

I'm a fat virgin with a small dick with no college education who hates people that looks better than me (typically non-whites) with an irrational hatred towards non-whites (because I blame them for being single) so that's why I'm a Nazi.

Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail Ronald Reagan! Hail the Republican Party!

I am not a Nazi you're just a retarded tarbrusher

I became a national socialist when I realized that neo-liberalism was enriching the few at the expense of the vast majority, while also causing economic destruction in our own country.

Nazis had better message than the left. The left lost me in free market of ideas.


why not become a nazi before the internet gets shoah'd? last time to use our collective anti jew powers for good. magic doesnt just happen.

I hate to admit it, but thats why I'm a Nazi too....

Lots of Nazis are like that, it seems. Nothing to be ashamed of though

Fuck off shill.
Remember to sage.


Kind reminder that a democratic country defeated communism.
Supporting tyranny is literally going full retard.

White men have grown up in a culture that doesn't want them and often outright hates them, just because they like being white.

Grasp that.

Now consider that there are no mainstream organizations or media outlets that talk in positive terms about whites as a group. This has been true since before the 1960's. (When is the last time you heard anyone say anything nice about white people as a group, at all?)

Enter the White Nationalist movement. For the first time in their lives, these white men are told that they have something to be proud of and a culture to be celebrated. NOBODY ELSE TELLS THEM ANYTHING NICE AT ALL ABOUT THEMSEVES! The White Nationalists do, though. The WN's also identify the Jewish Masters behind all the blame whitey propaganda that these young men and their parents have been raised on. While their parents are too committed to the lie to change, the young men have no future in white guilt.

Be afraid, self hater. Be very afraid.

Ever notice hiw white natuonalists are always dumb white trash? Most of the people who got fired after the Charlottesville hate rally were cooks, busboys and other menial jobs.
Only losers use their race to feel good about themselves. They honestly feel.being white in america means they are owed a job or a certain lifestyle.
They are just dumb white trash


Some disgusting armenian feminist who I'd defo fuck whined about a video game I liked so I helped a bunch of autistic taiwanese boat reviewers elect a meme oompa loompa who grabs pussies and dog whistles nazis. Life's breddy guud :DDD

Spunds like you are antifa

Wow you are really going all out with this Freudian Marxist crap all over here today. I hope the infant foreskin level in your blood is high enough to offset the exertion of your grimy fingers Shlomo.

shill thread, sage

love this post

Why is racism against "White trash" so normalized? White men of modest means who work with their hands are the most hatest group of people on the planet. They're considered even lower than welfare cashing niggers.

This post alone ironically is proof enough of why we NEED white nationalism.

Your critique of Trumpism and white nationalism/ white identity, (what you call Nazism), is based on a philosophy of the subject.
If you understood Heidegger you would know philosophies of the subject are dead.
Though you're not even asking a genuine question. You're either paid to do this or a low skilled shit poster.

>Kind reminder that a democratic country defeated communism.

>Start of 1900
>USA is racist, homogeneous, religious, prosperous white country
>Start of 2000
>USA is cucked, nonwhite, irreligious, declining
USA surrendered everything safe for economics to the left, they won jack shit.

It was the other way around for me, I had a good social life, gf etc, but then my eyes were opened and now I have no one.

I think Nazis have things backwards. Shouldn't they be trying to mate with non-whites in order to bleach their bloodlines for the future?

That's what I did. Now I have 3 mostly white kids who are lot whiter than their mother. I've done my job.

I'm not a nazi but I do support all you LARPing faggots ideals


I hate niggers because they smell like shit, are really dumb and look like animals. Also dont like the gays.

I became a member of ANTIFA because I'm a rich kid that lived in an all white neighborhood and never saw a day of actual socio-economic despair in my life so I have to virtue signal by protecting the people ethnically displacing me so that I can be a good guy while my people go extinct and everything that made it possible for me to live in comfort today is destroyed.

Love surfing ZA as a child...total shithole now.

And when did you stop beating your wife?

I became a Nazi for the Hugo Boss

Can't wait for people to start making videos on how stupid your claim is. When they start using evidence to show how wrong you are.

After I saw thousands of smelly migrants in 2015 here and belgrade

It made me realize how different we are in europe

toasting in another antifa bread

i used to cut myself for 6 years fell in love with a lesbian she never return any affection she had a sex change is a man now. kill me please fuck you maria i mean "Alex" stupid vampire bitch

Have you ever met white trash? They are ignorant, stupid drunks with a shitty culture. They dont work; they scam disability and get drunk during the day.
They are the lowest part of society

It's a good policies for soldiers in foreign lands before they come back and marry a white women but no,
you've had the race of kids that their mother is. Genetics aside your kids will be susceptible to the shit culture of whatever non white race it is.
The low trust, low abstract ways will solidify in your kids during adolescence.

What is wrong? That non whites have lower iqs or that whites are becoming minorities? Because both are inconvertibly true.

Let us stand on the scaffold of history — if hang we must — like the martyrs of Nuremberg, tall and proud! Is life so sweet, is comfort so precious and a job in a Jewish counting house so sacred that we are AFRAID to grasp the mighty hand of ADOLF HITLER reaching down to us our of our glorious past?

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Nice straw man.

Are you sure you are not talking about niggers? Because it sounds like you are talking about niggers.

Have you ever met niggers? I'd rather be surrounded by so called white trash than niggers.

all these clearly antifa shitthreads are such low-tier bait that i start to believe, that trolls make these threads to pretend to be antifa, pretending to be nazis or whatever.

All kikes and shills must be raped to death with power tools

No, it's not. You need to step out of your echo chamber.

White trash neighborhoods are exponentially safer than black and brown trash neighborhood.
Kids of whites parents who make less than $25k a year consistently score higher on IQ tests of kids of blacks who make over $160k a year.

I became a nazi because I've been surrounded by shitskins and the (((chosen))) my entire life.

>I became a Nazi because I needed somebody to blame for my own failures and pathetic social life.

Not even trying antifaggot. Sage.

welcome to psyops 2017

forgot pic

Ever notice flag LARPers tend to be jewish shills???

What isn't true? Non whites having lower iqs or white people on the path to becoming more minorities?

Because they're both true.

Other than the claiming to be Nazi's part I'm pretty sure the rest of it was true to your lifes.....

If this was the real reason you would support merit based immigration.

The real reason people are natsoc and Nazi is because they are poor losers who get mad when Zhang comes to America with $100 in his wallet, opens up a business, becomes middle class then has sons who he forces to study and work hard and become educated so they get to become upper class meanwhile your redneck ass has been living poor for 4 generations due to your laziness and shit work ethic.

>I became a Nazi because I needed somebody to blame for my own failures and pathetic social life. Nazism opened my eyes to show me that it is not my fault, but the fault of the people who have come to our country to only taint our blood and not contribute anything significant
Nice troll, faggot.
How about needing to stop the tide of trash invading your nation rather than your pathetic life. Nobody cares you are or are miserable. Nobody cares who you blame. If your life is such trash maybe you should kill yourself rather than pollute this movement with your bitter beta weakling crying about the joos. If it bothers you maybe you should fight rather than wallow in how shit you are because of others. You have no one but yourself to blame for your impotence.

If you're going to try 'subvert' this board, can you try a tad harder please?

Fun Fact: /new/ ie. Sup Forums's parent board used to be leftist. Its name was changed to
/politically incorrect/ as popular opinion became right wing naturally. You cant force it to change m8

>Why did you become x? I became x because I suck lol.

Great post, really opened my eyes

Same thing. Dumb white trash however considered themselves bettwr than the niggers solely because they are white.

same. Trump showed me that even a balding obese man can be powerful and have hot women as long as niggers and spics aren't here to take all the jobs and white women.

THIS (((meme flag))) friend!

>t. 56% white

>person causes a problem
>"hey, please stop causing problems"
>"omg loser stop blaming people for problems

Jews have been kicked out of countries 109 times


No it wasnt, you dumb mick.
It got nuked for being Stormfront 2.0 and having nothing to do with news discussion. It came back as politically incorrect as a way to cover for the racism.
Jesus you potato niggers are stupid

I became a Nazi because the modern world is a corrupt Capitalist mess but culturally a Marxist shithole. I am pretty sure I could have accepted the corrupt Jewish Capitalism as long as society was more right-wing and socially conservative but no the Jews went and fucked that up too.

Because I hate niggers, I hate jews and I hate these greedy fucks that are taking the money, resources and effort me and my fellow working man are putting into establishing a bright future for my country. Our social welfare system is based on that built by NSDAP and now it is being abused by niggers.

(((They))) are torturing our war veterans, (((they))) are polluting our lakes, (((they))) are destroying our culture, taking away our freedom and selling our country, ruining our economy and endangering my family and friends.

I know OP is bait, but these are the legit reasons I am right wing and a nationalist. We fought side by side as allies with Nazis and I have not forgotten that. We shared the common enemy, those commie fucks.

I will rather fight for my country than look by idle as these kikes ruin all that a century of independence has worked hard to establish.

Leftists kept telling me I was a Nazi for thinking the same thing as literally everybody in the West pre-1963 (including those who fought against Germany) and they have a monopoly on the narrative because they're totalitarian communists who own and control the media so their lies now have to be regarded as "truth".

I became a Nationalist-Racialist because 1+1=2

Opa was in the SS and I unironically believe the wrong side won The War.

I cherish my heritage and uphold what it stands for.

So why don't they? You're free to share your evidence as well.

Chinese colonisation of Western countries by stealth is not "merit based Immigration"



They are though. White people are always better than black people it's simple biology.

Can you antifa shills be less obvious

>Why did you become a Nazi?

I'm not a member of a German political part from the 1930s-1940s, but I am against mass immigration into western countries, since it decreases demand for my labor and increases demand for housing which erode my buying power.

Post your IQ

Why don't you provide evidence to your statement besides anecdotal "white trash" memes.

Are you Jew shills calling half the country that voted for Trump Nazis?
Are you calling everyone who isn't ashamed to be white Nazis?
If you're talking actual neo-Nazis are deducting the a number for the rate of Nazis who turn out to be in the FBI? Are you counting Nazi larpers who trigger you dumb fucks, like ourguy Anglin?

they do a lot more than just visa fraud, mate. get in your car and drive around some (((subsidized suburbs))) and see for yourself.

"The gobymint will pay for it"

kind of miss the days when you leftists larped harry potter. now you're larping as nazis. 75% of the posters are larping hard af.

Why did you become a shill?

I became a shill because I needed somebody to blame for my own failures and pathetic social life. Shilling for shekels opened my eyes to show me that it is not my fault, but the fault of the people who have the wrong ideas to only taint our zeitgeist and not contribute anything significant

Your Opa fought like a faggot.

Maybe here on Sup Forums, but reality says otherwise.

I am untermensh mutant mongrell. If nazis won my torment of an existance would not even be possible. I am a burden on my people that have been manipulated to carry with pride.

If Zhang is so smart why can't he make his country a decent place to live instead of the world's sweatshop. The Chinese are sociopaths without empathy I don't want them here either. I only want to be among white people. Why is this so hard to understand?

nice try /leftypol/ take your commie cunt back where you came from

also sieg heil

I work for the govt, I'm on the front line fighting globalism and slowly red-pilling my cucked colleagues in the process.


Okay post proof that

A) whites and non whites have equal oqs
B) white people aren't on the path to becoming racial minorities in their own Nations

I'll wait.

I lel'd

Um, that's batshit backwards though.


Honestly a lot of it is just because I like old architecture (especially Victorian), and it seems like the only people who give a shit it are nat soc. Literally everyone else jumped on the po-mo train of retardation.

>Because both are inconvertibly true.
Wrong, its all based on questionable research, there is no definitive proof. Regardless IQ is not the be all end all. Asians and Jews supposedly have the highest IQs, should they be able to get rid of whites because they have a lower IQ? Its a slippery slope

>Can't wait for people to start making videos on how stupid your claim is.

Yeah me too.

While we wait Swedish people went from making up 80% of the Swedish demographics to 69% (According to official statistics from Statistics Sweden)