Why do people take Terence Mckenna seriously?
He's entertaining to listen to but I don't think a great majority of people take him too seriously.
His life was clearly very out of balance, as evidenced by the brain tumor.
They probably aren't aware of the fact that he had a huge brain tumor.
Terence McKenna always told people not to take him seriously as what he was saying was just some fun stuff he came up with while on mushrooms. The only serious thing he said was to not be a pussy and take the whole 5 grams.
I like his take on Finnegans Wake.
I wanna try DMT so bad
Didn't he predict that the world would end in 2012
There's those who think tripping show you truths, and those who realize said truths are just your brain being broken in amusing ways.
How shallow must your perspective be if temporarily breaking your cognition opens news plateaus?
Do it
It takes you out of this simulation for a while - well, for infinity
>implying it didnt
nothing this faggot even said was enlightening in any way. Look into the Esalon institute and how the CIA created the 1960s counter-culture.
Richard Nixon did nothing wrong.
It isn't a matter of me hating psychedelic ideas. It is a matter of Terence being mentally ill.
His stoned ape theory is interesting and at least semi-scholarly. Certainly better than lots of the other shit that comes from psychedelics enthusiasts - I've been interested in the culture for ages and have taken various psychedelics a few times, but every other person I've met who's taken them has been a complete fucking idiot.
Mostly this.
His lectures were fun and at times compelling, a lot of hooey mixed in, but fun nonetheless.
He was a notorious pussyslayer and used his lecture tour as a means to bang sexy raving ecstasy chicks & hairy hippie girls throughout the 90s.
If you've already done lsd and shrooms then go for it. I've been interested in getting my hands on 4aco but not sure entirely sure what to expect from it considering there are so many other pro drugs for DMT.
It is really hard to find good material on the subject because there's so much woo involved. Alan Watts is someone who isn't entirely crazy but that's about it.
Not after 2012.
i know someone who kinda of runs in a similar circle to Terrance McKenna. Unfortunately I don't recall ever asking him about McKenna, as I never took him seriously. He was a friend of Shulgin and that whole psychedelic scientist community, which kind of lives on with Rick Doblin and the MAPS project, btw yesterday they announced their FDA approval for a phase 3 clinical trial of MDMA for PTSD with "breakthrough therapy" designation which means it meets an unmet need better than any currently available therapy (PTSD is very costly, financially and otherwise)
anyway the guy I know who ran in these circles, he was a total horn dog and by the time I knew him he was much older, like 60+, but he would date these 20 year old psychedelic research community groupies, like this is still happening, not just in the 90s. I don't know how often he is having sex with them, but... yea pretty often I think. He is also like a Buddhist teacher, a Llamma. I hesitate to call him a friend anymore..
For the same reason the /x/ board exists, a substantial percentage of the human population is human only in the biological sense, and are otherwise entirely lacking in any capacity for rational thought or reason.
t. has clearly never tripped
because people want to be mystical and believing and heavy drug use is the only way you can fool yourself into thinking this Universe is comprehensible beyond bare materialism.
We will falter, wither then die and our consciousness with it. Mushrooms are poisons that give us weird visions. McKenna tries to make out their is other dimensions and shit. Its another way to try grasp the ineffable
Finding a person who is merely friends with Shulgin is amazing. Consider yourself incredibly lucky even if you don't like the guy you know him from. TIHKAL is an amazing book if you are interested in psychoactives and chemistry.
While we are on the topic of Budhism, it can be a good example of eastern philosophy gone wrong depending on what you value. Buddhist often to violate core "tenets" in favor of meaningless and mock up ritual. You can see a lot of bleed through of it into the psychedelic community.
It was always my dream to work with MAPS on psychedelic medicine, until the ol' existential crisis kicked in and I lost the willpower to care about anything too strongly. Maybe returning to psychedelics would cure that though, who knows.
I've heard Changa is very strong and enlightening experience if you want to try that. I'm personally shit scared straight of ayahuasca.
he was a shaman teacher type.
he had an ability to communicate psychedelic ideas in a way that could be entertained by listeners without having to dose psilocybin.
he was a genuine person.
and 100% achieved god at least once while alive.
They can't make someone not-an-idiot if that's just what they are. Most people are just that... Seeing as you apparently haven't noticed, I got bad need for you...
What's the active chemical in changa? I made a point of learning about every hallucinogen known to man and I've never come across that, although it's been a while since I was learning about them. Ayahuasca is one I'd love to try (in the right setting) and one that would probably help me desu. Scarier ones for me are some of the research chemicals that last for 15-16 hours. I had a difficult trip for about 8 hours on aMT before, and that was bad enough.
No such thing as achieving god on shrooms. I've done them a couple of times. Kind of useful to analyze shit in your life. But it dissipates after a couple days.
keep going.
It's for the most part DMT. You'd have to ask of the exact plants that are in your specific blend but for the most part it is kin to smoke able Ayhuasca.
It is basically Banisteriopsis caapi (Monoamine oxidase inhibitor) mixed with various DMT containing plants.
Ahh I see, I'm guessing the effects are much shorter term then? How does it differ to smoking pure DMT? Is it just a more rudimentary form of doing it, given that tribes wouldn't have been able to synthesise pure DMT?
>done shrooms "a couple time"
>knows everything about them
Go do about 10g and get back to me. If that doesn't work, go ahead and combine with Peyote and tell me you didn't find God.
Fucking hippies.
I honestly couldn't tell you. I imagine it would have a faster half life but it is probably one of those things you should research instead of asking some stranger on the internet.
The blend has become a more recent development as far as I'm aware. Think in terms of 20-30 years time.
I also imagine the experience would differ from plant content.
I imagine synthetic Phenethylamine analogous aren't very fun. For the most part you should stick to DMT and LAD synthetics with the exception to Nbome and a few obvious others.
his 2012 prediction had some faults in it,there is a newer one done by someone else with correct calculations now,8th July 2018.
Your mind is an antenna, when you ingest these substances you're very literally tuning into different vibrational frequencies, like a radio. A lot of the time it's jumbled up, but there is truth to the things you experience, it's all very real.
its years of therapy in a couple hours
Also cant reply to the right person.
It depends what you consider yourself, non existence doesn't exist, the ride never ends.
I was just curious desu, not thinking of trying it any time soon. I've been off psychedelics for the past 5 years due to on/off depression and not wanting to do anything irresponsible, but I think I'll come back to them soon, probably try shrooms again seeing as that was the best trip I've had. Dabbled with synthetic chemicals in the past, but the fact that they're so powerful and unnatural tasting just puts me in a bad headspace to start off with desu, think it's better to ease myself back into it.
Death doesn't exist, friend. You'll figure it out on your own eventually.
"Mentally ill" is a cultural definition, the only real mental illnesses are physically verifiable in the brain, such as schizophrenia. The basis for something being a "mental illness" is literally if it causes you harm, and this is often in society, even if its because people dislike you for it. Funny you call him mentally ill which is a silly cultural label when he says to abandon your culture.
This is perhaps the most mentally ill thing in this thread yet. Please get institutionalized.
Are you mentally challenged?
>A mental disorder, also called a mental illness[2] or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life
If you talk to any psychiatrist the definition if something is a mental illness is if it causes you harm or society perceives it as causing you harm because you are abnormal. I.E., most mental illness that isn't schizophrenia, bipolar, etc, is nonsense pseudoscience. Calling McKenna mentally ill because he had weird ideas is pretty damn stupid. You're parading a dumb idea around and criticizing others for it, which is hypocrisy.
I think you might have stumbled onto the wrong website. I think you are looking for reddit.com.
mckenna intended to provoke thought/discussion more than anything. ive watched countless videos of him speaking, and it's clear that he is fully aware of how outlandish some of his ideas are. if you approach his writing/lectures with this in mind it is a lot more enjoyable
>Hurr Reddit
Give up
You're not even able to argue, are you? Someone with a diferent idea = mentally ill, anyone who tries to argue with me = reddit. Stop blaming random bullshit on your inability to think.
You went to google and defined mental illness because your brain does oscillate at a level for you to understand oxymoron. I think I may have a point.
Why did people take Jim Jones seriously?
>He was a notorious pussyslayer and used his lecture tour as a means to bang sexy raving ecstasy chicks & hairy hippie girls throughout the 90s.
how do you know this?
dude weed lmao
Google somehow doesn't know the definition for mental illness? Its a pretty standard definition. How else do you think something is defined as an "illness" if it doesn't cause harm, or is not perceived to cause harm? Homosexuality was defined as a mental disorder with these definitions, because society disproved of it. Its the same with many other "mental illnesses". You're shortsighted and intellectually lazy, you want to dismiss someone you personally dislike with bullshit buzzwords with not even a single sentence of rationale. At least defend your silly position, pussy.
I get how his ideas are meant to be very theoretical and abstract and I also get how there may be a place for him in cultural ethnobotany.
The title is more than anything off shooting to people who ignore his advice and go beyond far beyond just discussion into something very dangerous.
People who discuss psychedelics are very open which can be a good thing but it can also be a very bad thing.
>Google somehow doesn't know the definition for mental illness?
Way to miss the point entirely. :>
Why do people take anything seriously?
great orator, based, funny, fucked up
You sound like an utter fucking moron
Are you going to defend your position or admit you were wrong? If you don't defend it, lets assume you realize it was a stupid thing to say. Attempting to be a smartass or whatever you think you're doing doesn't stop you from being incompetent and immature. Probably should attempt to fix that at some point.
I have some, just waiting for the right time to take it.
> REASON 1: dumb Americans, enslaved jew-enabling scum of this earth, have no father figures and no ability to think for themselves - pseudo intellectual faggots like (((McKenna))) come quite handy
That is all - bye.
It gives meaning to life, something to do and something to build things around. If we didn't take things seriously its likely we'd still be living in ancient conditions. Its also boring to not take anything seriously, unless you're content with pure hedonism.
I think you forgot to google oxymoron :>
god bless
Materialism is a nigger-tier Weltanschauung
>What's the active chemical in changa?
sheboon fanny batter
not many people know about Terence though.
Worthless reply. What the fuck was the point in even typing?
His ideas were far from abstract. He was a fan of Occam's razor and also a rationalist. Read more
McKenna had a pretty heavy grasp on the history of philosophy, deep knowledge of literature, both of which he could explicate well, I fail to see how he was a pseudo intellectual. That sounds more like a regular intellectual. Most of the people I've met that knew of McKenna thought for themselves, it was people who thought it was uncool to believe in anything who were the ones who only thought what was approved by institutions. Guy also talked pretty often about the CIA being cunts. Materialism is the most narrow and easily brainwashed school of thinking.
He's one of those people who believes in his own intelligence but is thick as hell when you try to talk to him.
>t. literal faggot who gets mids tier shrooms
Ironic distance is cover for lack of actual thought.
you know who god is :)
gj figuring it out.
Why doesn't death exist?
You don't understand when someone is hyperbolizing a word, you then define the word, then say something that I could have sworn I've heard in a copy pasta.
>You'll figure it out on your own eventually or something.
So now you're going to try to actually explain something that you mean? What were you hyperbolizing, and was there some kind of point to it? Is it possible to not reply like an ironic douchebag in order to not waste time?
C'mon now Nejc. McKenna is hamburger-tier figure among the boomer cancer cult known as (((new age))).
If I say that I'm using the word "mentally ill" as an exaggeration would you kinda get it or do you really need to ascribe fowl motive on an internet forum that bad?
The man could write, and speak, and he had a knack for coming up with pretty good dorm room poster quotes. He was an extremely well read guy with interests that were all over the place, beyond just psychedelics, and if you read his books he name drops all these ideas, thinkers, works of literature, etc that you are not liable to hear about anywhere else.
I used to think he was just some New Age-y dipshit who fried some critical neurons with various substances, but I had been misled by his look and the titles of his books.
let me rephrase,not many young people know about him,if i would ask a random janez about him,he would be confused.
You're using mentally ill exaggeratedly, and what does that mean, that you didn't mean it? Seems like you're just saying that so you can sidestep the need for an argument to defend something irrational you said.
Can you try to defend your statement of him being pseudo-intellectual?
>pseudointellectual (plural pseudointellectuals)
>A person who claims proficiency in scholarly or artistic activities while lacking in-depth knowledge or critical understanding.
Yet if you listen to his lectures you'll see how he actually has a deep knowledge of what he's saying, he doesn't claim something he doesn't know about. How many hours was his lecture on Finnegans Wake? You're claiming something false because you personally dislike him or people who like him. Its not really defensible which is why you're not replying intelligibly.
"mentally ill" as in unorthodox. You unfortunately won't be able to find that definition on google.
>Seems like you're just saying that so you can sidestep the need for an argument to defend something irrational you said.
Does it not sound like you've came straight from r/atheism?
>Can you try to defend your statement of him being pseudo-intellectual?
I don't debate with cult members. Also, I don't see why I would spend my time explaining how a CIA asset is not a fraudulent patsy huckster.
If he's intellectual to you - great. More power to you, Burger. Turn on tune in maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
I guess, although don't underestimate the power of MIND-BLOWN youtube degenerate vidya, Alan Watts, orchestral music, space.jpg - wowowowowow millions of views for the milleniall potheads all across the globe.
You better watch out. He might pull out google!!!
His talk unfolding the stone is really nice.
You're changing what you meant because you were called out on it, and instead of saying you were incorrect and simply dislike the guy, or even defending your position, you make this shit up and change previous assertions, which is called backpedaling.
>Does it not sound like you've came straight from r/atheism?
Why would r/atheism defend Terence McKenna? It seems like you're trying another cop out by asserting that the use of reason on a subject is r eddit. I'll admit I never go to that place since I dislike censorship, so I don't know if I sound like them or not, but you can look at the top of this board and see the list of fallacies, so its pretty clear what this board is meant for pal.
An intellectual is someone with a breadth of knowledge on an academic subject, which McKenna had and this is verifiable within five minutes.
>Turn on tune in maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
McKenna specifically called out Leary for being superficial and too radical, I don't think you even have the knowledge on these subjects to argue about it. You do have a personal distaste which you mistake for a reasoned position for some reason though.
Oh shit, I used the most useful tool to look something up to find a generally agreed upon definition of a concept.
>McKenna specifically called out Leary for being superficial and too radical, I don't think you even have the knowledge on these subjects to argue about it. You do have a personal distaste which you mistake for a reasoned position for some reason though.
No tolerance for CIA assets, sorry bud. McKenna would be an obscure YouTube larp faggot if he was present in todays era. He's a huckster. A sophist.
Lucky for him, he was around during ultra optimal propaganda time, 1 tv station 2 books on the shelves and 3 radio stations...and CIA couldn't stop rubbing their hands.
Have you even listened to any McKenna talks? There was one where he spent an hour explaining how new age beliefs were taken over by the CIA to spread brainwashing, since psychedelics reformat you but don't put something in place, making you easy to format again how someone wants. He went into how most UFO people are crazy and brainwashed by the CIA, and you should examine how they behave to find out if they're halfway credible, and bitched about crystals and ET believers. But no, you simply have a belief and want to defend it irrationally even though the guy you think is CIA was probably even more anti-CIA than you. Its called being lazy and a little thick mate.
>You're changing what you meant because you were called out on it, and instead of saying you were incorrect and simply dislike the guy, or even defending your position, you make this shit up and change previous assertions, which is called backpedaling.
No hes pretty "mentally ill".
>Why would r/atheism defend Terence McKenna
Probably not. It is a reflection of your poor character. You probably scored a 22 on your act your second time around so now you need to ascribe a motive which does not exist because with out it you run the risk of looking incredibly silly to yourself.
You are also autistic to the point where you can't understand figures of speech then willingly refuse to understand because you are as much a >intellectual as Terence is.
I don't listen to MKULTRA assets, I do study them but not in a way that I gobble up every single thing they do.
Seems like if you're being hyperbolic as you claim, you were extremely incompetent at it. You being bad at communicating something doesn't mean someone else is autistic. It still seems like you're backpedaling to me, sounds too convenient. Calling someone mentally ill but actually meaning they aren't isn't a figure of speech, its called obfuscation. Now you might try to explain what you mean sometimes. "reddit" "autistic" etc, aren't actual defenses of anything.
Why do you think being an intellectual is some huge thing? Its simply a knowledge of depth on a subject and a small degree of rational thinking ability. Someone two times dumber than McKenna could be an intellectual, and someone two times smarter could be a pseudo-intellectual, due to any number of personal factors.
Ok. Perhaps next time you can use the rational and useful technique of researching something before making a judgment.
I bet you don't even believe in UFOs faggot
>It still seems like you're backpedaling to me, sounds too convenient
Sounds like you are making an imaginary argument within your own inner dialogue that doesn't actually exist to me, sounds too convenient.
> rational and useful
you know the drill.
So you just made a thread asking why people take McKenna seriously, which is negative, and to illustrate why you don't you said he's mentally ill, and people are supposed to believe you're being hyperbolic in an attempt to mean the opposite of that hyerpbole? As I said, if you were doing this, you are very bad at communication.
This and your other posts, such as this one:
>It is really hard to find good material on the subject because there's so much woo involved. Alan Watts is someone who isn't entirely crazy but that's about it.
Leads me to believe you are lying to me.
this book
Would it take examples of people using the "phrase" mentally ill for you to get it?