Its not fair that the third world is poor

Its our moral duty as whites to open our borders and give more aid to africa.

What are some other measures to make up for historical injustice?

Yes, help us whites stuck in africa and then destroy all that's left


Show flag faggot

I'd like to point out that people can make their own choices. They let bad stuff happen, they're goin' suffer for it.

>What are some other measures to make up for historical injustice?
I guess we could demand a payment for everything whites have given the world. If we also demand compensation for all the harm Africans have done... that'd be... we'd have to execute 13 112 884 931 dindus. Well, let's get to it. I'm sure they'll breed that number in no time.

we should give them back all the niggers we've taken in. And all the nig human hybrids they've spawned with our degenerate race traitors. They can also have our race traitors.

Let them stew in their own shit.

They actually have invented some things. Africans invented vuvuzela, and Australian aboriginals invented didgeridoo. None of them invented the wheel, though.

>historical injustice
blame the hastily done de-colonization process of Africa after WW2. the continent would probably be okay today if control was gradually given to democratically elected governments in power.

Don't feed the birds.

>the continent would probably be okay today if control was gradually given to democratically elected governments in power.
As proven by Ethiopia being a shithole although never colonized.

Whites have always been on top, we are rulers, kings, gods. Shut the fuck up.

well when I say okay, I mean not full of warlords and terrorists. Africa would still be a shitty undeveloped mess to a lesser degree

you make your bed and lie in it



How did that improve their way of life?


USA and V4 will be the future of the Western culture, white race and K-selection. Many Western countries will fall to commies and islamists, but when the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits, all the idiots are going to die. We are looking at some biblical shit, I would not be surprised to see 90% of the world population die in middle of the Apocalyptic shit fest that is coming (not a question of if, only when). Our advantage is we have individuals who will take the facts and their implications seriously and will prepare accordingly. At a certain point it will just be a mater of keeping alive while the rest of the world dies from disease, violence and hunger. And as horrible as it is to say this, it won't be a bad thing. Why would we pump billions in foreign aid to shithole countries where people reproduce but can never keep themselves alive without external help? Why should our nations pay taxes to keep them alive? Why should our nations indebt their future generations via sovereign debt financed budgets that use part of the budget for foreign aid to keep them alive? And after we feed them, they need medicine. And after the medicine they need schools. And after the schools they need jobs. And they need jobs but their average IQ is in the gutter. Nature always corrects itself, just prepare for the future in a realistic way and keep pushing. We shall prevail, because we walk the path of light.

It made the lives of those having to hear it worse, and they found that funny.

we need to drop nukes on africa. it's aid from themselves.

That's a good one CroatiaBro.
Read this one.

to be desu we should eradicate them to atone for the mistake of not having eradicated them sooner



I've posted this before idk whats wrong
Anyways, giving food aid destroys local farmers which makes them stop plating then famine comes back and they plant then food aid comes etc

K, thanks.

Noice digits.

Fucking hell that one was a ride

>Its not fair that the third world is poor
yes, it is.