Why SERBIA is willing to join EU?

Are you guys so naive and stupid.
Can't you see what EU did to other small countries like Greece, Portugal and others.
Serbia will be fucked in the ass by EU without lube or condoms.
EU will put a rope on your neck Serbia.
Next step will be Serbia joining NATO. Fuck this shit Serbia.
Serbia stop acting like traitors against your best friend Russia.

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Russia wouldn't let their Balkan puppet join the EU. Don't be absurd, idiot.

eu shekels

Most Serbs want the gibsmedats that the EU will supply. Serbia is already loaded with Palestinian and Somali immigrants that have settled there so refugees won't be a problem for Serbs. Most Serbs also don't care for Kosovo and would rather prefer black refugees than Albanian citizens in the countries.

When Serbia joins also expect to have a tidal wave of Serbian economic migrants that will upset many EU countries.

Cause they want monies. Educated Serbians will move to Germany and Serbian mafias will become powerful. The EU turbocharges crime on a continental scale

Yes, but Serbian government is itching to join EU big time.

It depresses me. I like Central Europe but Serbia is a black country. It is unlucky and every tragedy in Europe has come from that place. Its like having a a black cat in the house

What do the people think? Most of them of borderline Russians anyways

Why is greece and turkey both hating eachother and both in nato ?

The fuck are you niggers talking about? We've been trying to join the EU since 2003 and this is the first time I've ever seen anyone bring this up on Sup Forums.

retardation mainly.
are you retarded, diaspora?
the majority of the people don't want to join eu, but the same people that don't want to join eu either don't vote out of nihilism either vote for a faggot who openly says he is for eu because they think he is playing 35d yugioh or some shit. basically, this country is fucked, but at least our neighbours are too.

>he thinks the actual people want to join the EU rather then the elites

Theres a reason people dont have a say in it.

>Most of them of borderline Russians anyways
That's a very incorrect statement.
Yes they share same Christian Orthodox faith, both use Cyrillic alphabet but Serbs are not Russians and Russians are not Serbs.
You are stretching things out too much, user.

And ukrainians are different ? It is the same tribe.

Serbs will eventually infiltrate EU just like Ukrainians do with poland.

I hope serbs joins the EU.

Serbs are russians. They dont know it yet.

I`m looking forward to seeing Serbia in the EU, they have a natural hatred against berlin and they will be valuable allies against the marxists.
Plus, we need to use the EU to boost the regional development and cooperation. The level of trade batween Romania and Bulgaia is a few times larger than the one between Romania and serbia, thats because of being in eu.
Later when things go to shit, we can leave EU together, without blowing up our economy.

why is germany's biggest ally turkey/ottomans for over 200 years?

Yes, if another orthodox nation joins EU it will eventually give russia much more influence in EU.

Serbs should remain serbs but also join EU.

people don't want it, it's the politicians that will get it all.

>and they will be valuable allies against the marxists

Lolno, we probably have the biggest percentage of people who cry for another Tito of all the Balkan countries.

>loaded with Palestinian and Somali immigrants

It's a US-occupied state. They aren't joining by choice.

Germany had a treaty with turks from ww1. Still in...

dont worry about T*rks



russians are disgusting slavs.
our politicians are just jewing them for tanks and jets., goy.

The entire west has been turkey/ottoman allies to stop russian conquest of romanian and balkan lands. It was Napoleon the third the first westerner that decided to side with a local christian nation, Romania, instead of the turks. That ended russians hopes of conquering their way to Adriatic sea, so they were forced to support local nations like serbia and bulgaria.
The west has been for a long time faith and race traitors, don`t think that what is happening now in europe is something new.

Cause all of their neighbors are soon going to be NATO and EU members and essentially force serbia to compliance through soft power and legal/trade pressure they have no way resisting. Its better to join as soon as possible on their own and negotiate better deals because the situation will only get worse and russia is not a reliable ally, especially when they have much bigger problems to deal with. Atleast they will have some say in the EU when it comes to trade and regulations opposed to not at all. They could also veto or hinder croatian moves aganist serbian interests. Their parties are already on close terms with the EPP parties and several local politicians. Orbán especially is looking to cooperate with Vucic, to use serbia as a leverage aganist croatia when it comes to the MOLs interests in INA and croatian petrochem business. Vucic will naturally take such an entrenched ally to improve his internal and external positions.

t. actual knower how EU politics work

what are you even talking about?
just leave this thread.

All former Warsaw Pact nations are beggars.

>this is how far the anglo understanding goes

Really depolarizes your calcium channels.

crazy jew :D

who would they use those tanks and jets against ? exactly...

interesting. serbia's biggest problem is the fact we haven't finalized our borders, so you can't change much about the country since you'll get blackmailed over land. however, i hope one day serbia will be a strong ally to v4 and that eastern europe will unite.

Serbia can join Poland & Hungary sabotaging the EU project from the inside.

They weren`t part of the warsaw pact, baka.

ironic, as Croatia does not even get even the 1/10 that was promised to her. The EU shekel thing is a big sceam to trick the population to join the EU.

And meanwhille Poland and Romania are getting all the gibs

Very good point.

Yes, this is good. I like that.

More like to bribe political (((elites))) via contracts for projects with eu funds.

nobody cares about catholic serbs.

Not sure for Romania. Poland and other V4 states organised themself to together, and they cucked the EU instead.

Why would we do such a thing? A united europe is STILL our dream. Thats why we are resisting so hard aganist the flood of shitskins our dreams, our promised peace century of rebuilding got betrayed

Protip: eastern euro states sustain western living standards with our cheap, skilled labor, cheap resources, and serve as markets where they can sell their lower quality goods. They also try to push countries like the PIGS into debts spirals so they could perpetually extract money just for existing. German banks made billions on the greek crisis.

Cohesion fund projects directly stimulate the german economy as well as german companies win most of the tenders through local kickbacks. Germany also hugely benefits from the stimulated internal markets and the ability to keep it exports high through artificially devaluing the euro by using the entirety of the EU to "soak" up the fluctuations that would strengthen a national currency.
And then when after two failed attempts germoney has finally conquered europe, they put the muslim gun in their mouth and pulled the trigger. Fucking amazing.

go back to work,goyim.

probably scared of nato bombs/proxy albanians

If the choice was up to the people, we wouldn't chose EU. The problem is we have an extremely corrupt government that does on it's own
>Well why don't you vote them down on the elections
Voting doesn't work here
>Why don't you make a revolution and overthrow them
The people are too inert

user, who do you vote for?

Your like a little baby
check this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Nicopolis

28 nations and we Brits were paying 16% total of the EU pot - and getting a flood of drunken slavs and ungrateful niggers in lieu of any real benefits? It's a fucking Ponzi scheme. We can't pay for the entire bloody Warsaw Pact bloc, you know. One day, when the last loli has been raped, and the last nu-male kicked into sunbission to Allah - only then will you realise you can't eat immigrants - unless your surname is Clinton or Podesta.

none anymore, I voted for Jankovic believing he could overthrow Vucic, but he is a liberal pussy just as any other candidate
The rest of opposition are just pussies larping into their ideology

Next time I am not even voting, there isn't a single worthy candidate. Perhaps I'll vote for a Beli-like figure, just for the lolz

wew lad I voted Vucic only because of him.

Was Serbia situated to the east of the Berlin Wall? It was. So it's a former Warsaw Pact nation.

ok, you're human trash and the reason this country is shit.
you're at least salvageable, but still, what the fuck are you doing?
>bong education

i hope you know that doesnt make any sense

>voted Vucic
jeez what a fag you are, Jankovic might be a stupid liberal bourg, but unlike Vucic, he isn't corrupt
Just fucking stupid

Disclaimer: I didn't vote for him because of any ideological views, I just believed(at the time) there will be more people voting for him, the idea was just to get Vucic out

Keep your eyes open

Because I from the beggining knew that Vucic would of won and when Jankovic started going for the minorety vote by saying how we Serbs are genocidal and how his going to pay to the families of Bosnian,Croatian and Albanian families I knew right there that Vucic is lesser evil,besides I got 30 euros and a nice sandwich.

>at least salvageable
The dude voted for Vucic just to oppose liberals
The dude believes this is a "liberal vs conservative" fight

Stop projecting american politics onto other countries, it is not a fight of ideology, it is a fight between "i am hungry" and "I am very hungry "

>he isn't corrupt

Russians would be the best Europeans if they wanted to be. Great culture, contributions towards the world. The best bet to divide the West would be to embrace the EU.

>and getting a flood of drunken slavs

You know those workers and their low wages kept your economy competitive, right?

> We can't pay for the entire bloody Warsaw Pact bloc

You are just about to lose access to a 400million+ market.

For some reason, anglos like to larp like its 1917 not 2017 and they are still an empire and not a sad, broken rump state quickly becoming a colony of its colonies.

why didn't you boycott the election like I will next time

The only thing that will get us out of this shit is a revolution, and this time proper revolution, not the 5.october larp

Hopefully the EU doesn't collapse. I quite like traditional, conservative minded Europeans who have a strong work ethic. Its not going to be Central Europe that brings us down but the stupidity from France/Germany

Nigga what

Here we are 98% white at worst

West needs Turkey to be a gate for the barbarians

i hope you're trolling m8. at least vote for some other party, jesus christ.
there were plenty other candidates, none were really good, but still better than both of those cunts. you voted for a person which would probably recognize kosovo, called srebrenica a genocide, sperged out about "minority rights n shit" and who would've brought the sjw culture to this country. be honest, do you like fb pages like 98% beograd, anonymous srbija and similar shit?
fuck i hate this country, even Sup Forumsacks here are cliiche little normie fucks.

I do not agree. Their very presence kept wages low.
...and 400 million? 400 million is 2 weeks worth of EU gibs to us. Diginfied people throw pennies at begagrs to get them away from their sight, just as we shall do to the EU. Take your Bludgeld, loyal servant of the Jew!

Idk my familly is doing better when he is in power when let's say Tadic was president

Checked. Also, that was totally a thing around 2002-2007. Even the planned legal framework for harmonozation for eventual accession was put down and there were talks of Russia eventually joining when they are ready. And then the clinton clan and the jews played us out eachother because a polity reaching from Galway to Vladivostok combined with an energy bonanza and easy ground access to China and India would have been an unstoppable hyperpower. Literally the scenario Hitler envisioned in Mein Kampf. Control europe and control eurasia, control the world-island and control the world.

Not even trolling

Greece? Greece abused the friendship and support of the EU. When confronted with it in a lenient fashion, they refused to essentially change jack shit about their spending behavior and debts and just continued doing it.

Now they're in deep shit because nobody really trusts them and the popular support for tolerating this shitty behavior is basically over.

Sure enough the EU isn't a beautiful easy cool club that solves all your problems, but Greece is a homemade problem.

I think that Russia has even better plans how to fuck up EU.
Just look how the economic sanctions against Russia (and Russian counter-sanctions against EU) are hurting EU farmers and other businesses in various EU countries.
Russia is actually benefiting from those EU and USA sanctions now by rearranging their agriculture and manufacturing and trade with other non EU nations.
So EU fucked it's self by trying to fuck Russia.

He is too dumb to be corrupt

>muhh belgrade
>muhhh savamala
>muhhh пpиcтoјни љyди
Idiot doesn't realize that the candidate who wins the vote of the poor/working people is the winning candidate
Winning votes of Belgrade fags does nothing

Hungary produced more great chess Grandmasters and Mathematicians than nearly any other nationality (bar the jews)

Lots of Western Europeans want a rich strong Central/East Europe. It will be a bulwark against savages

Its clear Germany have disproportionate power but the EU is designed to keep then chained. All small nations have veto's

>Aкo ти јe дoбpo oндa ништa

in that case reconsider your life and when you realize what you are doing, kys
in that case, why the fuck did you vote for him? and if you think he is too dumb to be corrupt, fuck man. he is just as corrupt, he just has different useful idiots.

You really dont understand that there is no such things as "EU gibs?"

>Their very presence kept wages low.

And the low wages kept your companies competitive. Is capitalism really that hard of a concept?

>400 million? 400 million is 2 weeks worth of EU gibs to us.

Companies will want to stay in the EU and have access to a market of 400m+ people, not bongistan. Voluntarily exluding yourself from a trading block and expecting full benefits from it is some true anglo delusion.

I know, I've made a mistake
Dude is the lowest of modern culture shit
He would probably recognize Kosovo, but Vucic will do it too eventually. Don't forget that Vucic is the same shit as Jankovic -sjw bullshit + corruption. He still does what the EU tells him to do

>Serbia stop acting like traitors against your best friend Russia.
>Serbia will be fucked in the ass by EU

Look at pic related. One joined the EU, the other "didn't act like a traitor to Russia" until recently.
Can you guess which is which?

I don't know man, if he won I would certainly regret it. But he would have never won, even if the majority of Serbia was on his side

Can't win a rigged race

>Just look how the economic sanctions against Russia (and Russian counter-sanctions against EU) are hurting EU farmers and other businesses in various EU countries.
Wat? Russia is hurting way more, plus it's not a question of whether the sanctions against Russia are also inconvenient the other way around, but whether they might work instead of having to flat-out fight a war against Russia.

Yup, Russia conquering other countries is essentially THAT uncomfortable to the EU.

> Russia is actually benefiting from those EU and USA sanctions now by rearranging their agriculture and manufacturing and trade with other non EU nations.
I'm not sure this even comes close to how trade would have progressed without the whole Ukraine escapade, but ... eh, good for Russia. I do not resent them trading with others or anything. Nor do I resent the EU or China doing so.

i voted dveri(i hate them, but i feel that they sort of take the "alt-right" part of our political spectrum). in general, vote for some third party "patriots"(dveri, stamatovic, even radicals). not for libcucks for obvious reasons, and not for vucic because he at least should feel threatened enough to not sell out kosovo while he is here.
the best we can do is vote strategically so the politicians in power feel threatened enough not to make collosally bad moves that have a longer impact. but, the way things are, this country is fucked.

>Lots of Western Europeans want a rich strong Central/East Europe. It will be a bulwark against savages

No western europe, you are the savages. You are terminally infected with islam and its only a matter of time before you die. Whether your land will be inherited by bickering caliphtes or puppet states propped up by the uninfected V4 is yet to be seen. Western countries will be like the remnants of feudal states today, Andorra, San Marino Lichtenstein. Fragments and remnants of a long gone era.

>US pressures the EU into sanctions
>Russia is hurt
>EU is hurt
>US increases exports to russia

It never ceases to amaze me how retarded the EU leadership is.

Jugonostalgicari? Ja bi rado voleo Nedica ili Ljotica.

The russian gdp dropped almost to half. Russia puts almost 6% of the gdp into the army, so they don`t have the money to rearrange their economy. And soon they will lose they military edge over china so they will be exposed on 2 fronts.
They could hardly handle one european power on their own ground at a time, right now they are surrounded by nato, muzzies and chinks, while they stopped developping.
We will see one last time a european power showing it`s strenght by invading turkey iran and advancing til egipt. Then the bear il forever leave it`s cave and fade like the former western colonial empires.

More like US is fucked. EU has been sewing up the Pacific and Japan for trade deals after Trump pulled out. The Chinese are trying to establish a huge port in Greece. The media is overwhelmingly Anglo-Centric (I say this as an Anglo). EU is making big moves, its becoming a turbocharged trading bloc. In the real world you fear EU legislation and its becoming a behemoth.

the best we can do is vote strategically so the politicians in power feel threatened
You really believe Vucic feels threatened at all ?

What we need to do is act, and act violently. I am talking coups, revolutions, anything that will brake the chain of bad leaders. And it needs to lead to radical changes

I might not be right wing/alt right, but I am closer to you guys than shits like Vucic and retards like Jankovic.

>Why SERBIA is willing to join EU?
Cus the EU is awesome and we will welcome our Serbian bros with open arms.

Russia was never that important anyway as an export destination.

>Can't you see what EU did to other small countries like Greece, Portugal and others.

Here's a graph between two absolutely identical countries - culture, race (in most cases), language, history, religion, and most importantly, population count, access to resources and GDP. Notice that after about a decade of being glued to each other, a major split happens in 2007/8 and remains consistent to this day (difference of 38%). Guess what happened in 2007.

Fuck off anti-EU shills, you will not divide us. I bet that you're an american/brit as well. Post with your real flag, I'm interested which country is behind it.

If you really want your vote to count you`ve got to make more peoples vote like you.
Best way is to create a facebook page where you present your opinions on various subjects and atract followers.
When the elections come you launch your own campaign and fuck the establisment in the ass. Thats what i intend to do.

> It never ceases to amaze me how retarded the EU leadership is.
US - Russia trade was like US$5bn in 2016, down from a -pre-crisis US$38.1bn. So yes, there were and still are sanctions.

Plus the EU is what matters anyhow to determine if the Crimea annexation has any chance of being a financially "lucrative" move on a time span of, say, 50 years (just needs to be clear this is fucking stupid). You know in 2013 it had a trade volume of €284... that's also obviously the one that hurts, not the US trade.

Quite possible that it's going to normalize soon-ish, the point was somewhat made after all. At least it was not economically profitable to invade Crimea.

>Best way is to create a facebook page where you present your opinions on various subjects and atract followers
>Thats what i intend to do

You have to be at least 18 years old to be a candidate kiddo

>In the real world you fear EU legislation

Oh yeah, the same "behemoth" that was trying to spread muslim shit around and force quotas? Cause I havent seen a more humiliating shitshow in my life.

Also, the world is multipolar now. Instead of a Concert of Europe we might have a Concert of the World soon. Or best case a new space race between 4-10 countries. Too bad we are stuck on the short bus this time.

Lemme give you a big redpill serbro. You are fucked. No matter who or what you choose. Youre just fucked. Much like the inside the event horizon of a black hole, every path you could possibly take just leads to the singularity. Every single possible action you just fucks you over more and more. If you choose right wing, you will be cast as a convenient villain for the rest of a balkans to gang up on, Hungary too, for that matter. If you choose leftist, you choose cancer and gypsy and shqip breeding.

The only way to walk the tightrope could be just voting in the mildest, most ineffective centrist parties that do nothing and let a new generation grow up with less fucked up worldviews.

Except the EU isnt independent and does not act in its own best interest because of constant american meddling.

>You really believe Vucic feels threatened at all ?
if he barely makes it over 50% or has to start forming coalitions to survive in power because people are getting pissed off, he has to feel threatened. even if he doesn't, i think doing what i suggested is pretty ok since the half an hour you could take to vote once in 4 years isn't really that valuable.
>What we need to do is act, and act violently. I am talking coups, revolutions, anything that will brake the chain of bad leaders. And it needs to lead to radical changes
ok. say you have a revolution and vucic is down.
1.who takes his place, and doesn't make it phony shit like 5th of october
2.even if you get /yourguy/ there, we have republika srpska and kosovo as problems. do you think we won't be blackmailed over that shit if we step out of what we are ordered? that's the main problem of this country, our borders are far from final and we can't just do what we want in our country. the reason v4 countries can be based is because their borders are already established.
>I might not be right wing/alt right, but I am closer to you guys than shits like Vucic and retards like Jankovic.
most likely, yes, but due to our situation, we have to think and act carefully or we'll get buttfucked.
to be fair, serbia was under retarded dem policies that couldn't do anything to handle the crisis in 2008. however, idk about bulgarian politics and what was hapenning there.
that's all cool, i was considering starting ways to get some opinions out, but i'd personally never run because that ends any chances of a peaceful, normal life.
also this

you're right to a good degree. we are currently fucked and the best we can do is vote in faggots like vucic, and if he starts going too hard towards a side that could fuck the country up or get us gangbanged, vote in the other direction so they feel threatened enough to calm down. that way you survive until better days come. sadly, it's the only way.

Thx, we will gladly destroy Jewish EU after you let us in.
I'm comfy here in Austria and I'm making antisemitism and nationalism great again. Cheers

your father would be proud

>Oh yeah, the same "behemoth" that was trying to spread muslim shit around and force quotas?

You do know that you're throwing a gigantic hissy fit about not even a thousand people right?

Not as a candidate grandpa, you shill for a smaller, more right wing party in order to push the political debate to the right. You also make noise about subjects than tend to be ignored as they might prevent the peoples to vote for the same old corrupt politicians.
You have internet now and you can have a much bigger impact if you have a little bit of brain.

He is.