TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump press conf w/Finn Pres Niinistö 8/28/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Finn Pres Niinistö 8/28/17
>UN Amb Haley on IAEA meetings 8/28/17
>AG Sessions @Natl Fraternal Order of Police 8/28/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis - Hold The Line 8/27/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #29 8/25/17
>Weekly Update #5 - Lara 8/25/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, TreasSec Mnuchin, NSA McMaster, HSA Bossert) 8/25/17
>This Week@State 8/25/17
>DeptInt Video - Eclipse Across America 8/25/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>President Donald Trump Video - Tremendous/Incredible 8/21/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
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/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - Classic Memes Edition
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in the us, which of the non whites have the mot white genetics/dna? are they the hispanics or latinos or mezitos etcs? im unfamiliar with this.
Fucking Florida Men, I swear.
Anti-loli posters need to fuck off. We have always supported lolis.
So with collusion confirmed and Senate wrapping it up with testimony from Jr., how long until the vote for impeachment?
I read that its going to be transcribed. What are the chances of it leaking?
Statement from Melania
>"White nationalists" like red ice have a great presentation on this. I watched there video and was linked to a video of a 25 year old man OD'ing on a crowded philly bus, it made me sick. Also about 1,000 drug overdose deaths in WV out of 20,000 deaths. 95% of those overdose deaths are white.
I actually talked a little bit about this [1] when people in this very general were calling for Sessions head (bloody retards).
>Funniest thing is that I believe most people here acknowledges
>- that crack cocaine was one of the main drivers of the decay and death of black communities
>- that it was largely introduced in those communities by what we call today "the deep state", CIA and DEA running drugs themselves to finance their black ops
>But they, at the same time, cannot connect the dots and see that (coincidentally after the first black president)
>- cheap fentaynl produced in China (and heroin produced in Afghanistan)
>- imported on the cheap by cartels to Mexico
>- transported to the US thanks to the "no borders no wall" policies of the previous administration
>- by cartels not only kept in power and protected by the previous administration but also, in one proven occasion, also armed by then (see fast and furious);
>Started eating the white working communities in a similar way crack did to the blacks. But no,
>> Sessions is going after muh weed
>> Sessions should be chasing ghosts at Pedogate
>> Sessions should tap the FBI director Comey or the FBI director McCabe to build a case against Hillary
>Cake in a bed
>Feet on a candy
there it is
bye bye Drumpf enjoy your impeachment I know we will
You get to nuke one of these countries, and only one of these countries. Please note that Russia has nukes too so please really think about this before starting a 3rd world war.
>Saudi Arabia
Or Chad. It looks weird and who names their country Chad?
If it wasn't for the god damn Yankees being brought down here by the Jews that would still be legal here
You should visit Dinko my friend, you would like it here just like our brother Straya does(buy insect repellent)
updated pastebin:
>Pres Trump tours Emerg Ops Center/2nd Brief 8/29/17
>Pres Trump Thanking 1st Responders in TX 8/29/17
>Pres Trump receives Briefing on Harvey Relief Efforts 8/29/17
>UN Amb Haley 'enough is enough' on NoKo 8/29/17
>SoS T-Rex meets German FM Gabriel 8/29/17
also in prev pastebin:
>POTUS visits TX after Harvey 8/29/17
anything else? i thought there was a longer version of the nikki haley statement but no
One of ours probably.
>captcha: drive leading to
I take that back, buy this
Depends how joocy it is
Why does nobody mention the KKK hated catholics? That's why they burn crosses
So, let's speculate. Which black celebrity is going to go on National TV and say "Donald Trump don't care about black people!"
Mommy, don't pray for them. They had it coming. Seriously. I doubt there's ever been someone with a good head on their shoulders in Louisiana.
>We have always supported lolis.
> we
Also, don't you mean MILFs?
A nuke wouldn`t solve the problem.
Me with the glasses
0% because he won't have any dirt on Donald, only the DOJ
Can this reach 90?
Attention: there is no OP. OP is kill, thread needs new OP
Probably that nigger Kanye
His head is far enough up his ass to do it
Because everyone remembers that the Freemason offshoot that hates black people burns crosses in front of black homes that's why.
>governmennt tells you huge hurricane is coming your way
Why do people do this?
>Break in
>Conduct raid
>Call the mayor a nigger for being a nigger
>So, let's speculate. Which black celebrity is going to go on National TV and say "Donald Trump don't care about black people!"
If they want to go Full Katrina, one will have to claim that cannibalism is now happening in Houston.
Nigger mayor said it wasn't an emergency
>Why do people do this?
Because the retard black democrat mayor told them to stay home and not to evacuate
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS
>not having a loli being brought up by milfs.
Porque no los dos
I think that's a wee bit wrong. It would make the Muslims pay for their crimes if we took their precious cube god away from them. Plus it would make me feel better.
Evacuation order would funnel illegal immigrants into border patrol checkpoints at the major roads nearby.
600K illegals in Houston?
ICE needs lots more people there ASAP
It's going to be a white female celebrity, I guarantee it.
> not having a MILF being brought up by a GILF
well ...
waiter this pasta is cold
We've got over a million in LA county alone.
>- that crack cocaine was one of the main drivers of the decay and death of black communities
>- that it was largely introduced in those communities by what we call today "the deep state", CIA and DEA running drugs themselves to finance their black ops
Cheap book.
>The standard, uninformed, view of the contemporary drugs scourge, which is ravaging the
minds and bodies of Western youth and thus degrading the gene pool, is that it 'just happened'.
The financial rewards, according to that argument, are so enormous that there will always be
evil forces willing to distribute narcotics for money. This complacent view is exploded by Red
Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West, which shows conclusively that the continuing
Russian and Chinese Leninists have been using narcotics for several decades as a decisive
weapon in the ongoing low-level warfare they are waging against Western civilisation. Their
use of drugs as an offensive 'soften-ing-up' instrument presupposes the lack of any discontinuity
of Leninist intent and practice since 1917, and (crucially) since the orchestrated 'changes' of
1989-91, which were devised to mesmerise and mislead the world into believing that the World
Revolution had collapsed. The narco-war is based upon a satanic strategy envisaged by Lenin
and developed under Stalin by his odious police chief, Lavrentii Beria. After the Communist
Chinese, having deployed narcotics against their own people prior to seizing power in 1949, had
extended their drug operations internationally, the Soviets embarked in earnest, on
Khrushchev's orders, upon their own drugs offensive - reinforcing a revolutionary campaign to
demoralise the West by degrading society's morals and institutions, a strategy elaborated by the
founder of the Italian Communist Party, Antonio Gramsci.
Ice gonna roll up with some vans
i need more of this
>Gallery Furniture really will SAVE YOU MONEY!!!
>And act as an emergency shelter
Thanks, Mattress Mack!
Post will only make sense to Houstonfags.
> Dr Joseph D. Douglass, the world's
leading expert on the political use of narcotics, explains how a Czech defector, the late General
Jan Sejna, alerted the West to this diabolical offensive - and how corrupt and irresolute Western
officials and banks have chosen to ignore the ugly reality, for reasons of expediency and
'political correctness'.
Blame it on the soviets and people who sold their conscience.
>marry loli
>get a loli, a teen, a young adult, an adult, a milf
>marry milf
>get milf for a short time, then granny for the rest
It's just math
President Donald J. Trump
>he stared directly into a total eclipse, and the sun went blind.
>he built a sandcastle on a beach in Dubai, then sold it to the Saudi Royal Family as a vacation home.
>he won a golf tournament with a single stroke.
>he folded a paper airplane and threw it out the window; it bombed 4 ISIS bases.
>he signs legislation with feather quill pens plucked from a bald eagle perched on his desk.
>he follows witches around on a stage while standing perfectly still.
>he wanted to adopt a new pet, so he went on a safari.
>he was held hostage by terrorists; when negotiations were finished, they paid him a $30 million ransom.
>his online shitposting directs the course of human history.
>he sells rice to the Chinese.
>when his car was blocked by violent rioters, he walked the rest of the way.
>eating fast food makes him healthier.
>at the end of his 2 terms of President, he’ll look 30 years younger.
>when he visited the Vatican, the Pope prayed to him for forgiveness.
>he made employee of the month after his job interview.
>he was the guest speaker at his own college graduation.
>he issues pardons for crimes that weren’t even committed.
>the wives he divorced sing praise of his sexual prowess.
You'll flip the electoral college for sure!
Putting 25(You) on Lena Dunham
Mack has always been a great guy.
Kanye is a nigger and is out for himself and nothing more
He was fuck Trump all the way until he got elected
All those vintage cars.
Hey about 1,000 overdose deaths in West Virginia out of 19,000 deaths. If it wasn't for the opiate epidemic the white population would more or less increase naturally by a couple hundred annually not decline by about 1000 every year. 98% of heroin overdoses in WV are white.
what the fuck
Damn, this generosity and kindness is so fucking mindblodding and complex, you're right. I'll never understand this kind of a good deed because I live in the wrong state :(
>Not an eternal loli
It's like you dont want help from the greatest mages of all time.
The eternal loli has been behind every war in history, you can't trust them
Here, reflowed and chan-formatted it for you
> The standard, uninformed, view of the contemporary drugs scourge, which is ravaging the minds and bodies of Western youth and thus degrading the gene pool, is that it 'just happened'.
> The financial rewards, according to that argument, are so enormous that there will always be evil forces willing to distribute narcotics for money. This complacent view is exploded by Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West, which shows conclusively that the continuing Russian and Chinese Leninists have been using narcotics for several decades as a decisive weapon in the ongoing low-level warfare they are waging against Western civilisation.
> Their use of drugs as an offensive 'soften-ing-up' instrument presupposes the lack of any discontinuity of Leninist intent and practice since 1917, and (crucially) since the orchestrated 'changes' of 1989-91, which were devised to mesmerise and mislead the world into believing that the World Revolution had collapsed.
> The narco-war is based upon a satanic strategy envisaged by Lenin and developed under Stalin by his odious police chief, Lavrentii Beria.
>After the Communist Chinese, having deployed narcotics against their own people prior to seizing power in 1949, had extended their drug operations internationally, the Soviets embarked in earnest, on Khrushchev's orders, upon their own drugs offensive - reinforcing a revolutionary campaign to demoralise the West by degrading society's morals and institutions, a strategy elaborated by the founder of the Italian Communist Party, Antonio Gramsci.
HIs view seems to have merit but crack cocaine is 100% CIA, proven by contemporary accounts and retrospective accounts alike
>600K illegals in Houston?
Think of the potential for dead ones!
Between him and the late Great Marvin "Slime in the Ice Machine" Zindler I can think of no greater Houston icons
>HIs view seems to have merit but crack cocaine is 100% CIA, proven by contemporary accounts and retrospective accounts alike
The missing step is assuming that the CIA wasn't subverted by Marxists and Muzzies. Obama's director of the CIA, James Clapper, had actually converted to Islam at one point.
>600k illegals out of less than 3M people
>probably another 600k in anchor babies and the like
Houston is going to get cut in HALF after this. Holy shit.
>Ed Skrein leaves Hellboy reboot so his Asian-American character can be “cast appropriately”
Yeah, it will be interesting to see the effects of the anti opioids actions Sessions DOJ and Trump's WH are taking. It has the potential to flip NH. Do you have stats on the same kids of deaths in NH by any chance?
At college.
>watching the musical jew
>worshiping celebrities
McFucking kys urself
nm lol wbu??
I don't watch that shit, you negro. I just heard about how terrible she was.
Literally WHAT is this nigger's problem?!
>The missing step is assuming that the CIA wasn't subverted by Marxists and Muzzies
I am making no such assumption, by Occam Razor I'm leaving any unnecessary steps out to simplify the reasoning. CIA running drugs in inner city america to finance their black ops is not only proven, it is one of the biggest scandals in recent american republic (Iran Contra affair).
I may hate Texas, but God damn do I miss megastores
Literally only homedepot, Lowe's, Bass pro shops, and a couple of antique warehouses are that size here in the Gunshine state.
The rest of the south has shit like that but for some reason our state just doesn't, makes me sad
Nothing will happen it'll get worse. The only solution is to kill the drug dealers vigilante style.
Democrats gonna out his intern murder, he's trying to save his own neck
"By a black man"
Are CIA operations?
Having 12 nations under a Communist leader is a CIA operation?
C`mon now, you`re giving it away, are they throwing the Operation Condor and at the same time loading the USSR with drug money through the production of Cocaine in Colombia throughout all those years?
The fact that they can play both sides is a possibility, but the "KGB dindu nothing" theory is far-fetched.
And that follows by Sputnik praising those same Communists leaders here in Latin America and claiming it`s before those "CIA-led right-wing coups" that people around here miss so much.