At 19:13 of Season 3 episode 6 Morty says "blue pill or red pill"
Are they our guys?
At 19:13 of Season 3 episode 6 Morty says "blue pill or red pill"
Are they our guys?
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It's from the matrix not here.
jesus christ the state of this fucking board
>rick and morty
>our guys
>vindicators 3
Rick tells that Israel is the cause of all evil
your underage is showing
Go away
Narrated by Colbert and John Olliver.I couldn't get past the second episode of se. 01
Reddit and memey should stay on the lefty board that is
croatians will never achieve 1st world status
>Each one television players. But the ugly laughter, as is now in a soft, beef pregnant itself.
you stupid fucking cunt.
Your problem is this; you've swallowed so many fucking """""""""""""red pills""""""""""""" without thinking you've actually forgotten the real actual fucking world where the term "Red Pill" was actually fucking coined.
It's not some super """""""""""""((((((((ultrasecret)))))))))>>~~#"""""""" term that only the megawoke know.
It's from one of the most popular AND cult-followed fucking movies ever created.
Stop promoting your damn tv show jew
>t. pic related
No, the creator is anti free speech.
If you watch that crap you are asking to be conditioned.
It's a fucking matrix reference you goddamned mong
Considering how much liberal bullshit is in the show. I was a little surprised.
>so dumb, doesn't even know
>where the pill reference is from
You're an idiot, but this ep was all about how the notion of mental or personality toxicity is stupid because of subjective interpretation and how thoughts or beliefs that some consider bad or unhealthy can actually be useful or protective, which is a sort of refutation of postmodern wrong-think doctrine.
Plus like an episode or two ago they named the jew, so
This scene was fucking gold, and any Sup Forumstard would appreciate it
>Are they our guys?
Well this place is just edgy reddit
so yes
>Israel is the root of all evil
For the 9000 time. NO!
Now go try to shill your shit somewhere else.
I was surprised as well.
Many liberals think Israel is evil but calling it out as "the greatest evil that is never mentioned" is FUCKING BASED!
The scene in green text
>When that old dude gets DRUNK he speaks about Israel
>Old dude says something and is presented as a blabbeling MORON, and instantly goes into self shaming
Please, just do an hero and live stream it
Dan Harmon is politically retarded but he is only one guy. Also, he is a good writer and works hard. It's been known for a while that Justin R is in the middle politically, as most people that work on the show are. They have a pretty strict "no earth politics" rule in the studio and as far as content for the show is concerned.
>the greatest evil that is never mentioned
go away Dan
29% of America are Nazis!
Heh, I was just like Lewis Black back there.
>I'm a fat, insulated, rich Liberal and you all need to STOP talking to a third of the country because we are at war with them because I say so.
What a faggot. These people need to be reminded that they are wholely dependant on the police
Shoo shoot, nu-fag. Take your faggy discussion back to ribbit.
This. Rick and (((Morty))) run by SJWs and kikes.
there is a saying in spanish that the drunk and the children always tell the truth, don't you have the same saying in english? rick's intelligence allows him to see it all so his drunken speeches should not be taken lightly
Rick referred to Israel as the greatest evil in the universe.
Sup Forums hates on Rick and Morty because bluepilled redditfags love it's a bretty good show.
>Rick referred to Israel as the greatest evil in the universe
Grow up and stop watching cartoons
The show's stuck in the weeds right now. You can only do so many 'le why does my unlimited intelligence not free me from suffering, I hope no one realizes how much of a self-insert this is' before you have to do something or quit.
How likely is it they troll Sup Forums looking for episode ideas after season 2 ended? Waiting for the flat earth episode where they wake up in a matrix style human farm.
Liberals who love muslims also think isreal is the greatest evil in the world, you dip.
The shows just pandering to them
>Are they our guys?
One of the creators called to kill us all a few days ago.
I liked that Rick thinks atheism is toxic
Well if they kill us after they've destroyed Israel they are FUCKING BASED!
idk but the co-creator isn't
Let's take a look at their """"""""based"""""""" creator :
Spoiler alert : He wants you dead.
Type in the options
I recognize your flag from when you'd shill hillary
rick needs to be meme'd into a modern aryan hero. destroy the character, destroy the show. make hate popular again.
Justin Roiland is probably an Sup Forums-tier shitposter who is somewhat aware of (((them))) but he is still cucked by all the kike and female writers who stole his show.
Also, somebody post the JQ screenshot from the schwifty episode.
yup, they pretty much exhausted the existential themes in S1 and S2, which is why S3 is mostly just personal issues and family drama that no one gives a shit about
This show would be way better without the edgy nihilistic faggot grandfather
Oh well though; it's not like the entirety of Sup Forums is fucked because of leftypol and the ADL though
They only did so because there was a CNN reporter named Rick Sanchez, like Rich the character, years ago who went on an anti-Israel rant live on air and got fired for it.
>that time that Justin Roiland was on the same stage as John Oliver and he started ranting about (((almond eyed aliens))) racemixing with humans in order to infiltrate and subvert our society
Is Roiland /ourlunatic/?
fuck off cuck
reddit is so cancer
Roiland admitted on a podcast with either Rogan or h3h3 that he goes on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board to talk shit about his own show to
goad people into talking shit about his own show so that he can improve it.
Rick and Morty trying to be as good as Adventure Time...
Not gonna happen.
Not a very high bar to reach, but I agree.
30% of USA is NAZI its a FACT!
i still love dan even tho hes *special*
I have never been on Reddit and I have never watched this program but I know exactly what people mean when they call it Reddit and Memey