What are americans fucking doing?
What are americans fucking doing?
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what he said he would do after charlottesville
swift restoration of law and order
Are you hungry?
Trying to melt antifa brains with radio waves
Offloading surplus gear from their military industrial complex.
Also, their entire law enforcement system is built off the citizenry being the enemy and not people to help.
Licking the boot. It's far too late at this point for anything but very very bloody war.
also post a real source
I didn't know they ever stopped having military gear to be honest. The heavy hitters were SWAT, I don't know what reggie cops are supposed to do with M4s. They seem to do just fine acting as judgejuryexecutioner with pistols.
Riot police will now use tanks and artillery during riots.
>240mm rubber rounds straight into the peaceful protesters
Are we 1960 again?
No they won't, they'll standby with their dicks in hands like last time.
>not naval guns
Unitedstatians always go full retard.
>I didn't know they ever stopped having military gear to be honest.
I think Obama stopped it near the end of his rule. So they haven't been without unnecessary high grade military gear for long.
We are getting ready to get rid of leftists.
Tank gun canister shot into antifa incoming.
The goyim must be controlled through more powerful measures. Now pick up that can goy.
>ancap celebrating the government arming itself to shoot at anarchists
It's not new, it's 20 years old and only got attention after Boston and mainly Ferguson.
>The 1033 Program was created by the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 1997 as part of the U.S. Government's Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (DLA) to transfer excess military equipment to civilian law enforcement agencies and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on Sept 23, 1996.
Crashing and burning. Just sit back and enjoy.
Fighting niggers with tanks apparently
Yes actually
Meh, these aren't real riot like Baltimore. LA Riots were probably the biggest one before Baltimore.
>fte the Iowa class battleships are brought out of drydock to be used at protests
Bet a 16 inch rubber bullet to the cock would hurt
getting ready to gas kikes lmao
I see they are arming cops to kill antifa terrorists.
I support it to the fullest.
Wasn't LA riots bigger than Baltimore?
What's necessary.
That's pathetic. Those cops stand there and don't do anything.
>Quick, let me get in a vulnerable position. Will you snap a picture of me? I'll get so many likes!
POWERFUL. Also czech those digis of truth. Kek wills us to fight the fash USA
Getting ready to make a whole bunch of bitchy whiny teeshirt ninjas pick up that can. People need a reminder of how this country works and i love it.
Sup Forums is stupid and hypocritical news at 11
This is fucking bullshit, why do the police get to have all the fun?
Well, I guess the cops in Britain do have their hearts in the right place.
Is this how he's going to fix Chicago?
>Trying to melt antifa brains with radio waves
You do realize that'll be used on the alt right just as quick, right? No more 14/88 marches. Guns or no guns, you're gonna get your eardrums blasted.
Who is the last quote? Hoppe?
Under a shiny jackboot...
I once saw one of those riots in the US on a RT livestream, I think it was in this spring.
Some police was standing on a road, there where no protest here, perhaps they where awaiting for the protestors to arrive.. I don't know, but they where standing there, quite a large amount of them. Everyone was chill, it was a very low-energy atmosphere because there were no protestors, with the exception of a woman wearing a hijab whom where kneeling in front of the police, chanting "Auschwitz".
Some of the photographers present there took some photos, but even for the photographers it was far too forced and cringy..
Since I saw this on the lifestream.. It can never been unseen..
I can only hate these gestures, or whatever it is. I can never look at it in any other light than hate.
Yet it hasn't, yet. Unless our side gets really violent, it likely won't be used.
We're just letting the whole BLM, antifa, etc thing get bad enough to the point that we can avoid too much repercussions for when we have a huge crack down overreaction on them all. The whole oil wars thing has just been blue-balling the country and NK isn't helping with the missile tease.
Unlike the British police who can get laid down by a guy with a sharpened stick...
Got to sell these here shit rocketlaunchers n shieet
All they produce is crap though, from cars to patriots which land in ibrahim's garden, so... the final round in trying to save a failed state
Antifa what?
And under that shiny jackboot is an unwashed commie. What's not to like?
It already has, and the kikes in other parts of the government will make sure of it. Just like how they protect antifa at all costs.
Either you die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Reminder that the police is far more likely to BTFO leftists.
Being retarded, been like this my whole life honestly
People need grenade launchers to protect themself user, what's not to understand?
You can practically hear the autistic battle cry
Followed by the police laughing among themselves
M8 cops follow orders, they would as soon attack you as antifa if ordered
prepping the bull for when Democrats take over in 2020
America is not free and hasn't been for a while, Trump is a gigantic faggot.
>Yuge faggot
We all know the kind of edgy faggot who would do this.
>Flipping off the camera in every picture of himself
>All of his clothes are from HotTopic
>Constantly talks about how he would punch trump if he could
>Unironically thinks he's living under some kind of dictatorship
I hate these faggots. How do you end up like them?
What is the North Hollywood Bank Heist?
I'm not saying every small town needs a Bearcat but cops can't meet threats such as mass shootings with just pistols. They can just buy most of the equipment off the shelf anyway, this just shores up resources.
1960 is too early, more like 1968.
The kikes are in his fucking family, you dumbass mong.
>What are americans fucking doing?
Being mouthbreathers as per usual
Sup Forums is on board with this because trump is the president
When Obama was the president LE militarization was scoffed at by every poltard, they were even posting ways to disable the MRAPs or whatever they're called
It seems that Americans can't get rid of their subhuman ways so the government just expands its powers as it pleases depending on which party of mouthbreathers is the most butthurt
Personally I'm glad their country is falling apart like this
toolin up
Next time, Antifa gets run over by a tank.
The day of the civil war is nigh. Also, why scrap good gear that is not cutting edge enough to secure American dominance abroad, but is tough enough to protect policemen from Ferguson-type chimpouts?
the drug cartels are probably slashing your mestizo throat at this very moment. enjoy!
Good argument, really made me think.
>bitch about military spending
>bitch when they want to put used shit to use
>a few agencies wanted APCs or tanks
>must mean everyone is getting a tank
>confirmation bias
>neck yourself
For any of you faggot to stupid to understand. The military is extraordinarily scrutinized for any act which engages US citizens.
For that reason it is widely considered to be a non-option. Big brother had been side-stepping that problem by militarizing local police forces with so called military 'surplus'. You play ball locally with the feds regulations/laws/etc..., you're police force gets military goodies.
One of the few things Obama did right was to recognize this and stop this horseshit in it's tracks.
>cartels are slashing random civilian throats as per user's schizo, butthurt, non argumentative logic
Lmao, you're more at risk of being killed by a roided up cop in America than by a cartel in mexico
I've already posted in a couple of these threads and no user touches the subject of Sup Forums's hypocrisy regarding overreaching government, you just throw butthurt at me, lmao.
said the dirty Mexican
>Lmao, you're more at risk of being killed by a roided up cop in America than by a cartel in mexico
Eventually our society will just be police vs Antifa. Have you joined your local police force yet, Sup Forums?
Obama only stopped it for 2 years, do you think that the police returned the gear they already had? APCs, grenade launchers and m-4s don't wear out in 2 years. This is just making it cheaper to get equipment into the hands of professional antifa wranglers.
Let me break this down for our Bulgarian bro. The militarization of Police in the United States is not done "just because". Our gun "culture" differs greatly than most countries in the world. This being said there are a diverse range of weapons available to average consumers . If the average consumer is allowed to have such and such the Police such be able to as well to counter the possibilities of these weapons being used for malicious reasons. To make this argument sound more sound...Police In the United States when conducting investigations are only allowed to use tools available to the public as well. This is why we see an abundance of those nifty phone recording things and whatnot to capture criminal activity. My information is dated but I'm pretty sure still current. I still think law enforcement in Europe is more militarized though. Considering most Euro countries have divisions of Police for specific tasks and whatnot. Often in my visits I see military style police just guarding , this in the United States is not the norm unless living in a major city.
How terrible. The police will be armed to protect themselves and others.
They already own military gear anyway. The ban is worthless.
I love Trump but I'm not sure about giving the police this equipment. So much of our law enforcement are criminally under trained, besides have you ever had to deal with female police officers? They aren't too good at making split decisions under pressure
There is a domestic terrorist group of Black Supremecists called Black Lives Matter who march around beating up people who mission is to Kill Cops. Many police are getting murdered. Time to give them the protection they need from the radical alt left crazies out there. Including the Anarchist Marxists terrorists Antifa- the paid militia arm of the democratic party. They beat anybody and everybody and the radical alt left media ignores the violence. So, yes, time to give the police more protection or the next step is calling in the military terrorist fighting experts to clean up these disturbed creatures.
Firing up the ovens.
Hahah. Try Newark in the late 60's. The blacks were pretty pissed whe Martin Luther King jr was shot
It wouldn't even need to be sharp
You don't have a police, you have a paid mercenary army full of dim bulbs with violence problems
The end result will be -your- end. I'm not complaining though.
>peaceful protesters
masked up, armed with baseball bats and other shit
let's punch and hurt everyone that gets called "Nazi" from anyone
we are anti first amendment
Kicking community college commie ass.
implying anyone at antifa not only has actually a brain, but that this brain hasn't already been melted yet
perfect for when theyre ordered to stand down and let them all burn the cities down anyway
Oh nothing. Just killing some commies. Trust us, nobody is going to mind. If people wanted real civil rights, they'd stop being such goddamn commies.
>Trump is doing the thing that bush and obama did but now at a time when they are needed
Oh good.
>I think Obama stopped it near the end of his rule.
Part of the kike propaganda. Obama had been giving military surplus to cops for most of his eight years. Then just a few months before he got his nigger ass evicted he decided to let trannies in the military and banned sales to the police that he'd previously OK'd... all so his kike buddies in the media would have stories to tell when a president that wasn't a nigger "reversed" both of them and set things back to normal.
Wanna see niggers blowing from grenade launchers in a street fight.
>Mart sharter complaining about dirt
Trying to keep beans n groids under control. You're from Bulgaria you have no idea.
That's what happens when you allow communists to destroy and burn your cities. The government is only as good as its people. The government is fucked because our people are fucked. We often like to blame politicians but we should truly be blaming our degenerate society that's being crushed by the Jews who produce filth music, porn, and education to subvert us. The only way to fix this is to either have people stop being degenerate. This can be accomplished by encouraging Christian/catholic ideals
We are sorting shit out. Stay out of the way.