George soros

can someone redpill me on george soros???
is he the equivalent of koch brothers of the left???

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What did he mean by this

The Koch brothers have nothing on this evil bastard.

It's worth the time to do some research on this man, you will be surprised he is allowed to get away with his evil.

he's everything Sup Forums memes about people like the bogg pill twins
>weird shadow control of lots of special interest groups
>power to overthrow governments
>funds almost all violent leftist action and most nonviolent
>never mentioned by western media
>somehow behind everything

but he's actually real
that's the fucked up part
it's not a meme

Imagine if Journalists actually did their job and looked into him.

they know
now we need them to do their job and speak out

Anyone who does that would undoubtedly end up dead


he is like 100 years old we need to expose the soros CLAN his kids and allies will continue his work

He helped the nazis kill his fellow Jews during the Holocaust. Now, Soros funds BOTH sides.

We try but our editors always tell us we can't publish it.

I'm more interested in Branco. Is he a corporate conservative, libertarian, christcuck, etc?


trumps son in law and daughter are yuge fans of soros
and guess who trump loves the most in the world

Koch Brothers bankroll false-flag NGOs and movements in order to enrich themselves.

Soros bankrolls false-flag NGOs and movements to topple governments and force the Kalergi Plan, which Talmudic Jews think will lead to the Jewish vision of Heaven—a low-IQ global mud race enslaved forever by Jews. He gets away with it because he donates to political parties who then stop any attempt to enforce laws against him.

he's the face/voice/hand of the real people you're never supposed to hear about

trust me, the fact you know who he is at all means the rabbit hole goes deeper

he's like the money manager of the rothschilds cabal

I can never remeber, but there was some agreement made between a bunch of the elite including the rothschilds to make some fund and soros manages it

>If you dislike one Jew you dislike all Jews

Yes. Although I'd say the Kock brothers were the Soros of the right.

Embarrassingly, it makes the right no different from the Columbian Cartel as they both get their money from coke

Here, genius. You figure it out....

Joe Arpaio, a US miilitary vet (who swore an oath to uphold the Constituion of the United States of America at all costs), chose to uphold the law on the books, go against the poisonous PC culture in America, and got censored by a liberal/commie judge, was never allowed an appeal, and was told to "just deal with it." Meanwhile......

PHOENIX (AP) - A political group funded largely by liberal hedge-fund tycoon George Soros has recently raised $2.9 million in its bid to oust Sheriff Joe Arpaio, including getting a $250,000 contribution from the widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.

Records released Friday say Soros contributed $2 million to Maricopa Strong over the five-week period ending on Oct. 27. He previously contributed $300,000.

In all, the group has collected $3.2 million during the campaign. Three other people gave six-figure contributions. Laurene Powell Jobs, president Emerson Collective LLC, a social activism organization, provided her contribution to the group on Oct. 5.

Are we still pretending this Soros fuck isn't a globalist? Are we still pretending this 80 year old piece of shit kike isn't trying to manipulate our sovereignty, dissolve our borders, and ruin our country? Are we still pretending he's not an evil son of a bitch? Where are the leftists on this one? You call us "conspiracy theorists" and "just a bunch of crazy nazis" but the proof is right fucking here.

Imagine the emporor from star wars with less lightning magic and more subversive social engineering with the goal of weakening western civilisation so that a global communist dictatorship can be installed and all of mankind is crushed into a primitive state except a handful of super elite who will inherit the wealth of the planet and usurp the shared destiny of the white race perverting it so that all that is evil is made to be good, so yeah basically star wars.

alex soros is george's son ... pic very related

Bullshit you shillfaggot.

This. Soros is objectively the single most evil person alive right now. His money specifically comes from hurting people. The Koch brothers are slimeballs that make money from mis-measuring the flow in oil pipelines. The Rothschilds are slimeballs that make money from people not understanding finance. Soros makes his money by gambling that a country will suffer unrest, then bringing about his own prophecy through terrorism. It's like if Bin Laden were just in it for the money.

>Fucking soros that diry ki-
>U-uhm Sorry mister g-d emperor my master

Why would his own employees expose him?

>funded dissident movements in Apartheid South Africa
>supported Occupy Wall Street via Adbusters
>supported tons of Anti-Bush groups
>supported Obama's re-election
>backed left wing politics in Belarus
>backed current Ukrainian government and Maidan square protests
>supported Kosovo's independence from Serbia
>called on Europe to strengthen sanctions against Russia
>called for Europe to financially bail out Ukraine
>called on Europe to borrow money in order to pay for EU Migrant Crisis
>Soros is backing Hilary Clinton's campaign
>Soros claimed Viktor Orban's strategy for the EU Migrant Crisis is un-European because "borders are the obstacle"
>Soros funded a booklet for helping migrants into the EU
>Soros previously funded FEMEN until they scheduled a protest in Israel
>Soros funded Black Lives Matter
>Soros funds
>Soros donated to Kaisch to help split the republicans
>Soros is funding anti-Trump protests
>Soros is funding a new civil disobedience movement called DemocracySpring aimed to bring about a new congress
>Soros was convicted of insider trading
>Soros' OSF gave money to defend Lynne Stewart, a lawyer who provided material support to terrorist conspiracy
>Soros' OSF backed the pro-western revolution in Georgia during the early 2000s
>Soros' OSF backed Solidarity Poland which inspired the Arab Springs and helped take Poland out of the Russian sphere of influence
>Soros backs the ACLU (anti LGBT discrimination shit, pro women's rights, pro gay adoption, pro samesex marriage, anti death penalty, anti-minority discrimination, pro abortion/bc, anti prison, anti torture)
>helped cause the SE Asian financial crisis
>supports the Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus
>supports Somaliland
>supports Polisario
>caused Black Wednesday by selling short
>backs the post-election Trump riots/protests
>backing the anti-pipeline shit in Dakota (DAPL)
>pledged 10 million to combat "hate crimes"

you forgot the part where little György Schwartz literally sold Jews to the Nazis

Sadly he's not a meme, he's actually real. The man is basically an evil god. He operates like the American CIA to make money, destroying everything and everyone.

Start out by learning about what color revolutions are, then start reading about his.

Soros (continued):
>backed Arab Spring in Tunisia
>backed Arab Spring in Egypt
>backed attempted revolution in Iran
>backed attempted revolution in Burma
>backed attempted revolution in Kuwait
>backed orange revolution in Ukraine
>backed pink revolution in Kyrgygstan
>backed attempted revolution in Moldova
>backed attempted revolution in Lebanon
>backed attempted revolution in Uzbekistan
>was one of the oligarchs involved in the hijack of the privatization program in 1990s in Russia effectively siphoning 100 billion out of Russia into offshore bank accounts
>is now funding Refuse Fascism which is headed by Bill Ayers (founder and leader of radical communist domestic terrorists the Weather Underground)
>just dumped a fuck ton of US assets with Jacob Rothschild probably in effort to trigger financial collapse and profit off chaos

I mean it just keeps going on and on.

Forgot, he also backed the Barrow in Gambia in order to oust Jammeh.

Also forgot the fact that he:

>backed an attempted coup in Yugoslavia
>backed an attempted coup in Slovakia
>backed an attempted coup in Croatia

>liberal/commie judges ...

about that.

Soros is the hatchetman of the Rothschilds


btw, israel pulled back from this position. soros has been fucking about in their country too.
