>Recent surveys suggest that roughly 47 percent of Republicans are what you might call conservative universalists and maybe 40 percent are what you might call conservative white identitarians.
The (((world bank))) puts Americas population at 323,000,000 people. 29% of Americans identify as Republican, or 93,670,000 people. 40% of those identify as white identitarians, or 37,468,000 identitarians within our borders. And those are just the ones who admit it
37468000 7 4 6 8 0 0 0
Can you feel it lads? All they need is a leader. Keep doing exactly what youre doing now, the time is close.
How many of those are going to do anything about it though?
Hunter Wright
10% of that is enough.
Jace Hall
Jayden Jenkins
>Americans even identify with parties instead of either being a member or a non-member
No wonder America started this dumb shit.
Nathaniel Jackson
>In 2005 only six percent of Republicans felt that whites faced “a great deal” of discrimination, the same number of Democrats who felt this. By 2016, the percentage of Republicans who felt this had tripled.
Jaxon Ortiz
this statistic must have the bank/industry-owning class rubbing their hands in glee. it means that all those poor whites will turn against their fellow proles, instead of identifying and eliminating the real enemy (the elites)
Owen Rivera
Proles? Rabi don't chu mean the Jews?
Christian Reyes
>United States of Nationalist America wont hang all elites day 1
Commie pls go. I understand this must be a sad day for you, seeing as how were such an unstoppable force and all, but youre still not welcome here.
This is why we're gonna be fine in the years ahead. Sure we might lose a few monuments, but what well gain is infinitely more valuable. As long as the left keeps upping they're anti white rhetoric, as long as they keep denigrating our heroes, and as long as the media/entertainment industry keeps bashing whites and the white working class in particular we win. First they get fed up, then they get angry, then they take action. All we have to do is sit back, wait, and keep doing what we're doing. God forbid an economic crash happens to speed things up even faster lol. Don't fret boys. We're all gonna make and then some.
pic related
Isaiah Mitchell
I didn't get questioned, no one I know participated in this survey. There are undoubtedly more than that.
Carter Miller
Kipling is God-tier
Jose Hernandez
The people that take these surveys are turbo normies, when you factor that in weve already won.
Jordan Ortiz
How many whites do you know that once you find out you're racist they act just as racist if not more so when they're around you? With me it's literally 19/20 lol. So yeah it's way higher.
Xavier Ross
He really is. And this poem, we need to remember along with When the Saxon begins to Hate. They compliment each other in a way only the white man could understand. Many would say this poem is representative of the case against what's being argued for in this thread. But it's all about balance. We can have white identity politics without acting like niggers and communists but we can also bring down the hammer of the god's upon our enemies if need be. I'm glad you posted this. We need remember both of them. And in case ppl don't already know, Kipling is the white man's poet. End of story.
Adam Reyes
Seriously every single one. It always works the same way too.
>some offhand comment about blacks >prolonged silence >"ya know.."
And the deed is done, instant friends.
Isaiah Wilson
Whats funny is that communists and corporations are working together to undermine any white nationalist movement
Sebastian Price
What I take away most from If is patience, and we have that in spades. Some of us have been waiting many, many years for this justice. Whats another year or 2? We will win, and when we do well name streets after Kipley.
John Allen
White identitarianism can't work. A foundational goal to this would be to liberate Europe from their governments. This chaos would weaken our defense against the rest of the world. It would be a crazy chaos.
Liam Ross
Nolan Baker
But white identarians are nazis and they were just disavowed by fox news, donald trump, and the entire republican party
John Rogers
The vast majority of Americans are not registered to or members or identify with either party but consider themselves Independent (not to be confused or conflated with the Independent party). Most people do, however, lean right or left, but are not satisfied with the political platforms of either of the 2 parties.
Many people, many independent, only registered as Republicans this time so they could vote in the primaries for Trump.
With all the SJW bullshit and leftist violence, it is thankfully pushing more and more independent, fence-sitting normies to the right.
Hudson Gray
mostly none, because they're libertarian individualists. They don't believe in collectivism like saving whites.
Austin Richardson
now that's nice;. just need one more red outerlayer
Aiden Anderson
>Those numbers Please don't do the same mistake as the civil rights movement and sell out to the Jew for Shekel and security. Finish the job
Nathaniel Bailey
Communist logic everyone
John Allen
Think the GOP can stay in power without 40% of its membership? Couple that with the continued insanity from the left pushing more and more people into our arms and by 2020 well be openly talking about white issues. Otherwise theyll be a footnote to history, its a new day in America.
Xavier Lewis
>and maybe 40 percent are >maybe When did polls start being guesswork?
Anthony Ramirez
>communists and corporations are working together to undermine any white nationalist movement this is not lost on many people and becoming more and more obvious to normies, too
Gavin Lewis
Check out the stranger at my gate by kipling
Andrew Turner
thats lowball as shit. in a group of 10000 wypipo you might get one cuck who wont defend themselves physically for being white
Oliver Lewis
/OURPOET/ confirmed
Robert Bennett
If we really want the happening, well need to secure the other 60% and I think I know the way to do it
Every last one of them will yell muh founders even though very few know much about them. All we have to do is appeal to the wisdom of the founders, then show them what they actually said.
lol >"winning" each year we dump more and more arabs/africans into your countries each year your demographics get worse and worse each year a higher percentage of white women suck the bbc each year the white birthrate declines each year the hatred towards your race increases and is less and less hidden each year the propoganda gets more and more pervasive and overwhelming for the youth to absorb each year more and more "hate laws" and other silent laws lash out at those who would take the path of white bigotry
we are winning and you are doomed Hitler was your last chance... we won't let that happen again
Justin Mitchell
And its that way all around the country even in places you'd think we're liberal as fuck. The majority of white men everywhere know what's up.
Jaxson Morgan
Bingo. We've already won brother. The other side just doesn't know it yet.
Leo Thompson
I look forward to hanging you first, Moshi. You played your hand too early, the kike knows not patience.
Jaxson Phillips
And your goddamn right we're gonna name streets after him lol.
Jaxson Lewis
everything you stand for can be de-racialized
beauty, intelligence, civility. these are not racial things. One can support these things without being a white nationalist.
Isaac Phillips
This is why we need to stay as radical as we can to keep the window shifting. We're reaching critical mass, we're forming irl networks, we're building media networks, we're creating music and art. This is a revival, an awakening of our race. We must press on, uncompromising. There can be no compromise with our survival, with the truth.
Hail victory, Sup Forums
Liam Mitchell
Do tell. Where is the beauty, civility and intelligence located in Somalia? Try as I might, I cant seem to find it.
Jonathan Bailey
That's only 18% you autist
Hunter Roberts
That's what got me into Kipling. I was a white nationalist before I read it but I was both a Kipling fan and white nationalist afterwards. Now to be either but not both seems insane lol.
Eli Smith
9% are Neo-Nazis. Not even Alt-right, or identitarians, or whatever other buzzword. Straight up NEO NAZI
>9% >.09*323,000,000 >29,070,000 million americans identify as neo nazis
People who feel whites are discriminated are a separate group from identitarians, theres tons of overlap but the facts remain.
Say it with me now, THIRTY SEVEN MILLION
Nathaniel Moore
Owen Watson
LOL we own the fucking board now. You are nothing but pawns... POWERLESS PAWNS. Good luck resisting us. Nothing but a gentle breeze against a tsunami current. In due time you will see I was right, but latch onto your imaginary hope if it comforts the ride for you.
You lose.
Parker Stewart
Isn't it glorious comrade? Total Aryan victory has never been so close in 70 years. I hope all you boys and girls understand they're going to get desperate. The right flexed it's muscle at Charlottesville by showing their numbers. Did you see the fear in the Jews eyes when they went to that town meeting? They are afraid, very afraid. Adopt the mindset of a soldier in occupied land, for that is what we are. These Jew son of a bitches want everything from us and our destruction. They want our wealth, our lands, our children to be their pleasure toys, they even want the organs in our body. They want our people to die in the gutter addicted to their opiates or dying from AIDs.
We won't go quietly and they know it. Steel yourselves.
Connor Walker
>t. lefty fag who literally came here thinking "lol I'm gonna troll these dumb Nazi's posing as a Jew and using an EU flag haha". We're literally talking about Rudyard Kipling and statistics. Try harder cuck.
Brayden Kelly
>29% of Americans identify as Republican, or 93,670,000 people. 40% of those identify as white identitarians
Did they count white identirarian non-republicans? I would be one of those so it interests me. (not a commie nationalist btw. Just think McMcain and Ryan are a whole lot more are traitors and cucks.)
Connor Thompson
Grayson Wilson
The "elites" are Jews. Neo-Nazis deserve more respect because at least they figured this part out before you.
David Phillips
>29% of Americans identify as Republican
It's 20% and declining fast you faggots
Jose Turner
Ethan Bennett
>dat flag >kike meme Scared Shlomo?
Sebastian Watson
yeah this sounds like fake news. the country would be a very different place if over 10% of the population were actually white identitarians.
Joseph Price
Charles Clark
It's a pol delusion thread
Dylan Nguyen
This man speaks the truth. Now is the time our convictions will be tested the most, its now that believers will be separated from the LARPers. A desperate kike is a dangerous kike, never underestimate the enemy but know your strength. Our story is not over, its simply the beginning of a new chapter.
Liam Flores
Does this statistic apply to people who put on swastikas like at Charlottesville or everyone who thinks hitler was right even if they're quiet about it?
Nathaniel Sullivan
this is bullshit. 50 years ago a significant proportion of the population openly supported racial segregation and a party running on that platform won millions of votes. america is further left than it has ever been.
Nolan Morales
I wouldnt be so sure. Think of the millions of despondent Germans living in Weimar, they all knew exactly what was going on but felt powerless until they had a leader. Our leader is alive right now, it may not be Trump, but Trump certainly opened the door for him. America is a very, very large country and were spread far and wide. The day that brings us together isnt far off though, and when we act as one the game changes forever.
Sebastian Sanchez
lol yeah schlomo is terrified also most jews are not named schlomo thats such a dumb joke, it really isn't a very common jewish name
call me when your "people" make any progress in the real world
and no, holding a little candle light vigil, getting your ass beat by antifa-fags and getting universally scolded by all the most powerful institutions locally and globally along with even most white people is not a win in my book, if anything it was a clear loss... and showed how pathetic your numbers are
give up you lose
Jonathan Davis
The first step to going further right is realizing that the GOP isn't getting anything done because they don't want to
Jaxon Nelson
9% believe that people have a right to hold those views. the % that hold those views is likely significantly lower.
Kevin Nguyen
It's higher than that. I've met very few white men who didn't embrace it in one form or another. They just have to know they're only among like minded people before they let the mask slip. Don't take the black pill just yet brother. We've got a lot of fight left in us. Give us just a little more time before you lose hope. I promise we'll make it worth the wait.
Nathan Mitchell
>50 years ago a significant proportion of the population openly supported racial segregation and a party running on that platform won millions of votes.
Trump and his supporters are just the final gasp before the demographics become to overwhelming for them. Trump is 71, no much longer now for those boomers to live.
Adrian Lee
you make some good points but its still a bad argument
the world today is nothing like the world back then... and then there are demographics Germany was still like 99% White back then right? So many other reasons why its a bad comparison and why another "Hitler" rising up is far less likely if not utterly impossible in todays worlds and in todays European countries
Levi Lopez
Weimar Germany literally had right wing death squads and militias roaming the country, like the Freikorps and SA. What do we have? Kekistani larpers.
Gabriel Reyes
Ayden Taylor
>Our leader is alive right now,
The one who appointed Goldman Sachs to his cabinet? Yeah I remember when Hitler appointed kikes to his cabinet.
Austin Gutierrez
Charlottesville was the manifestation of the kinds of things that are discussed here everyday, and that was national news for 2 weeks. Even the European press was all over it. The fact that Sup Forums was right about trump two years before he won says a lot about the way things are shifting
Camden Long
Jayden Phillips
Nicholas Sanders
Nolan Rogers
>Charlottesville was the manifestation
Oh do tell what happened when that one guy ran a bunch of people over.
You sure are gonna have a violent revolution that way you fucking faggots
William Myers
Owen Bailey
Starting to think FBI posts here on purpose to get people to commit these acts to shut this place down.
Luis Flores
Joshua Morris
Many of the "new" Europeans aren't there legally. They need to get someone like trump to deport the illegals and that number will change significantly. And most of the minorities are concentrated into large cities, it isn't like whole provinces of countries are speaking Arabic
Cooper Cruz
Overwatch Our world is worth fighting for lads
Jonathan Morales
Landon Martin
>muh demographics
Whites ruled Rhodesia at 1% of the population, there are 200,000,000 white people in America alone. I dont see Germans firing up the chambers anytime soon, but the American spirit still burns brightly in its sons. Youre right, its a different world, a world that allows instant communication regardless of location. How do you think we got these numbers to begin with? Youd be a fool to count us out, but I hope you do.
Jacob Powell
Get your nihilism out of here faggot. If this is true this is big, and its only going to get worse for the left
Elijah Morales
He's explicitly not talking about Trump, you dingus.
John Gray
Dylan Lee
>They need to get someone like trump to deport the illegals and that number will change significantly.
If you think Trump is changing the decline of whites (52%) you are a bigger faggot than I thought
Nazi larpers are the funniest posters on here.
FUcking faggots
Andrew Wood
Luke Anderson
nearly all of them are. when someone illegally enters germany, they call themselves a "refugee" and instantly get given a visa.
Kayden Reed
Which side will you choose??
Luke Wright
Hey all it took to get MSM to shit themselves was a few cheap flags and a car accident. And I guarantee those pictures of the guys in polos holding torches scared the hell out of the left
Easton White
>He's explicitly not talking about Trump, you dingus.
Yes you are, cause voting Republican is all you faggots do in the end. That's literally it. You are all talk, no bite.
Ian Morales
also if a real Hitler like person rose up today and threatened the ruling class and their agenda's do you really think he'd be allowed to live. He'd get 50 bullets in his skull before he said Heil. The chance to stop all this shit only existed for a very short time right after WW2. Kennedy resisted them... and we know what happened to him. We are way past the point of no return.
Oliver Hill
The demographics are what's gonna win it for us. I know this sounds insane but whenever whites have no choice but to fight, we fuck shit up so bad we change the world. Them attacking us on all fronts isn't a smart move. Either they're either historically illiterate or the have a death wish. Both work for me.
Chase Jones
Brandon Cruz
Nazi larpers with tiki torches
Justin Collins
We have antifa, friend, and theyre feeling bolder than ever. Weimar didnt have RWDS until there were communists attacking people in the streets, sound familiar? Have patience, my son, these things take time.
Nathan Martinez
>Greatest victory Becoming the most succesful empire in latin america's history