Why does she look like she's 35 even though she's only 22 years old...

Why does she look like she's 35 even though she's only 22 years old? Is it from the AIDS from swallowing all that nigger and muzzie cum?

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She is fat as well. I bet her pussy stinks like rotting fish.

Dunno but a rough looking mare for her age. I thought she was in her mid to late thirties originally.

Her sister is much better looking.

Why are we trying to save the white race again?

really doubt she's 22. just doesnt wanna be called an oldfag.

never understood where the Lauren hate comes from. All I see are fat virgins crying bc she's infintely out of their league.
she does great videos. she red pills normies. what do you do, fat boy? shitpoast on Sup Forums? LOL

22 YEARS OLD? I thought in her 30s as well lol.

i wish 35 year olds looked like that

>wisdom from the mountains

She's never been anything special. If she wasn't muh trad waifu no one would care about her.

it does

sage it before posting for shills.

Thirsty motherfucker

don't know
don't care
you keep up with the dramas of every roastie? get a life

because busting ass at work 50 hours a week to keep my kids alive that will later be leftist faggots is worth it, stop being blue pilled

I've seen that docu. It's fake and gay lol that Lama didn't levitate.
Hope you were wearing a gas mask.

if that's how she looks with makeup, I can say with certainty that she's older than that or she spend a solid 7 years doing drugs and having her face violently fucked

kikes all age horribly

You shariablue peeps are really frightened of her, aren't you?

Makeup has that effect. I hate it. I like my 16 year olds to look like 16 year olds, not miniature women.

literally who

nigger lingo using leaf faggot

Jewish genes

She just loves those memes you guise!!

>22 years old

She's already over the hill at 22.

its just her caveman brow that makes her look older.

Not an argument

>the virgin crypto-jew

fat, no tits, wide shoulders, masculine face.

Its basically an optical illusion due to shitty genes.

most american girls have fucked a shitskin.

kek, lefty/pol/ needs to switch out the confederate flag once in a while.


Classic basic bitch who doesn't work out or eat clean, just happens to be white and have decent genetics. When she actually does hit 35, she's gonna have a hard time


Stress always hits women harder than men, and she decided to throw herself head-first into a political shitscape.

Shit, just look at what 8 years does to EVERY president of the USA...

Can you even imagine what that kind of stress might turn a female into?
Shit, Shillery would look like Skeletor after 8 years.






I want to breed her perfect sister


That's just a Surrey girl thing

Would you rather her, or the quadroon? Make a choice Sup Forums.



I'd like to see what you look like

I think she's purty

Quit drinking soda

Women without makeup look 10 years older

Hey Lauren

Not sure, but would bang 10/10 still she's still better than most you can get anyways.

Probably drugs.

>Wheat fields

idk its a tough one, /ourquadroon/ would make a great traditional qt waifu and lauren would be the kind of girl you could curbstomp niggers together with and then go home and make crazy european sex with.

also requesting quadroon hooters pic and screenshot from yt video where lauren looks the cutest

She's cool enough. OP is a (((fag))).

Holy fuck she's only 22. Fuck she's younger than me. She has bad genes.

Christ she's gonna look like a 40 year old once she hits her 30's.

I'd do her in a second.

user..I..reminder women CAN'T be Redpilled, history shows this FACT.

Would breed Lauren and her sister. Would not breed the quadroon but she seems cool enough to hang out with.

Jew DNA + Tranny. Will look like Yoda by 35.

She is healthy you stormcuck.

Why are Nazis/MGTOW so averse to pussy?

This, it's just lonely bitter dudes mad a woman is doing what they wish they could do.


How does she redpill normies with basic bitch, civic nationalist content?

No, Lauren is pure.

You only think she looks old because you jerk off to lolis too much.

Nice, clean canvas..no tattoos..for now..would fugg

>never understood where the Lauren hate comes from

Literal communists and kike shills for the most part. Also some dysgenic NEETsocs and MGTOWs.

Back to leftypol bitchboy

Jewish women age like milk

>It's a VZ-58

Lauren hot and smart and better for Western Civilization than any of the fags insulting her.


liquid saga best saga.

>crazy european sex

sorry achmed, you wouldnt understand

Lauren is cool. She handled that Ezra Rebel jewing quite well. Professionally.


i can smell your lil dick from over here portruding with poz precum thinking that she looks anything like 35.

i could list you multiple females after 30 and 20s that looks like 40 but since you seem to have 0 experience with women imma go with this - you are fake news.

She's perfect


Western women all look like shit because they cake on so much make-up until they look like circus clowns. Not to mention their diets and lifestyles

She's ugly as fuck but there are so few people willing to be "internet Nazi supporter" that even an ugly chick can fill this vacuum and receive the adulation of a hundred thousand incels

What's with all these anti Lauren threads? If you don't give a shit about her, ignore her.

not unless she sits on my face she's not :P

she actually is in her 30s, she's a CSIS agent

Would make qt octoroon children with

>What's with all these anti Lauren threads?

A vocal minority of shills and dysgenic NEETSocs

22? fucking hell the wall is going to hit her hard.

She was wrong about being an octaroon, she's 1/3 neegro

Shit I'm part Jewish it wouldn't be a great loss to the white race anyways

whats with all the neetbashing you wagecuck? go to bed already and set your alarm clock so muhammed can get some gibs

>so muhammed can get some gibs
I mean the lack of self awareness here is fucking incredible

That's a very lackluster profile

Not an incel or a neet but how is she ugly?

I'd take the blonde. That quadroon's eye's are too far apart - like a neanderthal or something. Nice body, but the eye sockets are way too far apart.

she is part hammerhead shark

What he said

Sorry to break it, her sister has been Poo'd. Blacked before too I think.


how does that work

Her mom has aged fine btw, I think she'll be fine

it's better the money end up in Huwhite pockets

Omg. It's Lauren!! Show us your feet bb

Her posture is not right

Her expression is weird.sad

like you would know

poo'd is just funny, besides, i've never met an indian i didnt like

Her face is just gross. Fat and weird and she has this odd way of talking as if her mouth never developed properly. Also she slathers on obscene levels of makeup

Overall just a very strange female who found her calling in internet nazism. She's the equivalent of one of those video game cosplayers but for nazis

Man what the fuck her sister is really hot.

Left-Wing Women age much better than Right-Wing women. Also Lauren is younger KEK