Chelsea Manning is right /pol, we gotta get rid of the nukes
Chelsea Manning is right /pol, we gotta get rid of the nukes
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she's kinda cute. love them small tiddies
They tortured him until he lost his identity, poor guy.
Wouldn't it be quicker to launch all of them at Africa?
>> /pol
If you get turned on by dudes . . . faggot
What does doing yoga have to do with destroying nukes?
Why did Obama let this fag out?
Daily reminder he was trading state secrets for cyber sex
Of course this mentally ill tranny hasn't heard of mutually assured destruction.
I'm proud to live in the country with the first transgender national hero.
It's always a sign that someone is crazy if the person uses that much emojis.
Remember the shitposts carry fisher made when she was high as fuck
You first.
Why do liberals on twitter all seem to use more cryptic emoticons than they do English words?
That's what I was wondering as well. Also shouldn't someone tell her that a gas mask and a demi top won't really help in a nuclear attack?
What about the kardashian faggot?
The true face of mental illness
It's a man baby
Funny how he cuts his cock off then feels compelled to post selfies constantly
He's saying she has the chest of a skinny male, and he would be correct, she has the build of a 14 year old boy, and being you like that, you must be a pedo.
She's right tho, nucular bombs are outdateted and dangerus and have no place in 2017
He talks like a 5 year old. He goes along with this bullshit?
the CIA tortured that poor patriot until his mind broke and then just crazy-glue'd it together into whatever shape they wanted to. Obama let him out as a Deep State warning to anyone who would stand against them.
>Chelsea Manning is right /pol, we gotta get rid of the nukes
When pic related happens, it'll be time to give them up, but I won't hold my bresth. Until that day comes, we need nuclear weapons.
what if im the last guy with the nukes?
But he said destroy ALL nukes, that includes yours faggot.
how is this guy still alive
>caring about the opinion of mentally ill people
I'll forever respect him for his whistleblowing and what he went through as a result of that, but trannies aren't people who have respectable opinions.
Faggot doesn't know that gas mask only provides protection from alpha radiation and not beta and gamma
What did they do to him when he was locked up? He wasn't like this until afterwards.
I think they made him eat the cockmeat sandwich.
and them feminine hands mhmhmmmm...
What did they do to that man?
chopped off his dick and balls.
photoshopped the black and white pic of him in drag before getting caught,
probably drove him crazy and plenty of cock meat sandwiches.
it's a warning to everyone else.
That cancerous looking mole on his stomach will most likely kill him before anything else will.
She's a man, baby!
He was always a fucking tranny, that was his whole motivation for engaging in espionage. He was butthurt the military didn't support his tranny ways.
One wonders, what horrors Bradley experienced.
have you seen game of thrones ?
That's actually a man. you fell for the obvious trap, a very unattractive one.
> it has apeeener
>we gotta get rid of the nukes
It's the only thing that's keeping countries in check, if you everyone got rid of nukes, they could go back to regular old warfare with armies and shit.
The only army we're getting right now is the army of the BBC, and it's invading
Clear example of mental illness.
I'm not talking about trans I'm talking about the nonsensical naive utopian idea that we can just "get rid of" nukes.
Chelsea is his Reek, wonder who was Ramsay to him. Probably Obama, I can see that happening too
Why would we ever fucking do that? MAD has probably singlehandedly prevented more wars than any other thing. It's why NK wants so hard to convince us they have nukes, because nobody wants their largest city to become a glass wasteland.
Greenwald has been reporting on this dude forever, and the "transgender" thing didn't get mentioned until he'd been in Leavenworth for years. Before that he was just a gay man.
Then we get one grainy picture and suddenly he's an insane tranny.
This is how I've felt too. He went in there an idealistic gay kid who came across proof of US war crimes and leaked them. After being in there for a while he suddenly wanted to cut his dick off and call himself Chelsea. Once he completed transition from Bradley to Chelsea, Obama pardoned him. There are sick fucking people in our government.
What the fuck is its problem?
Did (( they )) really break it this bad?
Why do these creatures get noticed on public forums? I wouldn't take directions from something like that, let alone advice on national security. We need to stop giving these freaks a platform.
Yep every trans person is a high ranking sf agent. Most of us are sad or sog. Just waiting.yep
Nukes are the great equalizer. The person with his finger on the button has just as much chance of dying as a soldier on the battlefield. The whole reason why we've only had cold conflicts and proxy wars since their inception.
Do you know what SAD is?
Does that gasmask model have asbest in the filter?
I got bad news
I thought waterboarding had no side effects?
thats not true, from the get go he had 'identity' issues. the guy is a train wreck and he wonders why the military doesn't want trannies
Who knows
reading through her tweets..
there's no fucking way this is a real person. What is the conspiracy here. is it a mk ultra clone or smth?
he would have begged to be waterboarded instead of being raped by cockmeat sandwiches.
the only way you can cope with that is by becoming a sissy boislut and doing mountains of MDMA like he's doing.
Why's this faggot always saying we got this? You got what? A mental illness.
Only if north korea does it first
no he isn't.
but seriously, we can't let xir get the codes to the emojis
Seriously, did Manning chop off his privates?
I knew he was a tranny before, but dear God, man, this is the shit you use your freedom for?
Do you other burgers ever wonder if our dead Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves wondering at our shitty use of free speech and technology? This is the equivalent of Ben Franklin putting up "Ben Arnold is a Brit knob-gobbler" pastebills. I think it was Tom Jefferson or one of the John Adams called a political opponent a tranny, but he used a good long paragraph and some verbose verbiage to do it.
"We" he never says "I"
Would you fuck Brad, /pol?
Nah, I'd give him molly though
Not with that fucking short hair and creepy face
>as a warning
Fuck Obongo. I told that faggot a long time ago what was going to happen if he kept doing what he did while he was still in office. He didn't listen to words that came down from on High. Those who fail to watch for the hurricane will reap the whirlwind. That might be a poor choice of words considering current events, but I don't give a fuck.
Watch out Nazis
Better start using them then.
Little does she know about the fact that nuclear weapons are what prevented us from destroying ourselves in the last 70 years.
What's with all the lesions? Does he have aids?
Poor guy needs help.
Captcha cedarwood trans
And my bad. I actually used "she". What I meant was "It".
maybe he's one of us and its some kind of low key infiltration and subversion. he's trying to show how fucked trans people are. who are a weird characiture and have misogynist view of women. Like women are dumb, can barely speak english, are utterly vain, wear lipstick and make-up constantly. That's not women. you're not a woman you're inspired by women. It's like the concept of "inspired by a true story"
Without even seeing it's face, by the look of it's stomach and sides, I can easily say it's a fucking man
I bet she had that epiphany mid stretch as the combination of hour after last bonghit and change in bloodflow while downward facing dogging gave her visions of a new utopia. How could we not see its just that easy.
they should have finished the job
>tfw you completely agree with the sentiment but the only people who repeat it are braindead liberals and mentally ill degenerates
This excessive use of icon thingys makes it hard to take zhe seriousless.
>get rid of the nukes
Even with the nuclear disarmament ending, Konami is never going to release part 3.
he types like 16 year old girls do when they are passively arguing
Nukes are deterrents. Also I fucking hate #WeGotThis.
>She looks like a deranged little boy
>billion emotes
you can tell this faggot is mentally retarded without even looking at the pic
you agree with the sentiment? ok let's say two countries agree to destroy their weapons. Obviously it is probable neither is going to get rid of all of them. But let's say one country gets rid of all of them, it's probable the other country did not. And now the balance of power is all fucked up.
It's name is Bradley, quit encouraging the delusion of a mentally ill man, it's cruel.
Because when they MkUltra'd him they traumatized him until his consciousness fled within and that's when they installed the "Strong Man" demon that now rules over it. If you don't believe me, read what Manly P Hall has to say about it.
MKUltra is a helluva drug
If only, then we could actually fight out our differences again, rather than this endless decay
that's not even that anymore
When the Lord of the Void finally reaches earth and launches an extermination of humanity they will be grateful for every nuclear relic they can weaponize and deploy.
You don't think I know this is a strong possibility? Fuck, even worst case scenario, China keeps a good few nukes to themselves whilst everyone else doesn't have any, launches them at a bunch of people, that world would still be preferable to the nuclear holocaust world which we've been a ball-hair away from achieving on countless occasions.
Nothing will ever convince me that nukes are a good thing. They're evil and those who defend them are naive and short-sighted.
>just a gay man
>implying trannies aren't gay
Ok, but what about the antimatter weapons that can destroy the solar system in one. We're keeping those, right?
any genuine Pol subscriber knows that formatting is plain wrong
it's not a matter of nukes being good or bad. it's a matter of not having a retarded idea that makes no sense. if you are worried of the world being nuked to shit, then there are real world things to be for. Like maybe countries could get together and design a system in space that destroys any nuke that flies up, so they'd all be useless or something. IDK