Memeball Thread
Memeball Thread
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relatable to today
But the left are the real Nazis
yeah, im so glad the nazis embraced race mixing, cultural enrichment, diversity, multiple genders, degenerate behavior, changing genders, and white genocide.
which do u want to see
3 per wish
but the left are the real racists
Uk, EU, Pol
history, pol, portugal
What's this one?
no here is the real way things work.
Nazis are the real leftists and the ancaps are the rightists. Everyone else is too delusional to have a consistent world view
Any gud AnCap memeballs?
y-yeah, we dont give a fuck r-right back!!
y cant u guys just get along? baka
>talking to people outside your country is now globalism
Because they aren't white.
just upload the whole folder to mega files
Then Sup Forums must be the most globalist fourm on the planet.
there's no joke in that memeball, friend.
I don't get this one.
Beastiality joke
Bestiality legal in syrupstan, per Trudeau.
implying that you aren't genetically 50% african
Has to do with this.
Fucking dogs is legal in Canada and somehow peanut butter and fucking dogs are connected with each other,
Lebo ones?
Leafs like their pets.
Just some friendly banter during a soccer match, nothing to take seriously.
Give me as many Finland ones as you can, and if you run out the remaining from France. I'm kind of curious what people have come up with regarding our great country.
kek. Is it real?
x2 say history x3 say the whole history folder
nice one saved!
I care Portobro
The other day I was balls deep in some peanut butter.
Then I wondered why I named my dog peanut butter
Fucking die you fucking memeball shitposting cunts, worst fucking meme and totally unfunny as I've seen it used by many libcucks and degenerate Kekistani cunts.
If you disagree with me you must be a massive virgin LARPer and an anti-chad.
We need more fresh ones guys.
Fuck you faggot
Fuck you too fags both of you
romania got me
>and vaccines are a big pharma hoax
this is a good example of shills attempting to muddy the waters.
If the meme ballers are posting memes, that should mean a portion of them are just normies posting memes. Which would stop them from being larpers.
Arab, France, EU
We were promised neutrality Hanz!