Be me

>be me
>Started "futurology" class last week
>Have two male teachers who both seem very liberal.
>1st lesson is on the affects of climate change. This doesn't phase me.
>Today we spent our time in class discussing how ISISisadirectaffectofclimatechange.jpeg

Mfw teachers where able to convince my entire class of 40 students that climate change created ISIS.

You're paying money for this? What a ripoff

climate change isreal dumbass
funny how you think you know better than every single scientist on earth

Yes sadly I fell for the college meme. I also forgot to mention that next the definition of nationalism on his presentation was a picture of the touch parade shit that happens in Charlottesville.

nice try shlomo


whatcha doin rabbi?

either drop some redpills or life a happy life
the choice is yours
also checked

It didn't cause ISIS sure, but it's probably an indirect factor in its rise

Why did you take a class called futurology?

sounds like an informative class, take notes on the vectors used for subversion


I'm only going for undergrad in translation to freelance and fuck off where ever I want.

seems cool desu.
I though it'd be the things where you'd talk about the political and social consequences of innovations.
Nope, had to be SJ type shit.

What caused the arab spring is food shortages.
What caused ISIS is the US of A.

yeah like number 4545454

you can argue random shit in financial markets caused isis, hey if oil would have been cheaper 3 years ago or wouldnt drop so far in 2015 i bet that would have an effect on isis. But you dont fucking say american fracking caused isis

It's not terribly wrong to claim such a thing. Lynchings were much more common in the U.S. during the warm summer months. Something about the heat either drives people to extremism or makes those extremists more active.

Niggers do kill a lot more in summer months, this is true

Avoid everything you possibily can in college that is political. You'll either succumb to the brainwashing or spend every day being miserable. If your course centres around politics and your classes are biased and pass off speculation as fact, calmly speak to your lecturer, then the administration. If they dont agree, stop giving them money.

Combination of lots of stuff. Everything from people wearing heavier clothes that could obscure weapons, to just less people being out, etc. Also, some people tend to have depressive tendencies reinforced during winter light spectrum months (SADS), not manic ones.

>teachers where able to convince my entire class of 40 students that climate change created ISIS

Goddamn, that's stupid. I hope you did the right thing and told your "teachers" that they're embarrassingly retarded.

>futurology class

I was born in 1993 and this shit scares me. WTF IS FUTUROLOGY CLASS?


What was the effect of climate change on Syria local climate over the last ten years or so?
What were the migration patterns internal to Syria consequent to that?
What were the ethnic breakdowns of those migrants and we're they able to find jobs? What religion we're those migrants?
Are you retarded or just unable to make connections?