Was he right Sup Forums?

"Race! It is a feeling, not a reality: ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. ... National pride has no need of the delirium of race."

"the white race is sickly", "morally and physically in ruin", and that, in combination with the "progress in numbers and in expansion of yellow and black races, the civilization of the white man is destined to perish."

"We must encourage the migration of Africans into Italy... our greatest priority in Ethiopia is to bring strong, virile Black men home, [so] that they can impregnate young Italian women. For the breeding of a better race."


What does Sup Forums make of this? Was one of Hitler's closest allies a secret cuckold?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nope. He brought in Nazi style race laws later anyway.

Then his corpse was strung up in the public square. Heh.

>"We must encourage the migration of Africans into Italy... our greatest priority in Ethiopia is to bring strong, virile Black men home, [so] that they can impregnate young Italian women. For the breeding of a better race."

Even because in all sports that italian challenged africans they always won at that time (better training, sport tradition and stuff).

>"We must encourage the migration of Africans into Italy... our greatest priority in Ethiopia is to bring strong, virile Black men home, [so] that they can impregnate young Italian women. For the breeding of a better race."

that one is 100% fake

If it's fake why did he annex Ethiopia and want to make them equal citizens?

if you're gonna qoute something like that, atleast cite it OP


He had imperial aspirations (as in a new Roman Memepire) and also he wasn't racist.

It's from page 93 of the book Mussolini (Routledge Historical Biographies) by Peter Neville. Other anons can confirm.

That would have meant Italy would eventually have been BLACKED by conquering huge numbers of browns and blacks and making them equal citizens.

That was what Italian did everywhere.
Actually the war was justified to public opinion, yes to respond of an attack and defend, but even for freeing the Ethiopian slaves and give them a better society and a better way of life.

Same stuff made with Albanians and North Africans. Italians never were racists as Anglo or Germanics.



Did Rome get blacked? Berber'd? Maghreb'd? Gaul'd?

So if Mussolini won, Italy would have been BLACKED. Really makes you think.


It definitely got GAUL'd.com and GERMANED.com. Which probably helped offset the negative side effects of absorbing North African and Middle Eastern brown blood. Despite this Italians are still far more swarthy than their northern counterparts, signifying some form of genetic damage.

Now imagine if this new fascist empire had blacks and browns outnumbering whites, and they all would want to move to Italy.

thats all i wanted OP.

I don't think racial purity will count for much when the world is an irradiated hellhole

nice try,he only cared about ethnic italians tough.
i even didn't care about the slavic people in the yugo border.
he took west africa and lybia because he wanted Italy to become an autarky and don't depend anymore on other western powers.
he wanted resources in africa not bbc you retarded mongrel.

show us your real flag you fucking leaf

no, it's actually the opposite, Ethiopia if anything would've been bleached, why do you think faccetta nera is about?

pic related
>"Come on, Teitù, we're beginning to civilize ourself, this one came out white"


Here the most famous fascist song to you.

As I said, Italians never were racist in their history untill they were submitted culturally by germanics and anglos.

That "blacked" is retarded toi consider in that contest. The idea was instead to "italianize" all africa but still respecting local cultures (instead anglos and french), even because at that time italians made 6-7 kids per couple.

is that why they hung him in streets?

>statists being absolute retards
news at 11

he,not i

i never thought of the italians as racists. makes sense.

in school we were taught he wanted to revive the grandeur of ancient rome. Cared nothing about race, only the italian culture.

OTH, the spaniards were racist.

He got his ass kicked in Africa so what the hell does he know. Hotep master race.

I doubt it. Mussolini would have no racially aware policies. Blacks would have been equal citizens and moved to Italy. Italian women would have gotten BLACKED in the millions.

source: your blacked ass
ok guys,don't even try to speak to this dude,he is trolling hard.

>this is what cuckold fetishists fantasize about

what makes you think that?

Wouldnt it be more along the lines of italian people intermingling and merging with another italianized peoples?

Only a racist would see it as blacks hooking up with white women. A non-racist would see italian people with italian people?

Why you so racist bro?

Face it, no matter what you do, you can't win. Even your favorite Fascist loved Black people. The Black Man will breed you white boys out of existence. Italians won't exist in the future, except as brown/black people.

hahah do you think i am raging on your bullshit right now?


>i need to make a fake quote, better use those fancy brackets so make it look real!

EVERY fucking time

>"We must encourage the migration of Africans into Italy... our greatest priority in Ethiopia is to bring strong, virile Black men home, [so] that they can impregnate young Italian women. For the breeding of a better race."


im sure as hell not gonna waste my time on this thread.

i hate wasting time on pointless shit.

You will be raging when your lil-dicked white race is erased out of existence by superior, fitter Black Men like me.

Not really, that was not america were they imported tons of slave.
They had to deserve to be a rightful citizen, and even to move in Italy, and they had to convice both, the parents, and a woman to even think to stay with her.
But, overall, was quit impossible to have an "italian blacked" at that time, considering the numbers.
It's more probable that Ethiopia and eritrea would have ben bleached (as Eritrea is today, quite bleached thanks italian).

>italians wont exist
>blacks wont exist

good for you.

i bet you are not even black.
but for sure you have a nigger soul.

Even today Italian women are fucking Black migrants on garbage dumps just as we saw in that famous pic a few months ago. Italian women are so desperate for Black Cock they will fuck homeless Blacks in garbage piles. What do you think would have happened if millions of powerful Black Tribal Cocks existed in Ethiopia ready to fuck Italian women? Little-dicked hairy balding Italian men would have gone extinct, erased and replaced by superior Black Africans.

she was a gipsy prostitute.
do you want to control reality?you fucking losers.
how much they pay you?

I'm half-black. The product of white women loving Black Men. I know this shit firsthand. Whites will inevitably be bred out by Blacks.

do you have a scipt half-nigga?

I guess you never met your father, right?
poor boi.

Proofs? Fucking Black Men is very popular for Italian women. Every Black US serviceman I know that was deployed to Italy banged tons of Italian chicks.

All withing the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. Heil Mussolini.

>Fucking Black Men is very popular for Italian women
I don't know of what you are talking about. Really.

Maybe some old rags, or some ugly fat whales, or other deperates will ever thing to go with some subsaharian.

look at her.
i bet you don't even know who is hairing you for shitposting in here.
your life must be miserable.
do they pay you well?

The point is that white women simply cannot resist Black Men, they would prefer to be with a Black Man that will leave them pregnant and alone than with a bitch ass white boy who would be loyal to them.

>Nope. He brought in Nazi style race laws later anyway.

Yes, but that was clearly more of a strategical alliance than a belief. For instance, when Evola tried to push his spiritual race theory, he got turned away by the fascists and his only hope was to try it out in germany.

he is shilling hard.
he made this exact same thread many times in the past.
don't take this loser seriously.
just write sage in the options field.

Fucking Blacks has been an Italian past-time for thousands of years. There are literally ancient Roman murals of Italian women sleeping with dark-skinned/Black men. This is why Southern Italians are darker than their northern counterparts.

it's a wishful thinking mate.
If you want dream do it, just don't be deluded when nobody will give a shit to you.

>There are literally ancient Roman murals of Italian women sleeping with dark-skinned/Black men
proofs nigga

Maybe hes the turkish nigger that spam.
I feel bad for this guy, a real pity.
He may really think that the bullshit he says are true...

bro, dont even bother getting sucked into this trolls bullshit

italians are some of the greatest people in europe.

I know its hard not to get sucked in b/c of the utter shit thats coming out of his ass but forget this guy, he's either gonna get deported or hes white and given up so badly he would carry his own 2 month old daughter through the worse weather, just so african immigrants can rape her so he can feel better about himself.

no one here believes the shit hes spewing

for him a 7 days of tan make a man "black".

Im half black and half italian.
The dream is real.

i don't know if he is the same turkish shitposter.
still,that shitposting makes non sense.
why would a turk defend and supports niggers that strongly.

show flag then.

Ah, so thats why the Jews never gave a fuck about Mussolini

This. They never mention him.

on the countrary,wealthy italian jews were the biggest fascists.

>everyday this cucl starts a thread with a fake quote that satisfies his fetish
>everyday people reply

Actually many italian jews were fascists.
Italian jews weren't that bounded with the international jewish mafia, the germanic-polish-russian-american one.

i want to know who that faggot is.
he started making these threads since the big wave of leftypol shills arrived on Sup Forums.
they need to fucking die.