Help we're worse than Mexico.
Should we bring Chinks? White genetics are weak.
How to better our IQ?
Nuke north niggers
they have already spread
Gas the lower cast
this would help a lot but we wouldn't have labor then, its not like they do much labor nowadays anyway
>we wouldn't have labor then
>but its not like they do much labor nowadays
well then fucking do it
that would mean nuking SP and Porto Alegre too
>porto alegre
yes please
t. gaúchofag
Nothing short of a massive genocide can help Brazil.
Even Mexico is better then us, nuke this entire country please
Yes you're right and you just proved your point, good job.
Yes I know the feeling.
I like the fact we know we're shit.
This is one of the good things we have.
What went wrong
And we even joke about it
>White genetics are weak.
nice try shlomo
They are, if they weren't weak Brazil would be 90% white instead of 90% mulatto.
We do. That's SOME kind of smartness.
id like to go to brazil and fuck some exotic latino cuties, just mix and make some nice ethnic combinations
>nice ethnic combinations
kys mateusz
Mateusz Polanski, Poles are the inferiors of the white race but still something.
Just come.
Chink numbers are inflated because they only let top university students take IQ tests, dog-eating commoners aren't included.
> inferiors
i will come, want to taste that black, latino pussy
IKR, you're pretty smart in numbers but why are you so poor?
oh my god favela..
u know so little about this world
other countries cucc you right
I'm not favela, I belong to the upper caste.
>mfw only 5 countries in the 'new world; have European population percentages 50% or greater.
>mfw when in our life time European population will go below 1 billion African population will go over 3 billion.
>mfw Armenia begins getting some of that vitamin D enrichment.
Tbf if by weak you mean recessive genes then you are correct. I mean tbf the first homo sapien genes are all pretty much sub-Saharan Africans. Everything else after that is continuously more and more regressive in terms of gene dominance. This is why ethnicities that came much later in our species life span tend to have more regressive genes in comparison to the ones that came much earlier than them. And yes this is just a general rule of thumb its more complicated than that.
correction only 6 countries in the new world have ~50% or greater European populations.
Regardless I am sure 2 of them in South America by 2025 will be under 50%. And by 2050 probably only New Zealnd will be above 50%.
>>I belong to the upper caste
>King Monkey actually believes he's people
Well my IQ is higher than the average American's.
But yeah, whatever floats your boat.
>It's speaking English
What a time to be alive
yes this brain has 10% european synapses
so I can learn a thing or two