How do we solve the student loan crisis Sup Forums? Mass loan forgiveness? Would this jump start our economy?
Student loan crisis
Trump needs to do a debt reset on the world.
Privatize higher education fully, rather than the cronyism you got today.
I want to buy a house and raise a family, but I fell for the college meme. Im gainfully employed and have a usable degree but I just can not get ahead.
maybe dont fall for the college meme
Make your parents pay it and don't be a poorfag?
How would Sup Forums feel about a waiver/forgiveness of those in debt who studied STEM only and let the rest suffer?
When you spend the first 18 years of your life having boomers telling you you have to go to college to get a good job its hard not to.
Don't go to school it's a scam.
not debt forgiveness, but Trump could make the (((banks))) that got Obama bailouts to now pay back those bailouts by wiping out that much student debt in exchange (+interest of course, we shouldn't deny the (((banks))) the pleasure of interest payments)
Send all the indebted college retards to hard labor camps
>Mass loan forgiveness?
You think (((they))) would allow this? What you need is mass cooperation in non payment. Fuck the system maaaan
Let the kids that got scammed by the college who can't find a job file a class action lawsuit and force the education system to collapse and open it up for privitization.
American schools is a scam, not European schools.
i'll pay off your loands if you kill someone for me
So in other words the jew owns you. Boomer fags are quiet keen on shoveling credit ARP to the juden
kill the boomers and use their assets.
>a debt reset on the world
The only way
We need to limit student loans to those who can establish good credit. Chances are 98% of the US will not even be eligible. But also just go to a trade school or Community College. The University meme is just to make money off of students.
Dude, you been on this the whole fucking day.
Did ya daddy touch your special hole or something? Just kill yourself, and its over. Do it faggot.
Europe is a scam desu
That's not really a crisis worth crying about. I'd look at the car loan delinquency. That will cause actual problems with a lot of companies going broke.
If you look at used car sales, it's declining rapidly, the whole car business is in trouble.
Please this is serious. I have even given up my daily avovado toast. I eat rice and ramen 3 times a day. I cant keep paying $600 a month for the next 20 years. Should I just not pay? How fucked would I be? Should I just kill myself now?
>Everyone who dislikes what I like is a boomer
This. End of life care is now a bullet and assets not spent on prolonging their disgusting lives will be given to the young.
I had to look up the definiton of "desu". It's like Mandarin "Shi" which mean "is"
Learn Personal Finance. Get your life together.
Fret not, my bank has nothing but your best interests in mind
mine are dead already..
Debt jubilee is the only real answer.
Stupid reverse Denmark thinks it knows everything
If I may ask this as a non-American:
Colleges are getting way too expensive for the average young person and those who DO get in are met with a very politically biased institution. When they leave they are in massive debt that's with you FOR LIFE until you pay it off (this not an accident right?). --So very few Americans are going to become engineers and doctors. Even fewer American white men are going to become engineers due to affirmative action for example. A lot of your engineers and doctors are immigrants already. They get their education in their home countries where it's cheap or free (often better, too).
But Immigrants do the cheap labor in your country too, obviously. They'll work longer hours for less pay than the average American. So my question really is: what jobs will be left for American men and women at the end of the day? What industries have the most jobs at this moment? What would you like to see done for the future to ensure that Americans will be able to get ANY job?
There are a lot of people who chose not to attend expensive colleges because they couldn't afford it.
There are people who worked 2 jobs through college to be able to afford it.
But no... the answer is to have people who willingly borrowed money walk away from their loans at the expense of everyone else.
Life has choices. Pay your debt.
>being this new
>social sciences become the most popular degrees in america overnight
>meme flag
Into the trash you go. Tl;dr. Kys
35 million give or take after the culling.
There is no crisis. Don't get a student loan if you can't pay it back.
t. college graduate
Jokes on you. An entire generation who think they'll be fine if they can wait out the death of their boomer parents;
who didn't bother to read that 70% of america doesn't have enough money to cover a $500 debt.
There won't be any money. The system is designed to take their last dollar the day before they are left to die.
your forgiveness was vampirically sucked dry during housing booms so boomers have extra houses to stockpile dick pills and extra fake titties. Enjoy hell the money isnt in our lifetime.
Just because i don't engage in the anime bullshit doesn't mean i'm new. I've always disliked you pussified faggots. I've met you real life and it is pathetic.
No, this is playing out perfectly for everyone except those holding debt. The fact that you can't discharge them means it's the last financial instrument the banks will look to reform.
V-v-vote for Bernie!
It wouldn't even be enough.
Debt jubilee has to happen, there's way too much debt that cannot be realistically be paid back ever.
Get a shitty job. Get two shitty jobs. Pay back what you owe. Realize your guidance counselor/ advisor and teachers were full of shit. Possibly your parents too. Ultimately you are the one who signed for loans.
Your word is your bond.
Na, its gonna be on your slave ass they need the gibs.
Why does it matter that I don't want to reveal my nationality? It adds nothing to my question. Isn't the whole point of this place to be an anonymous imageboard?
Because of stupid fucking "cash for clunkers"
Wow it's almost like you figured out how they're decimating the white working class.
>first it was AIDS
>then the Twin Towers of Babylon fell
>then the plague of frogs (Pepe) came
>then came the floods
Who is and why? I have a feeling I already know the reply you're gonna give me but I want to ask regardless
$600 is nothing. I earn six figures but am paying $1,300 between my wife and I. Act your wage. Our disposable income is low and we raise our kids like we're poor but we'll pay it off. Complaining about how hard those baby boomers fucked us won't let us go back in time and tell us it was wrong for teachers guidance counselers and parents lying to us and telling us we had to go (or get kicked out or no job etc)
>Mass loan forgiveness? Would this jump start our economy?
When those loans were given out, the Jew who lent the money put an interest rate on the loan. What that means is that you took out a loan for $50,000, and he expected, say, $70,000 back in 4 years.
He did this a million times, and expected to make $20,000,000,000. A bunch of his buddies did the same thing, and they used these loans as collateral to get their own loans.
If we forgive your loan, he has no loan and has to default. When he defaults, it means a $100mil dollar buisness is over and 100 employees are out of a job.
You should have been given a a cheap education where interest wasn't involved. Your student loans have put the country into a situation where we can't throw you away, but we can't save you either. So we all die.
Not your fault, though - blame the boomers.
Make Bernie VP????
Stop spending big bucks on useless educations.
>he doesn't know
>being this new
Your fault for not having rich parents
Yeah I can think of nothing better for the economy than to tell millions of young people that there are no consequences to taking out loans
It is time
He wants your flag so he can ad hom you to death
Let's hear your thoughts. You know more than you let on.
If you go to school to get a degree in something like history or interpretive dance it's a scam. But if you want to do something like be an engineer you NEED to go to get your degree from an accredited institution to be able to work/have a career.
Are you late for your shift manning the grill at Wendys?
Das Juden.
I imagine it's just as good as teaching boomers that they can rape the wages of the young for their continued property and social security wages.
>implying boomers didn't pay SS their entire fucking lives
I went to a state school for MechE, and ended up with 45k in student loans becuase I am a white male from a middle class family, and only had 3.0 in HS.
I have paid off 30k in one year, making 62.5k a year. I started working one week after graduation.
I live at home, and drive a 2004 honda civic. I should be debt free in another 6 months.
>social 'sciences'
not today
They lost the chance at that when they fucked the planet with their greed and mismanagement.
Change the (-) to a (+) on all the amounts. Problem solved.
I know, right?! What a loser that guy is, honestly.
I don't KNOW shit yet, I'm trying to acquire information one step at a time and remain unbiased. I wasn't interested in politics/history until a few months ago. I lurk here and look at redpill threads from time to time but I just see them as information someone's posting on the internet. I would love to find out how society really operates but I doubt the absolute truth is posted in the form of images and memes on a Mongolian cave painting forum.
The boomers were also expected to only love to 65 and they only started paying when they were 18. I, as a young man, will not have the same level of healthcare or government indulgences as an old man due to the increasingly prolonged life cycle.
Same. Had 27,000 in debt, paid it off in 11 months living off my savings and a cheap craiglist roommate and I started with 45k a year. Up to 75k now, and life is CUSH. I max out two roth IRAs a year on top of 401k, the rest is being saved for a house. Life is good when you are smart. I do plenty of motorcycle trackdays a pop @ $160. Life is fun
they could make us go to war and the paycheck would be this and i'm pretty sure it would solve alot of problems in moderns societies
You will not get anything.. The pigs called boomers are going to implode the systems for the gibs they demand.
>Sup Forums hates minorities and race mixing
>Sup Forums hates the biggest generation of white offspring in history
I know that. I'm indulging the brainlet in his argument.
we have an official name for that process, be patient user
Yuropoor degrees are worthless.
>Mass loan forgiveness?
unironically this
The biggest offspring of whites in history allowed desegregation and encouraged integration. They welcomed the Jews, the trannies, and all other manner of filth into a society that was otherwise pure. They allowed things to progress to this point. They serve the rope just as much as any shitskin.
Stop subsidizing tertiary education, and stop handing out student loans to everyone.
Good. Let those systems die. The sooner the better. I agree that boomers reliant on SS and Medicare should be kicked on the streets. Should have saved your money, hedonist scum.
But your crying that your gibs will be gone when your older makes you almost as bad as they are.
I am willing to part with my rare pepe collevtion of any user would like to buy it. I wil put the procedes toward my loan balance.
First of all, student loans should not exist as a guarantee.This makes it essentially no different than a welfare handout to the college. Colleges should simply give loans to students and they will be motivated to get the students jobs so they can pay back the loans. If the college doesn't have the liquidity to pay for it they can sell stock on the stock exchange, otherwise they go out of business just like anyone else. This does not of course get rid of the debt, it does however turn debt into junk debt which could then be bought off inexpensively.
No that was their parents after WW2. The so called greatest generation handed the keys to the kingdom to the kikes. The boomers were just the first generation to be raised the the Zionist States of Jewmerica.
They also voted for Trump.
I don't have any sympathy for people with debt. If you have any kind of debt at all then you're just a pathetic excuse for a human.
>student debt crisis
This "crisis" is just weeding out the stupid amd using them as an example for future generations.
Are you WH user?
>max out 2 roth IRAs a year
>not retarded
Enjoy your assplowing by the IRA
>first generation to be raised the the Zionist States of Jewmerica.
I think create a ten to twenty year window in which the banks servicing the loans can keep the "bad" loans on their books as a credit against their taxes. These banks would essentially pay zero taxes during this window, but the net effect on the economy of millions and millions of people not having to make payments every month would be a boon. It's the "less taxes boost tax revenue through a booming economy" argument. I unironically believe that it would create a massive boost to the economy. Even better would be to allow the banks to spin the bad debt off into a separate entity but still claim the bad loans against their taxes.
At the end of the day, private banks are the ones with their dicks out. While many students may have federal loans, their private loans are most commonly twice as big. If its 10+ years of unsatisfactory payments, let these matured-failures plead bankruptcy and let banks eat shit.
We will start the bidding at 40,000 USD