End this, then the problem slowly but inexorably goes away
Dual Nationality Citizens
This and Jus Soli as a concept should die.
The rich will always be allowed to essentially buy citizenship whether you legally allow it or not
>The rich
stopped reading
I feel a petition to the WH is in order
Money buys you free travel and near immunity from prosecution all over the world
No it doesn't you retarded commie
shut the fuck up, that's all you commies ever screech about
What about Australian and British dual citizenship?
Well all the jews + bill gates, if that makes you feel better
better to give that money to you, right? fucking leech lazy fucker get a job
What if you have parents from two different countries?
To be honest, Jews that live abroad can't so easily get rid of their Israeli citizenship. You need the ministery of interior's permission to denounce it, and they don't really like doing that.
No it does.
Why do you think so many corrupt fuckers want British Passports?
choose wisely
you need to go back
Off you go to lick your master's balls, fake Schlomo.
> kekistan flag
Are you even trying faggot?
What about it?
I don't want money that was gained through criminal activity
I don't need to try, mosche
but that's exactly how you do get your money comrade
The US government regularly seizes the assets of criminals, is this illegal too?
nice bunch of Patriots
>being this delusiona
and other governments don't? By default, if a government does it to criminals, and there's a law for it- then no.
Why should I have to pick between one country or another?
I live in the US, I was born here, I plan to stay here, but I can go up to Canada, charge them for my time, and then bring that income (plus 30%+ income tax liability) to the US.
Why shouldn't that be okay?
Then what is the issue with communist regimes seizing the assets of criminals?
wait, why theres two copies of the same passport?
because they differ with you on what a criminal is
dual citizen here US/UK, was born and raised here and my parents moved here legally, faggot
>capitalist arguments
Ay American who says that are an American but also something else is not an American
so what? Dual causes more problems than it solves, you bleeding hearted faggot bitch
Oh so that's why jeffery epstein only got 13 months of house arrest for raping at least 5 children in the US. Because they differ on what a criminal is.
Right. So this will work because prior to the founding of Israel, Jews were nationalists and loyal citizens, right?
>strawman faggoty argument
>stupid commie blah
His house arrest was in his mansion on his private island where he still regularly has children, and he still travels internationally regularly
maybe they pick a bigger bit of non-contested land in the arctic or something- they've pulled off bigger coups before.
so kill him then if you care so much
I don't commit crimes, friend
so you say. stfu anyway
>The rich will always be allowed to essentially buy citizenship whether you legally allow it or not
This. Nationality laws are another tool of the gilded international capital classes to oppress the workers. When a normal person has dual citizenship they rage on and on at the injustice, but their beloved Corporations are allowed to behave as 300 year old vampires above every law, with 27 nationalities above patriotism and obligations.
t. dual citizen living in Europe
>doesn't like nationality
Well fuck me
>I feel a petition to the WH is in order
Good luck getting my multiple passports taken away while America's Greatest Ally has the constant ear of President Trump in the form of Jared Kushner.
Try holding a passport when you are dumped in the ocean, kikey
Petition will happen, whether schlomo likes it or not
>be me
>take hebrew in college
>rest of class is Jewish and many are Israeli
>one day they are discussing their passports
>all of them have multiple passports
>they pay attention to loopholes that would let them apply for more (country of birth, country of citizenship, country of long residence or particular job, argued special case, plus taken for granted Israeli and American passports)
>none of them see anything suspicious about any of this
In fairness there are countries that will not let you enter with an Israeli passport or even an Israeli stamp in your passport, but these are not places that these people are likely to visit.
Haha that's fucking cucked as shit Jesus Christ
No, it is a logical first step to avoid these entanglements. You be cucked
So fucking what? Conflating muh rich guy with topic is typical faggotry
don't do this please!! I got dual citizenship because my parents came from Europe!! if you make me choose one i will undoubtedly give up the argentin but please dont invalidate the Euro one!!! :((((( I dont wanna die here PLEEEEEEASEEEEEEEE
Calm down Rafel. No one on Sup Forums is banning anything. These fags just like to LARP and wank themselves off over all the things they would like to ban but it's all pipe dreams.
Speak for yourself Ausfag, banning something is legal within the framework of a country's legal system. Happens all the time
Yes, by elected officials, not by LARPing Sup Forumsacks.
Often brought about by petitions. It needs to happen. will you sign?
Sorry but I'd like to have a duel American/Australian citizenship one day.
I don't see why you'd have a hard time arranging visas to suit your lifestyle without the need for dual passports. You are part of the problem of globalism otherwise.
They do that because if you say that you're american and anything else people automatically assume that you're some kind of nigger, sandnigger, spanigger, etc
That depends upon the agreement on taxes etc between two countries- It would be different for you to go to sweden to do the same after all- still possible but unlikely. So yes, i suppose. Do you have to be a dual Nationality citizen to do what you do?