New canadian $10 bill. Only whites on it.
New canadian $10 bill. Only whites on it
>blue money
>american education
It's purple.
This is an afront to our diverse and multicultural society!
Obviously, we don't have nigger or shitskin historical figures here, we barely had any shitskins at all 50+ years ago.
looks like a pop tart
>canadian education
it's violet
No no no this is all wrong. Black people founded canada and were all the presidents. Hollywood said so.
>soon to be worth less than the plastic it's printed on
o lol i'm laughin m18
i've had a 100 dollar cuck buck plastic bill for 3 years when I went to the f1 GP in montreal. No one will exchange it for me here in upstate NY. Shits sitting in my change bucket.
they are too big, how the fuck do I carry these around?
>not wearing your money like a towel
The guy on the very right is Native.
That bill is huge how are you supposed to carry that in your wallet?
i guess its a big thing to celebrate as a leaf nationalist
NOT diverse enough you fascist. write daddy trudeau immediately and tell him to put a black woman and transgendered latino on it as well
They look Jewish, though
pic rel our 500pln with Jan III Sobieski, the best kebab remover in the history
better stack up those not so old money papers from early 2000's for collection i guess.
At this rate old money won't worth shit anymore since they're changing it often
The black women gets her own bill in 2018, this is just a temp one.
>No one will exchange it for me here
Who the fuck wants money where they call coins loonies and toonies? It might be the one thing this country agrees on.
>plastic monopoly money
who the fuck is that woman? they should have put Anne of Green Gables or Road from Avonlea as the token female on the bill. people atleast know who they are
>male education
It's lavender
This is our REAL money
>you should have put road from avonlea on it
Would look great
>Not knowing about the heritage minutes
How young are you?
Fine. Go buy everything you need with nothing but antique $1 bills.
Obviously cant use (((credit cards))) or (((bank accounts))).
Have fun tracking down millions of dollars worth of antique paper currency just so you can have around $10,000 in BASED spending money.
Just to clarify, you are a fucking loser.
>A woman
weird, got one today.. didn't even know this was a thing
wait where's the fucking queen
HM Queen Elizabeth II our Queen appointed by the grace of God has her portrait featured on all our coins, and until the 1969 on all our banknotes as well.
Holy shit, does this mean Canada is actually extremely redpilled and based then??
I can't quite put my finger on why, but that is some handsome looking currency right there.
i thought they were putting a native woman on one of the bills or am i wrong
hes wearing a trump tie, nice
>leaf lady education
it's blue
Canadian money has some color, some style. Your money is old and boring. Try to catch up burger.
this is how you do it
>decimal currency
Good job getting cucked by the EU lmaooo
those ones look like penises when zoomed out. Makes sense
>its everything but blue
>literally having a kike shill on your money
played yourself, bilal.
what does cucked mean if this context? does that word even have a meaning anymore ?
currencies fluctuate friend, we are currently in limbo between leaving.
whereas there is only one way for the euro to go, and with nation states soon to be in the pits, its only going to drop like a sack of shit.
Almost everything new related to the federal government has been fairly conservative since trudeau took over
its pretty fucked up
Can those be used as actual currency?
It means you adopted Russian culture instead of embracing British culture
Decimal currency is NOT British
>Money made out of Meat.
>Has war-criminal on it.
Civilization;, you're doing it wrong.
The only ones I remember are the Superman,the viking, the basketball, winnie the pooh, Maurice the Richard ones.
Living in PEI is like living in an oversaturated vidya.