Tfw you realise that Paganism will replace Christianity when Western civilisation collapses
Tfw you realise that Paganism will replace Christianity when Western civilisation collapses
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Magic is merely science that isn't understood yet.
You don't know what paganism is
>pro tip: it's not that Wicca bullshit
I know
varg pls go
you are already an Islamic country.
Nice paraphrase of Clarke's Law. Completely misapplied, however.
The secrets lie in the kabalah.
You can hardly talk, also I'm not French.
please. 0 comparison with France.
Now take a sword and go to valhalla screaming "heil odin" like a muslim goes to an harem screaming "allah akbar"
No, Islam will. Inshallah!
With pleasure, faggot.
It will collapse before then
Honor, Courage, and Strength!
not Faith, Meekness, and Submission ok?
Christ tells you to love your enemies, turn the other cheek and pray for those who persecute you.
Pagans smite their enemies, because they are men. Racism is Loyalty and Wisdom, circumcision is mutilation, Logic is not evil, and babies are born innocent, not with original sin.
De-Christianize yourself today, and don't stop until you're totally done.
Honor your ancestors, not Jesus Christ, the dirty Jewish homeless man who lived in the city park outside Jerusalem.
You're a Gentile of the Heathen nations, not a sheep from the house of Israel.
No technocracy will take over first all hail lord 11010001000010000100100
Dude you live here right.
What comes next is Islam unless we kick them out like in pic.
protip: not happening.
Euro-paganism is dead. Period. There will never be a legitimate resurgence. It will always be larping.
Which is actually sad. Heartbreaking in fact. But thats how it is.
This is why Evola and Whatshername Devi embraced Buddhism & Hinduism respectively.
In any event the gospels/NT are largely antisemitic anyway, so just ignore all the Christcuck nonsense if you are really in the mood for religion.
Gay cunt
Some sort of pagan revival has to be the most pathetic meme there is. Keep dreaming.
Now, if westerners ever wake up and make a successful reactionary movement and reverse the cultural decline, Christianity will wake up out of its lethargy. Has happened plenty of times before. Paganism is extinct and has never and will never return.
>Paganism is extinct
No it's not,
i dont get pagans, they spout paganism is the way and all that but when you ask them what they praise they remain speechless, always avoid the subject, its like they are larping almost
Christianity displaced paganism because it is a superior religion with actual historical facts, it was adapted by whites as they moved onwards on the path of civilization, there was no more use for pagan gods.
Christianity also helped shape art, you cannot look at for example the Sistine chapel and not feel a thing, regardless of what you think of Christianity, it is purely art. All pagans managed to do is paint some runes and "build" some dolmens (just move rocks around).
I can tolerate it if you wanna be a larper but don't be edgy against Christianity, way I see it is:
>random kid asks God for something
>God doesnt make it happen cus hes not a wish fairy
>kid turns to paganism omg Christianity is foreign jewish relegion!!!
I like Varg vids but I think the Christ hating thing is retarded
Also before you point it out, the Roman Empire didn't collapse because of Christianity, it was overtaken by Aryan Germanic tribes because they were a more pure race, there had been a lot of admixing going out in the Roman Empire. Religion had nothing to do, outcome would have been the exact same had they been pagans.
I agree however that the pope is a nigger and the church is deeply corrupted, but Christianity NEVER brought refugees over to Europe in the 1700 years of existence among Europeans, it is a jewish trick, and Varg is preaching divide and conquer among Europeans for stupid reasons
Lmao yes they are. Neopagans have jack shit to do with actual pagans. You can't reconstruct a dead religion with no chain of initiation based off scraps of lore and fill in the gaps with made up bullshit.
But sure, delude yourself enough so you can identify with an extinct religion. You can even pretend to be oppressed because Christians were mean to pagans thousands of years ago.
Leaf. Try to learn a little bit before talking shit. Plus, the options you're presenting are actual larping, christianity is also larping. Not paganism. Kill yourself faggot.
Not true. You're just a sad little christcuck. Go preach about your abrahamic desert cult elsewhere.
Christianity displaced paganism because a dying civilization like the Roman one was heavily susceptible to foreign eastern cults, especially plebeian ones like christianity, and the latter simply managed, through subversion worthy of the biggest kikes, to eventually take power and use that power against European pagans, with the typical abrahamitic absolutism.
You disputed literally nothing I said.
Then it will be like the old days before Christ came. Just the Pharisee ruling class and the pagans, like old Judea.
Kud da krenem tebi se vracam ponovo. ko da mi otme iz tvoje duse Kosovo
Christianity is *not* a european religion. Europeans will only be free when they reject the evil religion forced upon them.
Serbian Orthodox church for example celebrates Slava more than Christmas or Easter, because it's more important than anything
>first Sinead was shilling here now Varg
>forced upon them.
Quit with this retarded, unfounded claim. The cases of it being "forced" on people are exclusively from Europeans conquering other Europeans. The Anglo-Saxons, Norse, Irish, Germanics, ETC. had no foreign power forcing them to convert yet they did so out of simple contact with Christianity. You people have such delusions of oppression.
Western civilization will only be replaced by a secular society.
Correct. India, a pagan country, will be a super power by 2050 while Christianity will only be followed by niggers.
Kek, this is now a Pagan Hate Thread.
I did, maybe you're just too stupid to realize.
>You can't reconstruct a dead religion with no chain of initiation based off scraps of lore and fill in the gaps with made up bullshit.
The religion is heavily tied to our blood, to traditions, to nature, and more importantly, to our people. It's not making it up, we CAN fill in the gaps.
You know nothing about it, you're argument shows that.
Like I said, you're just a sad and resentful little faggot. You have no point.
Go ahead, worship a Jew on a Stick
and then fully get its anus caved in by Islam.
Christianity holds value in cultural and racial cohesion, not the doctrine itself. I would prefer paganism to Christianity too but it's 1500 years too late.
Allow me to take this opportunity to shill for Zoroastrianism. The most pure Aryan system, with many similarities both to Christianity and European paganism, with its texts, rituals and priesthoods still intact.
Majority of the world is pagan, christcuck. And their power is increasing while yours only declines. Christianity is already so gay and cucked that no kids want anything to do with it, and the only people pathetic and dumb enough to follow it are beaners and nogs. In 30 years Christianity will simply be another Islam. A voodoo monkey religion of subhuman biological trash, unfit for life, and ascendent pagans shall stomp both out for good.
>I did, maybe you're just too stupid to realize.
You did not present a single argument in the aforementioned post. "NUH UH!!!" isn't an argument.
>The religion is heavily tied to our blood
Then why did it more or less cease to exist until the current new age reincarnation of it?
>to traditions
What traditions? You cannot have traditions with a 1000+ year plus gap of existence. You could maybe try to claim Christian holidays with vague pagan aesthetics as your own, but that's really stretching it.
>It's not making it up, we CAN fill in the gaps.
That sentence is self contradictory. If you have to fill in gaps, you are making it up.
>Like I said, you're just a sad and resentful little faggot. You have no point.
Not an argument. See point A.
Serbian Orthodox Church is a source of Serbia being s shitskin nation of retards. During Serbofication they shilled and provided conversion for gypsies. Of course they conducted marital ceremonies between Serbs and converted gypsys, Turks etc
Do you even know what Slava means mongol?
Comparing paganism and Christianity is like comparing apples and oranges. One is a folk spirituality, the other is an organized religion.
Cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias at it's best. Let's see who laughs when Islam takes over your shit religion, or dies off with the economic collapse. The invisble kike in the sky. larp as a middle-easterner while you can fag.
Literally not an argument.
It must feel pretty shitty to know your wrong but still force yourself to believe your own delusions, despite being completely unable to defend them.
It's also hilarious that that image uses a fucking comic book character as an example of an "ancient, strong, healthy european god"
Now replace that sacred oak tree with a hunk of cement in Charlottesville. What a dumb nigger you are.
Ive got a better idea, why don't everyone just convert to the cult of Kek and free my people from normie oppression
You're acting like a kid, my argument is that you can't say we're making it up simply because that's how fucking paganism works you dumb fuck. It's folkish, it's told though people.
You have no argument since the beginning and you're just trying to strawman.
p.s. Nice kike molymeme you got there, seems like you do like kikes and (((captalism))) after all.
Go be a productive member of society in the service industry then. I hear Wal Mart is hiring.
A quick rundown on paganism and sacrifical part?
False chritians everywhere just it mix of things but the good thing is...
ยท The Defeat Of White Supremacists
The end of you is near, Jesus comes soon and will judge every one according to his works, every criminal, every murderer, every racist and every liar will go to hell if he does not truly repent in fron of the cross.
Revelations 21:2
"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."
"You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect him." (Luke 12:40)
Wow, only a 10y old would take this photo serious. Not bias at all, eh?
Go be a productive member of society and pay for your own slavery and of your children, as well as white genocide. Go on, pay as much taxes as you can.
>muh western civilization
Don't worry you human worshipping trinitarian kike.
We the Muslims consider the pagans to be our allies against your twisted bastardized version of Christianity.
We will help the pagans destroy the Jewish cult imposed onto their society, and to bring back their true glorious heritage.
It means glory and fame, something a person with turkish great great grandfather and quarter gypsy grandmother will never understand
Fuck off, this shit was funny for all of 5 minutes
>implying eurocucks will go back to paganism after 1000's of years of it not being practiced nationally
>implying people will adopt paganism when they cant even follow christianity
nah. At this point, Europe will need Wotan to save them. Not like we are any different here; there will have to be a collective western effort to defeat this treachery.
How about this, what ever God that appears, Than that's who we follow.
>Turks conquer the area
>Milan Knezina helps your ancestors and bribes the Sultan
>Plague is the only problem
Has it occurred to you that the people in A are not the same people that talk B?
Such theatrical display of idiocy.
Also paganism in general, occultism, nordic shit, wicca, indian and african animism, greek mythology, satanism and nazism witchcrafti bullshit are just some fru fru boo boo with shades of Satan : chaotic pointless stuff that serves to destroy humans involved with these
T. Jamaal Christensen
So you're saying without adopting a Semitic middle eastern religion, that whites are as primitive as blacks?
Seems contradictory to your ideology of white supremacy
Brownzil. Nuff said.
Paganism is more or less un-Jewable, relatively speaking to Christianity, because it doesn't have the same moral authoritarian target that Jews are good at demolishing
it's also not centralized under a common authority, and is cultural tied to the Celts, who are good at staying alive
Does this picture make you angry?
brownzil makes more sense than the shit you posted. KYS
That doesn't dispute the meaning of the image. It's to show the hypocrisy of "mights makes right" when others were mightier than you.
>my argument is that you can't say we're making it up simply because that's how fucking paganism works you dumb fuck. It's folkish, it's told though people.
How is that any different from making it up? You're taking bits of an ancient religion, filling in the gaps with assumptions, guesswork, things borrowed from other religions or simply fabricated. What good is a "religion" if it has no coherent morals, no orthodoxy, no dogma, just ancient stories and politician?
Double layered LARP. Muslims despise pagans even more then they despise Christians.
t.The caliphate of Shitaly
Stop it or I will find you and make you pay the price of knowing.
Yes, very angry.
That's because you want that to be the case. Cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias, AGAIN.
How can you people live being so dishonest with yourselves?
>We the Muslims consider the pagans to be our allies against your twisted bastardized version of Christianity
please do tell us why the islam holy book speaks of Jesus more times than your own prophet?
because jesus was a middle eastern jew
well considering catholic jesus is basically as the pagan god mithram, hell st peters is built on top of the old temple of mithram
Follow and believe what the bible says.
Why are you causing so many problems for me?