Any thoughts on this?

Any thoughts on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

she has a dikc

How would she even know? Certainly no one has ever fucked this thing, right? I mean a lot of people have done a lot of really depraved shit in this world, but there's no way someone has crossed this line, is there?

The fuck does that mean? If Leslie Jones gets stuck in my chimney she can stay there

I love the fact that she looks like buckwheat, but the left has to say she's stunning and brave.

>she can stay there
Really? Imagine all the noise and feces it would produce

I don't have a chimney so good luck with that

we're gonna need a bigger chimney

There are nudes of her out there as well as pics of her getting fucked so some guy was thirsty enough to hit that.

>Please believe me, men,
Listen to me, I'm telling you the truth, Gentlemen
>If you end up in our pants,
If we let you make love to us in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
>Don't be suprised
We promise that in response
>if we end up in your chimney
We will behave like Santa Clause in response and give you gifts.

tl;dr: I'm an ugly nigger. Fuck me and I'll buy you things.

He was a gold-digger. Trust me this thing has to pay

what did she mean by this

See, I was thinking of the chimneys of the ovens at Auschwitz.

All that lard might lead to a bit of cresote build-up.

Maybe she should stick to "not trying to be an edgy shitlord".


Someone needs to give her a chimney.

Is she making a holocaust joke?

Not that she doesn't deserve the insult, but on a serious note - understand that black men learning white standards of beauty is part of what powers the race mixing fad. Leslie Jones and women like her are and should be beautiful and desirable to black men who haven't eaten the Jewish whitepill.

Please tell me you're just baiting me.

>"...end up in your chimney."
what did she mean by this?

didn't nudes of her leak at some point?

Is this some innuendo for female on male anal sex? Because I like femdom as much as the next guy but what she's proposing seems like couple of inches into my rectum to far for my tastes.

Here I was thinking she was referencing sounding or something related.

What the fuck does this even mean? This is why I haven't been able to watch SNL for almost a decade now. You have to be a literal retard to think the shit's actually funny. Aside from Alec Baldwin doing Trump impressions it's just a shitshow of "gotta be more diverse so hire unfunny idiots of color to spout sjw shit non-stop."

its just american humo(u)r. like 2½ men

>What the fuck does this even mean?
Nigger speak, it's a mystery.

too late

Women aren't funny.

I thought this was some sort of Santa Claus reference. Her belly does shake like a bowl full of jelly.


She's santa?

Nah, they're real. Best ones are the closeup anal sex pics with a white cock (again, 100% serious)

Someone replace her with a picture of Anne Frank.

>some guy
Don't hide it, we all know it was you.

This seems like the best translation I've seen, and with digits to boot

Monkey in the minstrel show playing puppet for the Jew "comedy" writer. Low-brow.

i still don't know what this means from the first time this thread was posted

I'm not familiar with burgers peak, Is this an Auschwitz joke?

She's a finger-in-the-booty-ass bitch.

She is a very beautiful black woman.


there's a pic of some lightskin/white guy hitting it from the back, her back

POWERFUL, also bix nood

So, is the dick the chimney or the asshole the chimney


Is Santa Claus the opposite of a Jew in every possible way?


You mean like santa?

You do know black dudes will put their dick in anything. Am I rite?

how many inches is she guys? should we be worried??


Male or female, this thing can't see any difference. It's bisexual by nature.

she knows that nazis will burn her in the fireplace, and her ashes will coat the inside of the chimney?

who knew the coal burners were literal.

Does she mean that she burglarizes any man that sleeps with her?

oh my chimney waits likes its christmas eve for the chance of having that big black baboon bend me over and bang my ass like King Kong.

>If Leslie Jones gets stuck in my chimney she can stay there
this is something you dont read everyday


What did she mean by this?

I think she's pretty from the nose down. It's only the stupid hair, and eye/nose combination that makes her ugly. She has nice lips and a great body.

So she just culturally appropriated potato nigger culture?

>random reposting of old, discussed-to-death image
>no context
>no content
>no relevance
Yeah, I think that botspam should be reported or saged.

Hell yea

You fucking liar. God, you people will make up anything just to get a rise out of people. If you do not have proof, then don't even bring it up, you false flagging faggot.

Looks like she was in a chimney already

Nice try, troll, but none of those pics reveal her face, so you cannot PROVE that they are her nudes. If you do not have proof, then just fucking stop.

>he actually looked through them

Please believe......."real talk(ebonics)" Men!!!
If you end up in our pants (Metrosexual feminine men that wear skinny jeans and have girl arms like that guy from pogo trainer tips, also white knight cucks) Don't be surprised if we end up in your chimney. (don't be surprised if women take up the slack, grow balls and start running shit. Like men are suppose to.) chimney might also mean take over the masculine role of men and strap a dildo on and do the fucking in the relationship. Role reversal, some one has to get shit done? idk ebonics is very difficult to understand.

>women like her are and should be beautiful and desirable to black men who haven't eaten the Jewish whitepill.

Do you really think the Jewery goes that far?
I always figured part of what makes blacks so pissed off and unmotivated was their awareness that they're generally ugly as sin and that their women look like their men but with tits and comically large arses.

I think they were probably perfectly content when they were just bumblefucking around in their dusty villages, but prolonged contact with a group of far better looking, more advanced, more intelligent beings who were generally mildly repulsed by them, must've done a number on their collective psyche. I mean I know beauty is subjective, but black women...I think black men have always known they're only physically attractive to black men because they have tits and a great big purple vagina.

Yeah, to see if they were real, you know, because unlike you I do not just believe every lie that someone posts on this board. Saw that no face was shown whatsoever and can conclude that they are indeed fake. You are just fucking butt blasted that someone had the balls to call you out on your lie. Get smoked, noob.

None whatsoever

pretty sure this is an auschwitz reference. weird that she would say it though.

She got super ass blasted about and wrote shit on her personal website demanding that they get taken down.
If they are not real, then why did she flip shit over them?


God you people are retarded. Women bond to the men they have sex with so if you put your dick in crazy, crazy might climb down your chimney to be with you if you try to dump her afterwards.

But please continue your stupidity.

Publicity stunt, dumb ass. What, you think all the "drama" on Jewtube is real too? Just another mindless e-celeb obsessor.

Oh look a faggot that is butt hurt because he can't into google, surprise surprise. I'm just glad you'll die young because of the bug you pozzed piece of shit.

Hey! I thought it was Harambe so I took my dick out :( The rest is history. Or at least it should be. Stop bringing it up!

He didn't, because if he did he'd have noticed one of them is of her, ugly fat and topless

She does look like she has been in a few chimneys.

>you looked through them

She was refering to the story of some batshit crazy ex-gf who tried to enter his ex's house by the chimney.

She only meant for Chads. Nobody wants me after they fucked me because I have hard cut dick that burned their Pussy from exceeding friction.

she is obviously a depraved sicko who only gets sexual attention from other depraved sickos so she assumes every women is a depraved sicko like her.

Just look it up you source fag, it exists. How new are you exactly?

Came out last year
Part of the reason milo was banned from twatter

Someone post the pics


Just another Nigger trying to steal your sheeit !

>If you end up in our pants
A whole three ring circus could fit in them.

What the fuck does this even mean.

>The fuck does that mean?
Exactly. I don't even have a fireplace so is she going to try and climb down the vent for my clothes drier or maybe the furnace?

I'd love her to climb into my penis

Check em'
*unzips dick*

What the fuck does that mean?

what? somebody tell this manly gorilla to leave life.

>Useless U's
Or as you would say: Uusless.

That's pretty woke desu senpai

>not pregnant

the funny part is it's complete retard gibberish, but you KNOW the audience gave it a standing ovation so they wouldn't look racist or non-liberal
>liberal logic rule 321: the less you understand, the harder you clap

Is that a gorilla?